Page 17 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt Oct. 2 2015
P. 17

Thunderbolt                                                   NEWS                                       Oct. 2, 2015

                                                                          LEAD  (from Page 11)

                               Luke Air Force Base                        in the future,” Vogel said. “The scholarship funds can be
                        Combined Federal Campaign 2015                    used for textbooks and classes.”
                         Support YOUR Favorite Charity!
                                                                             Another great way LEAD members give back to the
    Campaign runs                                              I make it  local community is through donating their time.
Oct. 1 through Nov. 13                                        possible…
                                                              and so can     “We are involved in the local community through vol-
                                                                          unteer events,” Anderson said. “We also contribute by
                                                                 you      helping spread the word of other organization’s volunteer
                                                                          events through our council meetings and through email.
  Wing goal $150,000                                                      Recently, we helped provide volunteers for the Air Force
                                                                          Ball, Airman Leadership School graduations and the
If all of Luke AFB gave $4 a month                                        POW/MIA ceremony. We also work with other private
($2 a paycheck) it would raise $191,000!                                  organizations by providing volunteers for events they’re
                                                                          hosting, such as Top 3, Air Force Sergeants Association
To make a charitable contribution, see your unit                          and more.”
              representative today!
                                                                             Vogel says it’s essential for Airmen to give back to the
    CFC focus booth will be at the MDG clinic                             community.

           9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday                                        “It’s important for us to be involved with the com-
                                                                          munity, because we need to lead by example,” he said.
                    For more information, see                             “Additionally, it goes hand- in-hand with the whole-
                   ‡ Squadron representative                              person concept, especially if the individual wants to be
‡ Chaplain (Maj.) David Barns, 56th FW campaign coordinator               competitive for award packages.”

 Questions? Call 623-856-6211 or email                 Being involved in LEAD Council gives Airmen the op-
                                                                          portunity to lead.

                                                                             “I would highly encourage Airmen to attend a LEAD
                                                                          Council meeting if they haven’t already. It’s better to
                                                                          hear about the latest and greatest events directly from
                                                                          an Airman than reading it in email,” Vogel said. “Not
                                                                          only are Airmen able to ask questions, but they can have
                                                                          them answered right away. They can get involved and
                                                                          talk about volunteer events they’re planning. We also give
                                                                          individuals a chance to lead and have the opportunity
                                                                          to head up events. We help push their ideas and events
                                                                          through meetings and email. Remember, being an active
                                                                          member of the LEAD Council is a great way to not only
                                                                          give back to others but to have a chance to make a posi-
                                                                          tive impact on other Airmen and in the local community.”
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