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Thunderbolt                                                                                       NEWS                                                             Oct. 23, 2015  3                                                                                                           

Cybersecurity: Are you safe?                                                                                                                         IN BRIEF

        E\6HQLRU$LUPDQ                                                        Courtesy graphic     “Information that Airmen post         CFC kickball
       -$0(6+(16/(<                                                                              online in social media isn’t al-
                                               Phishing is usually an attempt                     ways secure,” said Senior Air-              The Combined Federal Campaign kickball event is 9:30 a.m.
          56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  to deceive you into thinking a le-                    man Nicholas Burnett, 56th CS            2FW  DW WKH /XNH $LU )RUFH %DVH VRIWEDOO ÀHOGV 6HYHQWR
                                            gitimate organization is requesting                   cybersecurity technician. “It’s          nine-person teams compete. A recommended $20 donation per
   October is Cybersecurity Aware-          information. When phishing at-                        important to check yourself before       team includes lunch. There is a costume contest and prizes are
ness Month when Airmen need to              WHPSWVDUHWDUJHWHGDJDLQVWVSHFLÀF                  posting online because generally         included. Sign up at the Luke AFB Bryant Fitness Center or
refresh themselves on safety tips           groups or lists of individuals, they                  the Internet is not the safest place     email or For
for keeping personal and work               are called spear phishing.                            for personal information. Make           more information, call 623-856-3741.
information safe.                                                                                 sure you’re taking steps to protect
                                               “Other risks include identity                      yourself.”                               Family Halloween party
   “Cybersecurity Awareness                 theft, malware and bot nets,”
Month is about getting the word             Scheel said. “Malware are viruses                        One way to help protect personal         Club Five Six is holding a family Halloween party 4 to
out to Airmen reminding them to             and bot nets are similar to viruses                   information is by securing a home        8 p.m. Oct. 30. Admission is free and includes a costume
be aware of what they are putting           with the intention of getting access                  network. This can be done by put-        contest, bounce castle, face painting and prizes. A dinner
out there,” said Staff Sgt. Kevin           to remotely control your computer.”                   WLQJDSDVVZRUGDQGÀUHZDOORQWKH      buffet will be served 4 to 6:30 p.m. The cost for club members
Scheel, 56th Communications                                                                       router, keeping the machine clean,       is $10.95 per adult. Two children to age 12 eat free with one
Squadron cybersecurity technician.             These safety concerns aren’t                       updating software and backing up         adult member purchase. The cost for nonmembers is $10.95
“Airmen on base should remember             restricted to just the work place;                    valuable information.                    per person, $6.95 per child, ages 6 to 12, and $3 per child,
to be situationally aware of their          they carry over to home use as well.                                                           ages 5 and younger. For more information, call 623-856-6446.
surroundings.”                                                                                       In this day and age, as technol-
                                                                                                  ogy continues to improve, so too do      AFOSI recruiting fair
   There are dangers to personal in-                                                              the risks that come with it, which
formation, especially where social                                                                is why staying on top of personal           The Air Force Office of Special Investigations, Detach-
media is concerned.                                                                               information is critical.                 ment 421 is featuring a recruiting fair on Nov. 10 at Club
                                                                                                                                           Five Six. AFOSI is responsible for investigating major
   “Airmen should be aware of                                                                        To learn how to be cyber secure       crimes against the Air Force, Defense Department and
the risks out there which include                                                                 and create a cyber-secure home,          the United States and is constantly seeking exceptional
phishing and spear phishing at-                                                                   see Page 16.                             NCOs for duty as enlisted special agents. AFOSI conducts
tempts,” Scheel said.                                                                                                                      criminal investigations, fraud investigations and counter-
                                                                                                                                           intelligence activities servicing leaders at every echelon of
          Operation HAUNTED BLOCK HOUSE                                                                                                   Air Force Command. For more information on applying for
                                                                                                                                           special agent duty, go to or call
                                           FOR KIDS OF ALL9AGHEKS!LFOH'LVSOD\                                                             the AFOSI Det. 421 at 623-856-6821.

                                      FRIDAYTHOCTOBER                                                                                    AFGE cookout

                                                            1700-2000                                                                         Defense Department, nonappropriated fund, Army, Air
                                                    COSTUME CONTEST at 1930!                                                               Force Exchange Services and Defense Commissary Agency
                                                                                                                                           civilian employees are invited to a picnic from 10 a.m. to
                                                               EVENTS:                                                                     1 p.m. Wednesday at Fowler Park and 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
                                                TRICK OR TREATING 1ST AND 2ND FLOOR                                                        Oct. 30 at the Air Force Government Employee Union office
                                                CARNIVAL BOOTHS 1ST AND 2ND FLOOR                                                          on the first floor of Bldg. 156. The food is free. The AFGE
                                               HAUNTED HALLWAYRI+25525 3rd FLOOR                                                          Local 1547 will talk about how the union is working for
                                                                                                                                           members. For more information, call Silvestre Chaco at
                                                           (FOR ALL WHO DARE)                                                              623-856-6957.

                                                                                                     SPONSORED BY:                         Enlisted volunteers for OTS

                                                                          56th Mission Support Group                                          7KH $LU )RUFH LV VHHNLQJ TXDOLÀHG YROXQWHHUV WR EHFRPH
                                                                              MSG Key Spouses                                              remotely piloted aircraft pilots. Enlisted members may
                                                                            Block House Residences                                         and attend undergraduate RPA training. Candidates must
                                                                                                                                           commission by age 35. Interested members should discuss
      PLEASE BRING YOUR FAMILIES AND HAVE A GREAT TIME!!                                                                                   with their supervisor/commander and the Air Force Person-
                                                                                                                                           nel Center assignment team for release to compete. For more
      THUNDERBOLT ALMANAC                                                                                                                  information, call Senior Master Sgt. Sarah Tombley, 56th
                                                                                                                                           Force Support Squadron, at 623-856-3246.
                                            Fiscal 2016 graduates
                                                                                                                                           FTAC position open
61st FS............................................................ 0  56th TRS........................................................ 0
62nd FS........................................................... 0   607th ACS ..................................................... 8      The First Term Airman Center is looking for a team leader.
309th FS ......................................................... 0   372nd TRS, Det. 12....................................... 0         Applications are due Nov. 6. The report-no-later-than date is
310th FS ......................................................... 4   56th OSS (IFTU)........................................... 0        Nov. 30. The position is open to staff or technical sergeants. For
311th FS ......................................................... 1                                                                       PRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRUWRDSSO\FRQWDFWWKHXQLWÀUVWVHUJHDQW
314th FS ........................................................ 0
                                                                                                                                           Job fair
     +RXUVÁRZQ       6RUWLHVÁRZQ                                    T-Bolts                    170 Luke Airmen
                                                                       Deployed                    are deployed to                            The 56th Force Support Squadron Airman & Family
F-35       237.2              165                                                                                                          Readiness Center will host, in partnership with the De-
F-16       663.5              521                                                                     16 countries                         partment of Economic Security, the 2015 Job Fair from
                                                                                                  around the world.                        10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday at Club Five Six. More than
                                                                                                                                           60 local and national employers will attend to include
                                                                                                                                           federal, state, county and city government agencies, and
                                                                                                                                           private sector healthcare, aviation, security, financial, IT,
                                                                                                                                           hotel and other services. For more information, call Edwin
                                                                                                                                           Robinson at 623-856-6550.

                                                                                                                                           Schedule tests through AFVEC

                                                                                                                                              To request a test to be scheduled, go to the Air Force
                                                                                                                                           Virtual Education site, click on Online Test Requests, sub-
                                                                                                                                           mit a new request, choose Luke AFB, select the test type,
                                                                                                                                           choose a date and time, and alternate date and time and
                                                                                                                                           submit. Education personnel will verify the information
                                                                                                                                           and schedule appropriately. An automated email will be
                                                                                                                                           sent with the scheduled test date. For more information,
                                                                                                                                           call Melissa Hohn at 623-856-7722.
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