Page 20 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt Oct. 2 2015
P. 20
Oct. 2, 2015 NEWS Thunderbolt
STREET medical personnel. The patient
was taken to a nearby hospital for
further evaluation.
BEAT Nonemergency DOD launches at Luke
The 56th Security Forces Squad- responses Website provides families management tools, and provides reports that
ron handled the following inci- a single online gateway help programs better plan for future place-
dents Sept. 21 through 27 at Luke Sept. 26: Security forces respond- to military child care ment needs.
Air Force Base: ed to a warrant’s hit at Kachina
Gate. Security forces released an Families at Luke Air Force Base will have Through, eligible
Tickets individual wanted for failure to access to a new Defense Department website families can search and request care for full-
appear to Glendale police. Nov. 16 designed to simplify and improve the day and part-day options in facility-based
Security forces issued citations child-care-request-for-care process. and home-based programs for children from
for 16 moving violations. Sept. 22: Security forces re- birth through age 12. Families may remain
sponded to a warrant’s hit at provides a single on a preferred program’s waitlist even after
Sept. 27: Security forces re- Lightning Gate. Security forces online gateway for families to access mili- being offered care or enrolling in another
sponded to a report of a minor released an individual wanted for tary-operated or military-subsidized child program.
vehicle accident involving a gov- assault to Maricopa County Sher- care options worldwide across all services.
HUQPHQWRZQHGYHKLFOHYVDÀ[HG LII·VRIÀFHUV The site enables families to create a house- Families at Luke AFB who are currently
object at the parking lot of Bldg. hold profile, conduct child care searches, sub- on waitlists will be automatically transi-
318. There were no injuries. Sept. 24: Security forces re- mit requests for care, and manage requests tioned to the new web-based system. These
sponded to a report of shoplifting at any time and from any location. families will retain the original dates of their
Emergency at the base exchange. Security requests for care, and all program enrollment
forces detained a dependent after The new DOD site, which is being in- processes will remain the same.
responses investigating security tape footage troduced in phases worldwide, offers a
for evidence. Glendale police took streamlined approach to finding and re- For more information, go to MilitaryChild-
Sept. 26: Security forces and control. questing care, expedites placement through or contact the Help Desk by calling
ÀUHÀJKWHUVUHVSRQGHGWRDUHSRUW a standardized request process and waitlist 855-696-2934 or emailing FamilySupport@
forces assisted with a cordon and
WUDIÀF FRQWURO IRU HPHUJHQF\ YH- Security forces responded to two Courtesy of
KLFOHV7KHÀUHZDVFRQWDLQHGDQG alarm activations on base. 56th Force Support Squadron
the response terminated.
Tip of the week
Sept. 24: Security forces re-
sponded to medical emergency at Prevent home burglaries by
Bldg. 460. Security forces provid- keeping windows and doors locked
HGÀUVWDLGDQGFRRUGLQDWHGZLWK at night or when out of town.
Courtesy of Senior Airman Brian Lefevere
56th SFS
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