Page 1 - Fort Irwin High Desert Warrior, March 2021
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Volume 17, Number 3                                                  Published in the interest of the National Training Center and Fort Irwin community •   March  2020
          ‘Building a Stronger Foundation’ plan aims to improve quality                                                                    Inside

          of life on Fort Irwin: $300 million in upgrades coming to NTC

                     By Abraam Dawoud
                    Fort Irwin Public A airs
            FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Speaking to a room
          of senior leaders during a two-day conference on                                                                              REEL good
          Feb. 18, Fort Irwin’s Garrison command team
          laid out a new, multi-million dollar strategic plan                                                                         movies return
          to improve the quality of life for the Soldiers and                                                                      What  icks and features
          residents of Fort Irwin.                created the email,                                  to expect from the newly-
            For Garrison Commander, Col. Jeanette Mar-  so the community has a resource to contact the                             renovated post theater
          tin, improving quality of life on post has been  command team directly. We’ve been taking their                                     See full story, Page 3
          her priority.                           concerns and putting them towards the quality of  seating, and televisions.
            “ e U.S. Army and Fort Irwin are undergoing  life initiatives.  at’s how we came up with some   To cool down in the summer months, plans are
          a transformational phase in which our Soldiers  of our smaller quality-of-life projects, such as  being developed to construct a lazy river for Sol-
          and their families are being placed  rst,” she said.  renovating the dog park.”  diers and their families to enjoy. A new community
            When Martin  rst arrived at Fort Irwin in   Aside from the newly-completed dog park,  activity center will also provide Soldiers and their
          2019, she felt compelled to listen to the needs of  multiple renovations are underway across the  families activities such as mini-golf, virtual reality
          her community.                          installation. Upgrades are currently in progress at  (VR) gaming, laser tag, and an indoor playground
            “I felt that taking comments and concerns from  the community playgrounds, while the Warrior  for entertainment.       NTC in Outer Space
          the community has been successful,” she said. “I  Zone is set to receive new computers, monitors,    e command team also realized that invest-
                                                                                                                                   Fort Irwin’s role in the
                                                                                                                See QUALITY , Page 4
                                                                                                                                   Mars rover lifto
          General discusses loosening restrictions, lowering health protection levels on post                                      and landing
                                                                                                                                               See full story, Page 5
               By Janell J. Lewis Ford    “I want to thank all of you again  permitted under normal and appro-
                                        for your continued adherence to our  priate Garrison regulations without
          NTC/Fort Irwin Garrison Public A airs
                                        policies and safeguards,” Lesper-  exceptions to policy, 10-25 guests
            FORT IRWIN, Calif. — The    ance said. “We are making progress  being permitted inside/outside of
          National Training Center and Fort   particularly as the vaccinations are  homes, authorized physical training
          Irwin’s Commanding General, Brig.   taking place, but I do want to remind  (PT) for individuals or in groups up
          Gen. David Lesperance, discussed  you not to become complacent and  to platoon level, travel to Big Bear,                    Indoor Dining
          the relaxed COVID-19 restrictions  to continue to follow our safeguards.”  Mount Whitney and Lake Arrow-
          in his Feb. 17 Live Community   Lesperance reviewed the updates  head is authorized and masks must be                            Returns
          Update, while still stressing the need  to his modi ed Feb. 4 General Or-  worn at all times on the installation         Which post locations are
          for safeguards.               der, including visitor access being  (in accordance with the Secretary of                  back open and what
                                                                                                                 See GENERAL, Page  8  to expect
          History in the High Desert: Fort Irwin celebrates                          Smooth Operation: No issues during                        See full story, Page 3
          African-American achievements with  rst Black mayor                        Bi-annual post-wide Power Outage
                     By David Dupree                                                   By Janell J. Lewis Ford

                    NTC /Fort Irwin PAO                                               NTC/Fort Irwin Public A airs
            FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Fort Irwin cel-                                       FORT IRWIN, Calif.
          ebrated Black History Month at the Sandy                                   — Resident at the National
          Basin Community Center on Feb. 10 under                                    Training Center and Fort                            Confection
          the theme “Success Always Leaves Footprints.”                              Irwin experienced the first                        Competition
            Paul Courtney, the Mayor of Barstow, Calif.,                             of two, scheduled post-wide                   3 Fort Irwin women talk
          was the guest speaker. He holds the distinction                            power outages on Feb. 27                      about their baking battle
          of being the  rst African American to hold the                                e outage was scheduled to be serviced from 6a.m. to
          city’s top elected position.                           11th Armored Cavalry Regiment  6p.m. and the Installation Energy Manager for the Direc-  for $10,000
                                                                                                                                               See full story, Page 4
                                                                   See HISTORY, Page 11                           See OUTAGE, Page 5

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