Page 8 - Fort Irwin High Desert Warrior, March 2021
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March 2021
March 2021
Community News
Comedy during COVID: Drive-in event brings laughs to Fort Irwin
Covid-19: My experience then, now, and tomorrow Chaplain’s By Cherry Langston
By SPC Mendoza Marketing Manager, e Villages at Fort Irwin
Religious A airs Specialists FORT IRWIN, Calif. — A new element came to the latest
How has COVID-19 affected you? COVID-19 has of the drive-in comedy shows that were recently introduced to
infected some people while sparing others — either room, my chaplain’s wife, and two battle buddies — Fort Irwin. During the Feb. 4 event at Army Field, some NTC
way, COVID-19 has changed our habits directly and one from 11ACR and the other from HHC 2916TH. soldiers took to the stage. BOSS President, Spc. Anthony Jack-
indirectly. I never thought I was going to get infected I discovered that even when I am feeling hopeless or in son and two other soldiers opened the show for two minutes to
because I was taking (I supposed) every precaution. despair God has placed very special people in my life show o their budding comedy skills.
On Dec. 29, I decided to get tested because I had who truly care for me. It’s the little things that people Residents in more than 60 vehicles pulled up to hear from
been feeling exhausted for several days. That same day do for us that keeps our spirit up. the other comedians who included veteran Southern California
I got a call from the hospital informing me that my Finally, 10 days after being diagnosed with CO- comics with credits in e World Series of Comedy, NBC’s Last
results were negative — but about one hour later I get VID-19, I was released from isolation. I was advised by Comic Standing, Hulu, Sirius XM, TEDx, and various comedy
a knock on my barracks door and I was told that I was the hospital to still practice safety and social distancing houses across the country. Erik Escobar, Seth Lawrence, Wendy
diagnosed with COVID-19 — the earlier information even though I was gradually beginning to feel much Wilkins, and Fort Irwin’s RJ Ryan were the featured comics.
was a mistaken! I was now in isolation for ten days. better. Although I have returned to work, I will never Also on hand, were food vendors Aloha Counter, Rice to
I had nothing to do — no work and no errands — I forget the valuable lesson that I learned during my Meat Yum and Will’s Truck. e next drive-in comedy show
was just alone and felt separated from the world. While recovery: although we have grown very accustomed to will be March 4.
in isolation, texts and calls from my family kept me the phrase “social distancing” we should never confuse
hopeful. it with “emotional distancing.” I spoke to our Brigade
I felt wonderful when someone, especially my Weed Army Community Hospital hosts Teen Open Mic Night
family, asked about my health and at the same time Commander about my experience and he suggested
I also felt terrible when there was no communication to reach out to Soldiers who are isolated/quarantined. Story and Photos by Kimberly Hackbarth
from others, people close to me from whom I expected So far, I have talked to 11 of them. God has placed
a call. During my days of isolation and illness, I learned me — and all of us — in one another’s life for the WACH Public A airs
a lot about COVID-19 and I also learned more than I purpose of sharing unconditional love and support. FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Weed Army
expected about human behavior. I realized that some There is someone right now who needs me to sacrifice Community Hospital hosted a Teen Open
people do not know how to respond to others who just a moment of my time in order to tell them that Mic Night on Feb. 19 at Irwin Field House at
are in need while others excel at expressing sympathy I’m thinking about them. I am certain that someone Fort Irwin. It was in support of Teen Domestic
and love. Some people will view you as a detriment is looking forward to my phone call or even my text Violence Awareness Month. Tristan Estanilla,
and others will see you as a person worthy of their message. Who’s waiting for your love right now? Give 13, son of Capt. Teresa Mesina of Operations
affection regardless of circumstances. I appreciate my them a call and tell them they’re important. No one Group, National Training Center, played the
Company Commander for taking food to my barracks should ever feel like they’re in isolation.
ukulele. Several other teens performed music,
sang, and also heard from a guest speaker about
the dangers of teen domestic violence, while
From GENERAL , Page 1 receiving educational information.
Defense regulations). In an updated Feb. 25 Col. Nancy Parson, Commander of lutely take advantage of it as we work towards perance said. “For me, right now, it’s a tough
General Order, the outdoor mask mandate was WACH, said the hospital is only scheduling setting the conditions to make everyone safer.” conversation between me and the Garrison
rescinded with six feet of distancing. patients within the Phase One category at the Post-wide Power Outage Command Team on how many and on what The Secret Library is now open
“I do realize we’re all getting somewhat time, including healthcare workers, rst re- Leaders discussed the Feb. 27 bi-annual timeline we hire additional CDC providers.
tired of the safeguards, but they continue to sponders, educators, youth services employees, post-wide power outage and all of the activities at’s probably the most signi cant rst step
be based on conditions and they continue to high risk bene ciaries ages 64 and older, and that will still be available to those who choose we need to take to create the ratios that are Cherry Langston
be e ective,” Lesperance said. “Our conditions some mission essential workers. She says Phase to remain on post. ey include the Warrior going to be required to safely hire, onboard Marketing Manager, e Villages at
here remain favorable much more so than in Two will include everyone else. Zone, gaming tournaments, bowling, movies and certify, do background checks and train Fort Irwin
our surrounding communities. Our case rates Parson said patients must have an appoint- and other indoor/outdoor events that are both e Villages at Fort Irwin an-
remain low and manageable. I thank you all ment to be seen for a vaccine at the hospital and live and virtual. those new hires.” nounced its new “Secret Library”
for that.” patients will be called. She reminded everyone “You don’t necessarily all need to evacuate Lesperance said the same goes for getting that is now open to the community.
e pandemic has a ected rotational train- of the COVID-19 Vaccine Appointment and the installation because there’s not power,” the youth center open again for the teenagers
ing since March 2020 and leaders have shifted Frequently Asked Questions page at https:// Lesperance said. “ ere will be ample oppor- on post. It’s located under the large tower in
focus during this time. tunities, quite a few facilities up and running.” “I think if we can do that correctly in the the Sandy Basin Community Cen-
“With rotation 21-03 and 21-05, we’re “I want to encourage all of you to get the You can nd a full list of activities, best next 30 days or so, we might be able to make a ter and residents can participate in a
having a much smaller footprint than normal vaccine when it becomes available to you,” practices and operational hours at Facebook. decision, that could expand the services being public book swap just like the little
and having no rotation this month, we’re using Lesperance said. “ ere have been no severe, com/FtIrwin. provided in all three of those facilities in the libraries seen in neighborhoods all
this time to focus on Soldier and family issues,” adverse reactions reported to the Weed Army Transition from HPcon Charlie to HPCon spring,” he said. over the country. Organizers say the
Lesperance said. “We’re looking at current Community Hospital. Please do it to keep Bravo Lesperance wrapped up his monthly Live location is a prime backdrop for a
policies and programs across the installation yourself safe and more importantly those Leaders have received questions about what Community Update by advising everyone to great ction short story.
to identify and correct shortcomings and we’ll around you and those that you love.” conditions would allow the installation to refrain from being complacent to remain safe. is is a collaboration between
provide education and in uence when needed, Command Sgt. Maj. William Justice echoed move from HPCon Charlie to HPcon Bravo. “Pease remain cautious as you take advan- builders and artists, so residents are
but our goal is to provide a better environment Lesperance’s words, thanking everyone for Lesperance said he understands the pressure encouraged to stop by and take a
for all of our community members, both on looking out for eachother as the community that families are feeling with children of all ages tage of our local area and continue to stay book or leave a book. Participants
and o duty.” works through the pandemic. as Fort Irwin approaches one year since youth informed for changing conditions as we begin can enter through the back parking
As always, the Commanding General, along “I just ask that when the opportunity pres- were in the classroom fulltime, but he doesn’t to announce the vaccination schedule as it lot near the pool/playground. ere
with the Garrison and Weed Army Com- ents itself for you to get the vaccine— that’s want to rush the process. becomes available to our community mem- are books available for all age (and
munity Hospital command teams answered one of the tools we have to try to make the “If we’re going to make that move from bers,” he said. stickers, as well). e Villages’ Se-
pre-submitted and live questions from the environment safer— so we just ask that as the Charlie to Bravo, what conditions do we need e Commanding General’s next live up- cret Library is open weekdays from
community. opportunity for a vaccine comes around, abso- to meet before we meet that threshold?” Les- date is March 10. 8.a.m. - 5p.m. and free to all.
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