Page 5 - Fort Irwin High Desert Warrior, March 2021
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4  High Desert Warrior                                  High Desert Warrior        5
 March 2021
                                                                                                                                        March 2021
 Community                                                                                                                                 News

 Sweet Moment: Fort Irwin veteran, spouses   Fort Irwin wraps up the                 Fort Irwin Army Emergency

 compete in national baking competition  Combined Federal Campaign Relief campaign kicks o

                                                                                                            Story and Photo by David Dupree
 By Janell J. Lewis Ford  cake, and a Halloween-themed spider cake,”                                           NTC/Fort Irwin Public A airs
 NTC/Fort Irwin Public A airs  Johnson said.                                           FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Fort
 Even though the three, local bakers weren’t
 FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Fort Irwin Army   the top winners, they say they appreciated the   Irwin’s annual Army Emergency
 veteran Jazminn Johnson just started her home-  opportunity overall.                Relief campaign kicked o  at the
 based baking business, but she’s already o  to   “ is experience was fun and really eye   Sandy Basin Community Center
 a great start.  opening to the amount of support and love I                         on Feb. 25.
 “I started my business in October 2020,”                                              AER has always been an im-
 Johnson said. “After I medically retired from   have,” Fritz said. “Blessed is truly an understate-  portant tool to positively impact
 the Army, I needed something new to  ll my   ment. I’m so grateful!”                Soldiers’ lives. Command teams
 time. A friend of mine at the time suggested I   Johnson added, “It was eye opening that I   send Soldiers to the local AER
 start a home-based business.”  can take my baking so much further than just         o ces for  nancial assistance in
 Johnson owns Jazzy’s Sweets. She, along   Fort Irwin.”                              times of need.
 with two other home-based business owners,    ey have advice for other entrepreneurs.   e goal for this year’s cam-
 Krystal Fritz and Latoyla Atkins entered the   Krystal Fritz  Jazminn Johnson  “Stay humble, be yourself, and continue to   paign is for each Mission Support
 Greatest Baker competition last fall. Johnson   give back/provide great customer service,” Fritz   Command (MSC) at Fort Irwin
 ended up placing  fth out of hundreds of   Greatest Baker of 2020, to, and a year’s supply  port I would receive from this community,  said. “ e rest will follow!! Also, be patient,   to make 100% contact with all
 entries. Fritz and Atkins placed 9th and 10th.  from, the Stu ed Pu s factory, was featured in  which lead me to serve Denzel Washington and  kind and con dent!”  uniformed Soldiers within their
 “I saw two other local bakers were in the  the Bake from Scratch Magazine, and the grand  Michael B. Jordan, crazy!” Fritz said. “Truly   Johnson said to take advantage of every
 competition,” Johnson said. “I was hesitant at  prize was taking home $10,000.  love this community.  ey are my family!”  opportunity.  Abraam Dawoud, Fort Irwin Public A airs  formations, to hopefully boost up the contributions.
                                                                                        is is the 79th year for the Army-wide campaign. More than four million Soldiers have
  rst to join because I just started my business   It was hosted by Jen Barney, who is a two-   e competition process worked by bakers   “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t   By David Dupree
 and the other bakers had such great products  time Food Network Baking Champion.  posting their latest creations on social media,  take,” she said. “If you want to get experience   NTC /Fort Irwin PAO  been helped with about $2 billion overall since its inception and the vast majority of funds are
 and I wasn’t sure how mine would compare.”  Fritz, owner of Fritz Delight, calls her busi-  and the community supporting them by voting  with something, the best way is by joining   donated by Soldiers.
  e competition was conducted completely  ness the ‘Home of Ta y Grapes and Specialty  on their pro les. Each round  competitions or events that can further your   FORT IRWIN, Calif. —  e National Training Center and Fort Irwin has wrapped up   “Essentially it’s Soldiers helping Soldiers, which makes it all the more special,” NTC’s com-
 online and is touted as the world’s largest in-  Cheesecakes’ and provides gourmet chocolate-  lasted about a week.  experience. Also, always put your best foot   participation in the 2021 Combined Federal Campaign with representatives working in di er-  manding general, Brig. Gen. David Lesperance said.
 ternet competition for bakers.  covered treats and other desserts.  “I submitted a fancy cake with buttercream  forward and come with a plan of how you   ent corners of the community to inform, educate and request support.  ey were able to come    e funds help Soldiers and families with everything from rent payments and car repairs, to
 The winner received recognition as the   “I truly didn’t imagine all the love and sup-  roses on the inside, my famous gooey butter  want to make the competition work for you.”   together even during this pandemic.   utilities, medical bills and childcare.
             e goal of CFC Southern California was to raise $300,000 and with the e orts of dedicated    e campaign began on March 1 and runs through May 15.
 From QUALITY, Page  1  representatives, the community contributed $4,000 towards that goal. CFC ran from Nov. 1,   Lesperance and Command Sgt. Maj. William Justice completed their donation forms dur-
          2020, through Jan. 15, 2021.                                               ing the live event, followed by Garrison Commander, Col. Jeanette Martin and Command Sgt.
 to upgrade and remodel the   On Feb. 23, Fort Irwin’s Garrison Commander, Col. Jeanette Martin, along with the Gar-  Maj. Paul Fedorisin.
 barracks dayroom, while more   rison Command Sgt. Maj. Paul, Fedorisin, presented certi cates to all uniformed soldiers who    e event was hosted by Fort Irwin’s Army Community Services and streamed live on Face-
 than $20 million has been ap-  assisted the Army Community Service in reaching their goals.
 proved to renovate the existing
 barrack buildings on post.
 “Given our unique location,   Fort Irwin’s NASA Complex plays role in Mars Perseverance Rover landing
 mission set and work schedules,   NTC/Fort Irwin Garrison Public A airs  received news of touchdown  rst, though the DSN
 our single Soldiers deserve the                    complex in Goldstone, California, was listening as
 best conditions that the Army   GOLDSTONE DEEP SPACE COMMUNI-  well. As Perseverance moved out of earth’s direct
 can provide,” Fedorisin said,   CATIONS COMPLEX —  e Mars 2020 Perse-  line of sight, NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
 which is why $180 million has   verance Rover arrived on Mars on Feb. 18 and that   (MRO) relayed engineering data to the DSN.
 been approved to construct a   was thanks, in part, to the Goldstone Deep Space   NASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN
 three-phase barracks complex   Communications Complex at the National Training   (MAVEN) orbiter also provided a recording of land-
 to improve the quality of life   Center and Fort Irwin.  ing data in a less processed  le format so every detail
               e rover left Earth July 30, 2020, and NASA  of the historic event could be sent back to Earth.
 of the Soldiers.   was able to communicate with the spacecraft dur-
                                                      The High Desert community supported the
 Over the next few years, the   ing its dangerous entry, descent and landing phase  achievement by using the hashtag #PaintTh-
 Fort Irwin community is set to   with NASA’s Deep Space Network (DSN) — three  eTownRed. Barstow Community College,  e Town
 receive close to $300 million in   complexes located in Spain, Australia and Goldstone,  of Apple Valley and the Lewis Center for Educational
 ments in infrastructure was not enough.  life of Soldiers residing in the barracks
 Steps have been taken to alleviate the  was one of his main concerns.   quality-of-life upgrades.   right here at NTC/Fort Irwin.  Research are a few of the businesses who were lit up
 financial burden of providing quality   “Renovating and improving the exist-  “By investing in our Soldiers and their    e DSN’s antenna complex near Madrid, Spain,  in red for the event.
 childcare for its Soldiers. A permanent  ing barracks complex has been a priority   families, we can provide quality housing,
 20% childcare fee reduction has been  for me as Command Sergeant Major of  quality childcare, provide employment                            From OUTAGE, Page  1
 implemented for CYS sta , as well as  Fort Irwin,” Fedorisin said. “Our current  for military spouses, and have a healthier
 extending family childcare past 15 days.  set of barracks covers every design the   and more lethal force,” Martin said.  torate of Public Works, Paul Schonenberger said any issues were addressed and corrected quickly.  Southern California Edison crews conduct pole replacement, along with maintenance and repairs
 Initiatives, such as expanding the exist-  Army has used in the last 50 years and   A link to the Quality of Life plans   “Overall the scheduled outage went quite well,” Schonenberger said. “We were able to get  on the power line that feeds the installation. SCE also uses the opportunity to conduct preventive
 ing Child Development Center, will  many of these barracks are mechanically   can be found on the home page of the   several poles replaced on the critical feed to the installation, as well as a number of issues cor-  maintenance on the substations, completing and installing power poles and underground cables,
 provide children with a larger play area  challenged. While we and our Soldiers   rected on the installation. No safety issues or concerns were raised.  inspecting/testing/cleaning transformers, circuit breakers and voltages insulators and replacing
 and provide sta  with more resources to  have done our best to maintain what we   NTC website at:  Facilities like the Commissary, the Postal Exchange and the Warrior Zone ran on a generator  failing equipment and poles throughout post.
 accommodate growing enrollment.   have, these buildings have not kept pace   irwin/application/ les/2216/1428/8352/  with a slight change in business hours for the day.  Many residents decided to enjoy a day o  post for the day or the weekend, but for those
 For Garrison Command Sgt. Maj.  with quality-of-life upgrades.”   FICAs_QoL_Projects_FY21-FY29_   e planned outage is a preventative measure to reduce the chance of an unexpected power  who stayed, there were be several options and activities provided by the Family and MWR and
 Paul Fedorisin, improving the quality of   Renovations are underway this year  PAO_Posting.pdf   outage on post in the future. It protects Fort Irwin’s single extension cord. During the operation,  AAFES, including bowling, paintball, and movies at the newly-renovated post theater.

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