Page 6 - Fort Irwin High Desert Warrior, March 2021
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6       High Desert Warrior                                                                                                                                                                      High Desert Warrior        7
           March 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   March 2021
     News                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              News

   NTC Backbone Academy Pilot                                                                                                                                        SHARP listening session addresses the

   ‘Mentoring the Next Generation’                                                                                                                                   signs, science behind sexual assaults

                                                                                                                                                                             By Janell J. Lewis Ford        Patrick elaborated on  ve stages and strate-  Common threads of a sexual predator
                     By Jason Miller                 concluded with an overview of the many resources that exist                                                        NTC/Fort Irwin Garrison Public A airs  gies that sexual predators use, including allure  include a history of perpetration, alcohol use
                    Fort Irwin/NTC PAO               on post that can assist when a Soldier is struggling or when a                                                    FORT IRWIN, Calif. — More than three   of attraction, cultivated context, comfort of  (although studies say many perpetrators do their
                                                     Soldier wants to better themselves.                                                                                                                  credibility, breaking boundaries and shaming  best work when they’re sober), large number of
     FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Fort Irwin’s top noncommissioned                                                                                                           dozen Soldiers and Department of Defense   to silence.                    sexual partners, hostility toward women, history
                                                       “ is should give junior NCO’s tools to get comfortable
   o cer delivered opening remarks to a class of 16 U.S. Army  with being uncomfortable,” said Master Sgt. Paul Moore, leader                                        civilians participated in a workshop to learn   She said that sexual crimes are equal-oppor-  of delinquency/misconduct.
     Junior NCOs on Jan. 25, o cially kicking o  the instal-                                                                                                         more about identifying signs of sexual assault   tunity o enses but there may be a reporting   Other predictors to be cognizant of are
   lation-level Desert Backbone Academy Pilot Program at the   development NCOIC for 916th Support Brigade. “We have to                                              and predators at the National Training Center   stigma for male victims, as they’re less likely to  when someone expresses moral justi cation
   National Training Center.                         get back to mentoring and grooming the next generation, it’s                                                    and Fort Irwin.                      come forward, especially if they outrank the  and disengagement surrounding sexual as-
                                                     about people  rst.”
      e Desert Backbone Academy and the Fort Irwin Counsel-                                                                                                            It’s part of the Army’s Sexual Harassment/  perpetrator.                saults and a predator’s lack of respect for rules
   ing Guide was developed by the senior enlisted advisors from   During the course, experienced senior-level NCOs led chal-                                         Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP)   “Research shows we perceive conduct di er-  and boundaries.
   across Fort Irwin based on doctrine found in ATP (Army Tech-  lenging breakout sessions with scenarios and vignettes, which                                       action plan to reevaluate current policies and   ently depending on who is the perpetrator and   “Predators break boundaries…they’ve done   Wendy Patrick, JD, Ph.D has conducted
   niques Publication) 6-22.1, “ e Counseling Process.”  “We   gave junior NCOs resources, training and tools to deal with                                           programs, identify and correct shortcomings,   who is the victim,” Patrick said.  it before, they’ll continue to do it,” Patrick said.  several virtual sessions on sexual assault
   didn’t reinvent doctrine or invent something new, but we use   di cult or unforeseen situations.                                                                  educate the force, and provide a safe environ-  Signs of a Sexual Predator   Military-Speci c Factors           and prevention.
   the Fort Irwin Counseling Guide as the framework for how to   “You got a single 22-year-old sergeant E-5, maybe lives in                                          ment for all.                          According to Patrick’s research, it matters   Patrick broke down a study that focused on
   implement that doctrine,” said Command Sgt. Maj. William   the barracks, who might be supervising a 36-year-old special-                                            Cases and allegations of mishandling of   who the perpetrator is when it comes to how  factors in the military to be aware of regarding   NTC SHARP Steps
   A. Justice, Command Sergeant Major of NTC and Fort Irwin.     ist married with four kids,” said Justice. “ at supervisor may                                      sexual misconduct at Fort Hood, Texas, have   it’s received because many weigh appearance/  sexual assault.  ey include:  • Re-vet credentials of SARCs/Vas/personnel
     “I want you to forget everything you think about counseling   not have the life experience to know what to look for, or what                                    made the Army take a critical look at systems,   attractiveness, popularity, rank, etc. in society.  • Hierarchy of power, rank, obedience to
   and the SLRRT (Soldier Leader Risk Reduction Tool),” said   questions to ask, this is exactly what this pilot program is about.”                                  our policies, and people in place.     Research shows that many times, sexual  authority                          across the formation to ensure they’re the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       right personnel to execute duties
   Justice.  “I want you to listen and understand that these are just   Although developed at the installation level, each major                                       The Secretary of the Army formed the   assaults occur when the couple has a sexual   • Immersion: on/off duty (The ‘Conduct   • Establish temporary Human Behavior situ-
   tools, tools that will help to develop our junior NCO’s and help   subordinate command (MSC) at NTC will take ownership                                           “People First” Task Force to analyze the  nd-  history. Ex romantic partners are often at  Unbecoming’ aspect is blurred since soldiers   ational training exercises
   them grow as counselors.  It’s these tools that will help them  of the program as part of their leader development programs.                                      ings and recommendations of the Fort Hood   a higher risk for sexual assault/battery, so  don’t know when they’re o  the clock with the   • Establish SHARP resource center at Bldg.
   to build trust in their formations and to help them to become    ere are four distinct steps in the counseling process, but it’s    ose di cult conversations will become easier and that will   Independent Review Committee, develop a   Patrick advises to look out for these traits:  rigorous hours)  287
   engaged leaders.”                                 continuous said Justice.  “It includes the everyday conversations  serve to build trust in our formations.”     plan of action to address issues identi ed by   dark personalities like psychopathy, narcis-  • Priority on group cohesion (Which may   • Review Barracks Visitor Policy and CQ Du-
      e three-day pilot program is focused on building counsel-  that our junior NCO’s have with their Soldiers all month long   According to Justice, the installation should see the program   the committee, and reevaluate current policy   sism, Machiavellianism.   dissuade victims from reporting)  ties and responsibilities
   ing packets, and how to use the documents contained in the  — after PT; in the motor-pool; in the back of a vehicle.  Using  rollout sometime in mid-March to MSCs. “If I’m a sergeant   and programs across the Army.   “ ere have been studies that these three   • Isolated from support system  • Execute physical security inspection of all
   packet in preparation for counseling and walks them through  the tools in the ATP and the framework within our counseling  or sta -sergeant, I’m asking to attend because I want to get   To evaluate the situation on post, leader-  personality types are attractive to others,” she   • Deployment  barracks with a focus on exterior lighting and
   each of the four steps of the counseling process.  e course  guide, our junior NCO’s will truly get to know their Soldiers.  that training, I want to be better for my Soldiers,” said Justice.  ship has conducted a series of sensing sessions  said. “ ey’ve been linked to sexual harassment   • Lack of access to help  door locks

   Weed Army Community Hosptial hosts NCO Induction Ceremony                                                                                                         to understand issues and concerns of Soldiers.  proclivity.”                 Patrick wrapped up the talk by discussing   • Ensure adequate physical security across the
                                                                                                                                                                       In the latest, SHARP hosted a virtual work-
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Also, everyone is advised to be aware of those  the correlation between the steps both the civil-
                                                                                                                                                                     shop taught by Wendy Patrick, JD, Ph.D., who  with a “hero” syndrome who are overly protec-  ian and Army organizations are taking to com-  • Educate leaders and the engaging the force
       Story and Photo by Kim Hackbarth  in the event, because not every NCO is formally  by military training such as weapons quali cation,                         spoke on a presentation titled, “ e Science Be-  tive or excessively doing what they call “helping  bat and remove the stigma of sexual assaults.  • Standup and running of Desert Backbone
    Weed Army Community Hospital Public A airs  inducted into the NCO Corps.  and administrative points, such as awards and                                          hind the Seduction: Spotting Sexual Predators.”  out,” as predators take advantage of opportuni-  “ ere’s also a stigma that surrounds the   Academy
                                           “I was not inducted into the NCO Corps,  civilian education.                                                                Patrick gained her experience from being a  ties to touch, invade space, cross boundaries and  way a victim is treated afterward,” she said,
     FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Weed Army Com-  but I made it my goal that when it was my time   When she  nally made the cuto , points for                                criminal defense attorney, then prosecutor for  say make inappropriate comments.  referencing a soldier or employee victim being
   munity Hospital inducted 17 Soldiers into the   to lead from the front and be the example, I will  her job were in the mid-600s, Lugo said.                       more than two decades, as well as obtaining a   Patrick explained that a big predictor of  placed on light duty, being reassigned, given   parency and investigations and it’s better overall
   corps of the noncommissioned o cer during an   always a ord the opportunity for Soldiers to do   Lugo said she was “relieved” and “excited” to                    doctorate in theology.               sexual assault is feeling uncomfortable. If there  special care or treated di erently due to what   than a decade ago when it comes to trying to
   NCO Induction Ceremony on Feb. 11 at the                                                                                                                            She wanted to show the command teams  is someone who makes you tense up or feel  someone else did.            change the culture.
   Sandy Basin Community Center at Fort Irwin.  so,” Blash said.               nally earn her promotion because she earned the                                       and Sexual Assault Response Coordinators  uncomfortable as soon as they approach or   “We’re all subject to the same ice age,” Pat-  “We are starting to target red flags and
     Command Sgt. Maj. Dedraf Blash, the senior   Upholding the tradition of the NCO Induc-  rank she had been working toward.                                       (SARCs) and Victim Advocates how to assess  enter a room, this is a feeling that can pre-date  rick said. “Glacially, we’re progressing but in all  the predator progression earlier,” Patrick said
   enlisted advisor for WACH, said the purpose of   tion Ceremony is important, Blash added.  “I wanted to be able to step up and do more                            and predict threats and be able to catch habits  a sexual assault.        of our workplaces, we’re all learning the same  referencing the regulations of an investigation.
   the event is to celebrate newly promoted sergeants   “ is tradition should continue because it is  to help out especially from the laboratory perspec-            early on.                              Research shows that when power is new  things and working through this di erently.”  “If perpetrators know this, they’re much more
   and welcome them to the ranks of the noncom-  a time to celebrate, a time to show pride that a  tive because in the lab we did get hit pretty hard   At the end of the day, Blash said she hopes   “ e goal is, ‘how can we catch it as early as  in a workplace or environment, it can trigger   She said civilians and Soldiers are all imple-  likely to rethink whether or not to take that
   missioned o cer corps.                soldier has made it to the elite NCO Corps, the  as soon as the [COVID-19] pandemic began,”   the inductees took away one key thing from the   possible to prevent it?’” Patrick said.  sexually aggressive behavior.  menting the same types of strategies with trans-  risk.”
     During the ceremony, three NCOs recited the   backbone of the Army, the glue that holds it all  she said. “Our work load increased signi cantly.”  ceremony.
   Creed of the Noncommissioned O cer to re-  together, the one that makes it happen — the   Blash compared sergeants, or E5s, and the L5   “I hope that they realize the ceremony is their
   mind the new NCOs of their duties, three junior-  NCO,” she said. “It is their moment to shine  vertebrae in the lumbar area of the spine, noting   announcement that they are o cially part of the   Teacher Spotlight:                     Student Spotlight:
   enlisted Soldiers recited “A Soldier’s Request”,   under those lights and soak it all in and say, ‘ is  that NCOs are often called the “backbone of   ‘backbone of the Army,’” Blash said. “I am so   Aaron “Coach L” Lamoreaux,
   which details what a Soldier expects from their   is the beginning of it all, I’m ready.’”  the Army.”          excited for all these sergeants and I can’t wait to                                                                          Joe Scopazzo,
   NCO, and the NCOs in the ceremony walked   Sgt. Gladys Lugo, a medical laboratory technician   “Much like the L5, the E5 rank is where many   see all the ideas that each of them has to bring   PE Teacher, Tiefort View Intermediate School  5th Grader, TVIS
   through the NCO arch and under crossed sabers   with WACH, participated in the ceremony following  of our problems start because we don’t know how   to the table.”
   to symbolically cross the line of authority to the   her promotion to sergeant in December 2020.  to bear the weight or the stress of the items we   After being inducted, Lugo said she better      “Coach L” is the PE teacher at Tiefort View   Joe Scopazzo is a 5th grade student at Tiefort View
   be inducted into the NCO Corps.         For Lugo, the path to becoming an NCO re-  carry,” she explained.       understood the importance of the ceremony and                                      and has been teaching physical education here for   Intermediate School. Joe enjoys Math and Social Studies.
     Fort Irwin’s Garrison Command Sgt. Maj.  quired continuous work to meet the cuto  points   As NCOs grow, things start changing, she  the tradition behind it.                                    15 years. Coach said he loves being able to teach   He loves being able to come to school a couple times a
   Paul Fedorisin, served as the guest speaker  required to earn a promotion in her career  eld.  said.               “ e whole purpose of [the NCO Induc-                                            3rd – 5th graders how to live a healthy life through   week so he can see his friends.  e Novel Studies in class
   at the ceremony and the Regional Health   Lugo said she tried her best to maximize the   “Knowledge and responsibilities levels grow,  tion Ceremony] is meant to emphasize what                   exercises, activities, and sport skill practice. He   keep him engaged, and his favorite book read was  e
   Command — Central senior enlisted advisor,  di erent areas of her promotion point work sheet.  wisdom of standards and regulations cause us  you are walking into and to take it seriously,”       said he cannot wait until the school gets each and   Outsiders. Outside of school, he likes to skateboard, play
   Command Sgt. Maj. Timothy J. Sprunger, also    e maximum amount of points the Army  to start to lose ‘excess weight’ from those things  she explained. “It places emphasis on the                  every student back out on the  eld for some real,   video games, and help his dad  x cars. When Joe is older,
   spoke to the new NCOs.                can require for advancement to sergeant or sta    that are not ethical and morally right, we lead by  value of a noncommissioned o cer and it                in-person P.E.  e positive culture that the sta  and   he would love to be a Mechanic. TVIS is so happy Joe is
     Both Fedorisin and Sprunger shared with the  sergeant is 800 according to the Army’s promo-  example, and build cohesive teams by implement-  de nitely shows everyone around it’s valuable      students demonstrate is amazing at TVIS.  part of our Timberwolf Family!
   attendees that they were fortunate to participate  tion point worksheet, which breaks down points  ing ‘ is is My Squad initiatives,’” Blash said.  and shouldn’t be forgotten.”

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