Page 26 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt Oct. 2 2015
P. 26


Classified Marketplace

Employment Opportunities          Services

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          Aerotech News                      SAVE 50% on             46524JTZ | Reg. $227.00
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            For Sale                                                 Limit 2 pkgs. at this price. Your 4 free burgers will be sent to each address that includes The Happy Family Banquet 46524.        (877)
                                     Premium Movie Channels                    Limit of 1 free box of 4 (4 oz.) Omaha Steaks Burgers per shipment. Standard S&H will be added per address.          247-9288.
   Oak Pub Table w/4-Chairs               FREE Installation!                                  Not valid with other offers. Expires 11/30/15. ©2015 OCG | 506B120 | Omaha Steaks, Inc.
           Coffee Table                   CALL, COMPARE
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        PRICED TO SELL                    Call 877-247-9288

    Call Mark 602-918-2484           Aerotech News & Review

       Announcements                        Real Estate

    DONT FORGET!                      All real estate advertised
                                    in this publication is subject
 CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE             to the Federal Fair Housing
      TUESDAY @ NOON                Act of 1968, which makes it
          EACH WEEK!
                                       illegal to advertise any
         Misc. for Sale               preference, limitation or
                                   discrimination based on race
          LOOK HERE!                 color, religion, or national
     Senior Lead Auto Tech            origin, or an intention to
 due to medical reasons must           make such preference
 VDFUL¿FHFROOHFWRUVGUDZHU    limitation or discrimination.
toolbox w/Mac & Snap-on tools       Real estate advertisements
                                   that are in violation of the law
             for $5,995.              shall not be accepted for
      value approx $75,000            publication. All dwellings
    call Mark 602-918-2484         advertised in this publication
                                     are available on an equal



You can now get your                     Homes for Rent              MQ-1 and MQ-9 Pilots
 Paid Classified Ads                                                  Avionics Technicians
 highlighted in                   Beautiful and Spacious
                                  2 Master Bedrooms/2.5                   RPA Mechanics
                                  SampleBaths/2 Car Garage. 1332          Contact Info: Brian Dozier
                                  sq. ft. in Gate Community.
                                  Appliances included. Fenced
                                  Yard, Community Pool.




 For information, call

toll free 877-247-9288
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