Page 12 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 10-23-15
P. 12
Oct. 23, 2015 Thunderbolt
secures safe place t
Story and photos by “We provide a safe and se- “We make sure everyone
Staff Sgt. cure environment for aircraft who drives out there is prop-
to operate in,” said Senior erly licensed and knows the
STACI MILLER Airman Jordan Stoltz, 56th rules and regulations,” Casa-
Operations Support Squad- nova said.
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs ron airfield management
shift lead. “That means we Each shift varies with the
From filing flight plans and have to make sure all the mission. It’s a diverse envi-
initiating search and rescue pavement is in good operat- ronment with aircraft con-
missions to conducting pave- ing condition, the markings stantly arriving and depart-
ment evaluations, airfield are clear and visible and the ing, various types of construc-
management is responsible lighting is in good working tion occurring and regular
for ground and flight safety order.” troubleshooting.
ensuring the well-being of
pilots at Luke Air Force Base. Airfield managers are even “This job is exciting because
responsible for the well-being things change at a moment’s
of Luke pilots once they’re in notice,” Casanova said. “You Senior Airman Monic
the air. just never know what to expect shift lead, references
when you walk in the door.” field management of
“Before take-off, pilots send for possible scenario
us a flight plan, and we log it The multitasking extends in case of emergenc
into the system,” said Senior far beyond the airfield man-
Airman Monica Casanova, agement counter. Their mis-
56th OSS airfield manage- sion, in fact, extends to every
ment shift lead. “If something category of person and every
unexpected were to happen, agency on base.
we would have their plan and
location.” “So many people depend on
us,” Casanova said. “We’re
Airfield managers don’t just eyes-on and hands-on out
worry about flightline condi- there. We have to measure
tions and aircraft, they also things precisely, by the inch.
monitor what vehicles and We make sure all the moving
operators are driving around. parts move together, which
keeps aircraft up in the air.”
Stoltz communicates with the air traffic control tower. Airfield management is responsi-
ble for ground and flight safety ensuring the wellbeing of pilots at Luke Air Force Base.
Stoltz checks the tires for foreign objects before entering the flightline. It’s essential Senior Airman Adam Nichols, 56th OSS Airfield Management apprentice, verifies a flightlin
vehicle operators entering the flightline check for foreign-object debris. agement office. Airfield management is responsible for the flightline driving program.