Page 8 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt Oct. 2 2015
P. 8
Oct. 2, 2015 Thunderbolt
56th Maintenance Group staff 56th Equipment Maintenance 56th Aircraft Maintenance
Mission: Plan, monitor, Squadron Squadron
train, manage, and adapt
through precise scheduling Mission: To provide intermedi- Mission: Provide safe,
to produce the world’s phase inspections, struc- ment and munitions
ÀQHVWPDLQWDLQHUVDQG tural repair, fabrication, to train the world’s
ÀJKWHUSLORWV transient alert, aerospace ÀQHVW ) DQG )
Demographics: There ground equipment, aircraft pilots and crew chiefs.
are 166 active-duty and 14 wheels and tires, armament Demographics:
civilian members. systems, and munitions in There are more than
Leadership support of training the world’s 600 military, civilian
Section commander: Maj. Wesley Wade best F-16 pilots and mission- and contractor mem-
Maintenance operations superintendent: Senior ready crew chiefs bers, including 130 Sin-
Master Sgt. Charles Parton Demographics: 363military gapore maintainers.
Weapons standardization superintendent: Chief and 93 civilians Leadership
Master Sgt. John Bennett Leadership Commander: Lt. Col. David Lemery
Quality assurance: Chief Master Sgt. Dominic Commander: Lt. Col. Scott Hall 0DLQWHQDQFHRSHUDWLRQVRIÀFHU0DM-HVVLFD:LO-
Hemingway Superintendent: Chief Master Sgt. Ben Carson liams/Capt. Joseph Langan
Training: Master Sgt. Heather Parker First sergeant: Senior Master Sgt. Brett Evanicki Superintendent: Chief Master Sgt. Neal Raben
Responsibilities: Oversees smooth maintenance Responsibilities: Maintain 682 pieces of aerospace First sergeants: Master Sgts. Jeremy Dwyer,
operations on more than 79 F-16s, 29 F-35s. ground equipment, 1,998 pieces of alternate mission equip- Israel Navarro and Steve Radnor
Builds, executes and analyzes the maintenance ment and a munitions stockpile valued at $58 million. Responsibilities: Provides organizational
DQGÁ\LQJVFKHGXOH0DQDJHVDQGSURYLGHVWUDLQ- Perform aircraft inspection and repair of 108 F-16 and level maintenance for 79 Block 20, 25 and 42 F-
ing for 1,406 military and 193 civilian group per- F-35 aircraft. 16A/B/C/D aircraft and 29 F-35A aircraft valued
sonnel. Manages key group programs and enforces Fun facts: The squadron was redesignated the 56th at more than $5 billion. Also has a $636,000 an-
standards. Also serves as liaison to the 372nd Equipment Maintenance Squadron June 7,1977, at MacDill nual budget to ensure mission-ready aircraft to
Training Squadron, Detachment 12. $LU)RUFH%DVH)ORULGDWKHÀUVWHTXLSPHQWPDLQWHQDQFH directly support U.S. Air Force active and Reserve
squadron in the Air Force. The squadron was reassigned components, Singapore and Taiwan air forces
56th Component Maintenance to Luke AFB April 1, 1994. pilot training.
Did you know?
Mission: Provide special-
ized component repair of Salvaged smashups for free …
propulsion, avionics, ac-
cessories, perform tests, Staff Sgt. Marcy Copeland
measurements and di-
agnostics on equipment The crashed vehicle used as a prop during the active-shooter exercise was provided by an auto salvage com-
systems to train the pany. The 56th Civil Engineer Squadron Fire Services has a partnership with the salvage company to provide
ZRUOG·VÀQHVW)SLORWV Luke with vehicles for training at no cost.
and to support affiliate
Demographics: There
are 183 military and 58 civil-
ian members.
Commander: Maj. Anthony Sutton
Maintenance superintendent: Chief Master Sgt.
Antonio Aguilar
First sergeant: Master Sgt. Deborah Hofstra
and repair of heads-up displays, throttle grips, and
signal processors. The electrical/environmental
section repairs electrical wiring harnesses, genera-
tors, batteries, and oxygen system. Egress inspects
and repairs ejection seats, aircraft canopies and
related systems. The fuels section inspects and re-
pairs aircraft fuel systems, external fuel tanks and
hydrazine driven emergency power system. The
hydraulics section inspects and repairs landing
all aspects of uninstalled jet engine maintenance
including inspection, disassembly, repair, reas-
sembly and testing. The precision measurement
equipment laboratory provides calibration of mea-
surements and test equipment including torque
wrenches, radio, RADAR and communications
signal generators, and pressure gauges.
Fun fact: Did you know that the ACES II ejection
seat maintained by CMS has up to 125 explosive
graphed sequence to get the pilot safely out of
an aircraft?