Page 19 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 10-23-15
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Thunderbolt                                                          NEWS                                                                                                                                                 Oct. 23, 2015

DOD Safe Helpline gives sexual                                                                                                                      STREET                                        individual was transported to
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Bldg. 179 for in-processing before
assault victims additional resource                                                                                                                   BEAT                                        EHLQJ UHOHDVHG WR WKH XQLW ÀUVW
   52%,16 $,5 )25&( %$6( *D ³ The                            this resource can provide that additional support,”                        The 56th Security Forces Squad-
Defense Department has given sexual assault                          she said.                                                               ron handled the following inci-                         Oct. 14: Security forces re-
victims a resource that helps them take control of                                                                                           dents Oct. 12 through 18 at Luke                     sponded to medical emergency at
their recovery process.                                                 6DIH +HOSOLQH DOVR SURYLGHV OLYH FRQÀGHQWLDO                  Air Force Base:                                      the base running track. Security
                                                                     help over the phone. The telephone helpline staff                                                                            IRUFHVSURYLGHGÀUVWDLGDQGFRRU-
   Established in 2011, the DOD Safe Helpline is                     can even transfer callers to base sexual assault                        Tickets                                              dinated with medical personnel.
a crisis support service for members of the DOD                      UHVSRQVHFRRUGLQDWRUV9HWHUDQV%HQHÀWV$GPLQ-                                                                               The patient sustained a leg injury
community affected by sexual assault.                                istration coordinators, Military OneSource, the                            Security forces issued citations                  and was taken to a nearby hospital
                                                                     National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, and civilian                      IRUÀYHPRYLQJYLRODWLRQVDQGWZR                   for further evaluation.
   Safe Helpline provides live, one-on-one support                   sexual assault service providers. The phone num-                        nonmoving violations.
and information to the worldwide DOD com-                            ber is the same in the U.S. and worldwide via the                                                                            Nonemergency
PXQLW\ 7KH VHUYLFH LV FRQÀGHQWLDO DQRQ\PRXV                 Defense Switched Network.                                               7UDI¿FUHODWHG                                      responses
secure and available 24/7 by click, call or text —
providing victims with the help they need anytime,                      Safe Helpline can also provide referrals via text.                   incidents                                               Oct. 16: Security forces re-
anywhere.                                                               By texting one’s zip code or base name to 55-247                                                                          sponded to a report of shoplifting
                                                                     inside the U.S., or 202-470-5546 outside the U.S.,                         Oct. 15: Security forces respond-                 at Bldg. 1540. Security forces
   Lisa Matney, the 78th Air Base Wing sexual as-                    Safe Helpline will text back contact information for                    ed to a report of a minor vehicle                    GHWDLQHG D QRQPLOLWDU\DIÀOLDWHG
sault response coordinator, said the helpline will                   the installation SARC and other resources available                     accident involving a government-                     juvenile after review of security
provide an avenue for victims to get additional                      on and off base. Message and data rates may apply.                      RZQHG YHKLFOH DQG D À[HG REMHFW                footage showed the individual de-
support and encouragement to come forward and                           In addition to providing information for sexual                      at the intersection of Ammo Road                     parted without rendering full
make a restricted or unrestricted report of sexual                   assault victims, the helpline’s website also offers                     and Strike Eagle Street. There                       payment. Glendale police was
assault.                                                             information for their loved ones to better under-                       were no injuries.                                    contacted and took control.
                                                                     stand and be able to help in the recovery process.
   7KH KHOSOLQH SURYLGHV OLYH FRQÀGHQWLDO KHOS                   “Individuals can use the web link to search for                      Emergency                                            Alarm activations
through a secure instant-messaging format at                         resources for their installation, so no matter where The website also contains vital                    the person lives they can get help,” Matney said.                       responses                                               Security forces responded to six
information about recovering from and reporting                         (Editor’s note: To connect to the DOD Safe                                                                                alarm activations on base.
a sexual assault.                                                    +HOSOLQH RQOLQH YLVLW KWWSZZZVDIHKHOSOLQH                         Oct. 18: Security forces re-
                                                                     RUJ3HRSOHFDQDOVRFDOOWKH6DIH+HOSOLQHDW                    sponded to a domestic distur-                        Tip of the week
   Pamela Davis, the sexual assault prevention and                   RUWH[W                                               bance in base housing. Security
response victim advocate at Robins AFB, said the                                                                                             forces apprehended an active-                           Texting and driving is danger-
helpline gives sexual assault victims the additional                                                                     Courtesy of  duty Airman for Article 128                          ous to yourself and everyone
support they may need.                                                                                                                       after initial investigations. The                    around you. Using hands-free
                                                                                                                                                                                                  devices can save lives.
   “Some victims need additional avenues of sup-
port to obtain the courage to come forward and                                                                                                                                                    Courtesy of Senior Airman Brian Lefevere
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          56th SFS

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