Page 12 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt Oct. 2 2015
P. 12

Oct. 2, 2015                                                                                                                  Thunderbolt

     56th Civil Engineer Squadron                                          56th Logistics Readiness                             56th Communications
Mission: Provide technically sound combat                                          Squadron
ready engineers to build, sustain and protect                                                                                 Mission: Pro-
Luke Air Force Base through engineering and                             Mission: Provide respon-                              vide, operate
emergency response services.                                            sive logistics to train                               and maintain
Demographics: There are 235 active-duty                                 WKH ZRUOG·V ÀQHVW )                            communica-
and 116 civilian members assigned.                                      and F-16 pilots while                                 tions resources
Leadership                                                              rapidly deploying                                     to facilitate
Commander: Lt. Col. Gregory Mayer                                       mission-ready forces                                  training the
Deputy commander: Tauny Woo                                             in support of joint                                   world’s fin-
Superintendent: Chief Master Sgt. Bill Ewing                            operations worldwide.                                 est F-35 and
First sergeant: Master Sgt. Larry Morgan                                Demographics:                                         F-16 fighter
Responsibilities7KHWK&(6LQFOXGHVÀUHSURWHF-                     There are 241 military                                pilots and
tion, explosive ordnance disposal, readiness, design and construction,  and 46 civilian mem-                                  maintainers,
environmental programs, family housing and operations, and main-        bers assigned.                                        while deploy-
tenance of Luke AFB and the 1.7-million acre Barry M. Goldwater         Leadership                                            ing mission-ready
take part in a robust mutual-aid agreement with several surrounding     Boschert                                              tainers.
new programs that enhance Luke and the surrounding community,           Logistics manager: Dave Goelitz                       civilian personnel assigned.
works strategic planning issues for future development and oversees     First sergeant: Master Sgt. Jody Nededog              Commander: Maj. Lewis Sorvillo Jr.
GHVLJQFRQVWUXFWLRQDQGUHSDLURIEDVHDVVHWV7KHRSHUDWLRQVÁLJKW  Responsibilities: The 56th LRS provides sus-          Superintendent: Senior Master Sgt. My-
WKHODUJHVWÁLJKWLQ&(6PDLQWDLQVDLUFRQGLWLRQLQJJURXQGVURDGV  tainment and logistics support for the 56th Fighter   eshia Lee
oversees the maintenance and repair of all on base infrastructure, as   Wing, 944th FW and the Gila Bend Auxiliary            First sergeant: Master Sgt. Brandy Rucker
well as, the four runways at Luke, Gila Bend and Aux 1.                 $LUÀHOG 7KH GHSOR\PHQW DQG GLVWULEXWLRQ ÁLJKW  3ODQVDQGUHVRXUFHVÁLJKWGLUHFWRU0LFKDHO
Fun facts: The 56th Civil Engineer Squadron’s lineage makes it          administers daily mission and contingency opera-      Petz
RQHRIWKHROGHVWZLQJXQLWV2Q-XO\WKHXQLWZDVÀUVW      tions support through logistics planning, cargo       Responsibilities: Maintain automatic
designated Squadron “C,” 56th Airdrome Group at Selfridge Field         receiving and movement, household goods and           data processing equipment and provide
Michigan. Currently, the squadron is better known as the Dragon-        passenger movement, vehicle and air terminal          computer services, personal wireless com-
slayers, a tradition that dates back to the early 1990s.                RSHUDWLRQVDQGHQVXUHVDOO/XNHZDUÀJKWHUVDUH      munications systems, records management,
                                                                        ready to support combatant commander require-         publications and forms, network infrastruc-
     56th Force Support Squadron                                        PHQWV7KHPDWHULHOPDQDJHPHQWÁLJKWVXVWDLQV        ture, postal services, spectrum manage-
                                                                        WKH$LU)RUFH·VODUJHVWÀJKWHUZLQJZLWKDLUFUDIW    ment, knowledge management services,
Mission: Deliver essential services and                                 parts, consumables and permanent mission sup-         and telecommunications and information
information to the total force customer.                                SRUWNLWVWKURXJKLWVÁLJKWVHUYLFHFHQWHUVWRUDJH  assurance for Luke Air Force Base.
Demographics: There are 102 active-                                     and customer service sections, and furnishes          Fun facts: The squadron motto, “Loquimi-
duty, 63 appropriated personnel fund                                    direct supply liaison support to the 56th Main-       ni Tonitrum,” means “Speak the Thunder.”
civilians and 286 nonappropriated fund                                  WHQDQFH *URXS 7KH YHKLFOH PDQDJHPHQW ÁLJKW
civilians assigned.                                                     performs materiel control, quality analysis, and         56th Security Forces
Leadership                                                              general purpose, specialized and heavy equipment              Squadron
Commander: Maj. Tonya Mack                                              PDLQWHQDQFHIRUWKHZLQJ·VYHKLFOHÁHHW7KH
Deputy commander: Todd Wirt                                             IXHOV PDQDJHPHQW ÁLJKW GLVSHQVHV FOHDQ VDIH    Mission: To provide
2SHUDWLRQVRIÀFHU&DSW6KDZQD3DUNHU                                  JP-8 jet fuel, ground fuel, and cryogenic products    premier force pro-
Superintendent: Chief Master Sgt. Rich-                                 to the base through its 24-hour fuels information     tection to the Luke
ard Stiles                                                              VHUYLFHFHQWHUDQGÁLJKWOLQHUHIXHOLQJRSHUDWLRQV   community while
First sergeant: Master Sgt. Brandy Rucker                               The readiness section postures more than 250          preparing for expe-
Responsibilities: Airmen regeneration, sustain and enhance              personnel to support joint logistics operational      ditionary require-
FDUHHUVSURPRWHZHOOQHVVDQGÀWQHVVSURYLGHGHSHQGHQWFDUHDQG       requirements worldwide, while operations com-         ments.
wellness, educate and connect Airmen, provide personnel readiness       pliance executes quality assurance, training, re-     Demographics:
and deployment support, mortuary and casualty services, and honor       source management and systems responsibilities        There are 163 mili-
guard support.                                                          to support daily squadron operations.                 tary, 23 Department
Fun facts: The FSS is the youngest squadron on base, having been        Fun facts: The Latin motto “Semper Expeditus”         of the Air Force civilian
created in February 2009.                                               translates into “Always Ready.” The 56th LRS          police and 13 civilian personnel assigned.
                                                                        maintains one of the highest deployment tempos        Leadership
                                                                        in AETC with 31 deployed during 2014 and 395          Commander: Maj. Scott Haselden
                                                                        deployed across 15 countries since 2010.              2SHUDWLRQV RIÀFHU VW /W -RQDWKDQ :DU-
56th Contracting Squadron                                                                                                     Superintendent: Chief Master Sgt. Blake
Mission: Provide best value acquisition capabilities while    ant units. The 56th CONS consists of                            First sergeant: Master Sgt. Brian Lynch
preparing mission-ready Airmen, developing leaders and        WKUHH RSHUDWLRQDO ÁLJKWV 6HUYLFHV                          Responsibilities: Security of assigned
fostering community relations.                                flight, infrastructure flight, and                              and transient aircraft, law enforcement
Demographics: There are 20 military and 19 civilian           SODQVDQGSURJUDPVÁLJKW,QDGGL-                              services, installation security, personnel
members assigned.                                             tion, CONS serves as the installation                           security, combat arms training for all air
                                                              SURJUDP PDQDJHPHQW RIÀFH IRU WKH                           expeditionary forces assigned to the 56th
Leadership                                                    56th FW Government Purchase Card                                Fighter Wing and deployment of unit per-
Commander: Maj. Rochelle Smith                                Program. The GPC program office                                 sonnel to the area of responsibility.
Director of business operations: Mary Peetz                   manages 222 cardholders, 93 billing of-                         Fun facts: The Diamondback rattlesnake
Superintendent: Master Sgt. Shane Cummins                     ÀFLDOVDQGPRUHWKDQWUDQVDFWLRQVZLWKH[SHQGLWXUHV     represents the 56th SFS and has 50 dia-
Responsibilities: The 56th CONS awards more than              averaging $10 million annually. Additionally the 56th CONS      monds and six rattles. It is prevalent in the
$70 million annually in appropriated and nonappropriated      WUDLQVHTXLSVDQGGHSOR\VFRQWLQJHQF\FRQWUDFWLQJRIÀFHUV     area where 56th SFS is stationed and is an
funded contracts, and manages more than $300 million in       worldwide as part of the U.S. Air Force expeditionary forces.   appropriate symbol because it will stand its
commodity, service, and construction contracts supporting     Fun facts: Base patrons once viewed movies on the big           ground and strike when threatened.
the 56th Fighter Wing, the 944th FW, Fort Tuthill Air Force   screen in the facility. The 56th CONS building is home of
Recreational Area, Gila Bend Air Force Auxiliary Field, the   the original base theater.
1.7 million acre Barry M. Goldwater Range and other key ten-
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