Page 8 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 10-23-15
P. 8
Oct. 23, 2015 NEWS Thunderbolt
Fighter pilots from seven allied coun-
At Eielson Air Force Base, tries, including the U.S., U.K., Spain,
PLOLWDU\¿JKWHUDLUFUDIWUHFHLYH Czech Republic, Greece, Poland, and
routine care and maintenance in Italy completed the NATO Tactical
the engine shop where there is Leadership Program Oct. 9 in Albacete.
an entire team of dedicated pro- Six F-15C Eagles and more than 100
fessionals for each repair proj- personnel from the 48th Fighter Wing
ect, such as an F-16 Fighting at Royal Air Force Lakenheath, Eng-
Falcon aircraft engine rebuild. land, contributed to the program.
Florida Japan
The Air Force Technical Applications Two top military leaders from the U.S. and
Center Patrick Air Force Base, Florida, Japan came together for a bilateral ex-
ed squadrons, now that AFTAC falls Lt. Gen. John Dolan, U.S. Forces Japan
Air Force, leadership reasoned that as F-2, while Lt. Gen. Yoshiyuki Sugiyama,
a wing equivalent, the squadron struc- $LU'HIHQVH&RPPDQGFRPPDQGHUÀHZLQ
ture should be revived and returned to one of Misawa’s F-16 Fighting Falcons.
AFTAC’s unit composition.
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