Page 10 - Fort Irwin High Desert Warrior, March 2021
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10 High Desert Warrior High Desert Warrior 11
March 2021
March 2021
Community News
Monthly Town Hall highlights home-based businesses, jobs, events on post From HISTORY, Page 1
Courtney was born and raised
By Janell J. Lewis Ford MEDDAC Minute in Barstow. He attended Mon-
NTC/Fort Irwin Garrison Public A airs tara Elementary, Barstow Middle
School, Kennedy High School
FORT IRWIN, Calif. — e Garrison Command team kicked o the and Barstow Community College.
monthly Community Service Council meeting on Feb. 9 at Fort Irwin’s Sandy “I never assumed that I would
Basin Community Center by introducing some of the home-based businesses on be asked to be the key note speaker
post and the process of registering one. of this event and being the rst
e owners of Jazzy’s Sweets, Unicorn Accessories, Paine Physical erapy and black Mayor of Barstow makes it
Atropia FuBarBQ introduced themselves to the community and highlighted their extra special to me,” Courtney said.
on-post businesses with a presentation. Black History Month is an
ose wanting to register a home-based business, private organization or with event that the National Training
fundraising inquiries, can go to, contact Donta Brown or Center and Fort Irwin observes
Marta Livingston at 760-380-6248/3217 or visit Room 4 in Bldg. 1317, which every February through the NTC
is the Financial Management O ce. You can also nd a list of the businesses on MEO/EEO offices. This one
the MWR website, as well. was presented by the Regimental
e Army Community Service organization on post reminded the community Support Squadron of the 11th
about the parenting, infant and nancial readiness classes they o er. Armored Cavalry Regiment.
e Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC) and AAFES went through a The next observance is on
list of job openings on post and the best ways to apply. March 3 for Women’s History
Weed Army Community Hospital presented their upcoming events and op- Month. e Garrison Command-
erational hour changes. er, Col. Jeanette Martin is the
e Legal O ce reminded the community about their Tax Center opening, speaker and the event will be at
representatives from the Directorate of Public Works emphasized the Feb. 27 11a.m., streamed on Facebook.
biannual post-wide power outage and the Villages at Fort Irwin talked about the com/NTCfortirwin.
grand opening for their Secret Library, among their other events.
You can view the full Community Service Council meeting on the NTC website Fort Irwin Tax Center open for Business
at under “Town Hall Slides.” previous years, but o cials say that was an Army-
e next community meeting was a Housing Town Hall on March 2.
wide trend, due to COVID- 19.
Who will be preparing your taxes?
Walk Away from Pain! supervision of the Legal Assistance O ce and in
e Fort Irwin Tax Center operates under the
conjunction with the IRS Volunteer Income Tax
Assistance (VITA) program. All tax preparers are
Crismali Foot & Ankle volunteers from units at Fort Irwin, trained and
certi ed under the VITA program. Soldiers have
been studying and practicing to le taxes for the
“your feet don’t have to hurt” (From left to right) SJA – Lt. Col. Hana Rollins, wide range of circumstances in the military com-
munity since early December.
Heel Pain • Ingrown Toenails • Hammer Toes Bunions • Ankle Pain Command Sgt. Maj. William Justice, Brig. To be eligible to get your taxes prepared by the
Gen. David Lesperance, Tax Center OIC –
CRISMALI Ask us about Custom Arch Supports!
Foot & Ankle Capt. CeCe Bernstine Fort Irwin Tax Center you must be:
Story and Photo by Casey Slusser Active-Duty military personnel, Active-Duty
retired military personnel, or a dependent of an
18151 Bear Valley Rd., Victorville Fort Irwin Public A airs Active-Duty soldier or Active-Duty retiree. Re-
(Across From Victor Valley College) FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Fort Irwin’s Tax servist and National Guard service members are
(760) 948-7400 • Center is back open for the new tax season and also eligible if they are on Active-Duty orders for
will continue providing free state and federal tax more than 30 days. To prove eligibility, please make
preparation services to Soldiers at no cost. sure to bring your military I.D and your orders (if
e National Training Center and Fort Irwin’s applicable).
NOW OFFERING LASER Commanding General, Brig. Gen. David Lesper- Safety Measures
ance and Command Sgt. Maj. William Justice
COVID-19 safety precautions are in place
State-of-the-Art FDA approved laser for fungus nails participated in the ribbon-cutting for the grand and strictly adhered. Plexiglas is at every desk be-
re-opening of the Tax Center on Feb. 22. Garrison tween preparers and clients, chairs will be cleaned
Have Beautiful Feet Again Commander, Col. Jeanette Martin and Command between clients, public-use pens will be sanitized
Sgt. Maj. Paul Fedorisin also took part. regularly, and markings on the oor will ensure
THANK YOU FOR VOTING US The IRS began accepting and processing personal distancing to clients waiting to be seen.
2020 tax year returns on Feb.12 with a deadline Appointments are in Bldg. 230 and will be
What is Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy? of April 15. scheduled in one-hour blocks. e o ce highly
Last year, the Tax Center was able to adjust recommends calling 760-380-1040 to make an ap-
FDA Approved • Advanced Pulse Activated Therapy to pandemic conditions and le nearly 1,000 tax pointment as they have limited waiting space, and
All Natural Relief from Heel Pain • No Shots! No Pills! No Time Off! returns during the extended tax season. people will be turned away if necessary, to maintain
Get back to your active lifestyle FAST! During that time, the center eld returns for the health and safety of clients and tax preparers.
2019 - 1st Place more than 400 Soldiers, nearly 250 spouses, and Hours of Operation are Monday, Tuesday,
Se Habla Español Care Credit more than 50 retirees; saving families more than Wednesday, and Friday from 9:30a.m. – 5p.m.;
$141,000 in ling fees. ursday from 1p.m. - 5p.m., with the last avail-
Nick Crismali, DPM, FACFAS Board Certified • Over 20 Years of Experience • Extended Hours e number of people ling with Fort Irwin’s able appointments at 4p.m. e o ce is closed
center was slightly lower last year, compared to from 11:30a.m. - 1p.m. daily.
For more information go to For more information go to