Page 23 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt Oct. 2 2015
P. 23

Thunderbolt                                    NEWS                                                                                       Oct. 2, 2015

New Military Star cardholders

get chance at $25,000 in credits

  The Army & Air Force Exchange Service is     gram,” said Aileen Rivenburg, Exchange
making it rewarding for military shoppers to   general manager. “With the holiday season
check out the advantages of a Military Star    around the corner, a $1,000 credit could ease
card with its latest sweepstakes.              the burden of additional holiday expenses.”

  With the Apply Today sweepstakes, which        When the updated rewards program
coincides with the launch of the new Military  launches Oct. 1, all Military Star cardhold-
Star rewards program, military shoppers        ers will earn two points for every $1 spent
who apply and are approved for a new ac-       in Army, Air Force, Marine Corps and Navy
count will be automatically entered to win     exchange stores, and wherever else the Mili-
DVWDWHPHQWFUHGLW7ZHQW\ÀYHZLQ-     tary Star card is accepted. For every 2,000
ners will be selected among those who apply    points earned, shoppers will automatically
for an account from Oct. 1 to Oct. 31. Shop-   receive a $20 Military Star rewards card.
pers can apply at the Luke Air Force Base
Exchange or online at                 Along with the new rewards program,
  “This is an exciting sweepstakes to launch
the new Military Star card rewards pro-          ‡ &RPSHWLWLYH LQWHUHVW UDWH RI  SHU-
                                               cent — an industry-leading interest rate

                                               gas stations
                                                 ‡ )UHH VWDQGDUG VKLSSLQJ DW VKRS\H[-
                                                 Authorized shoppers, 18 and older, may
                                               enter the Apply Today sweepstakes. Win-
                                               ners will be randomly selected on or about
                                               Nov. 30.

                                                                                              Courtesy of AAFES

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