Page 6 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt Oct. 2 2015
P. 6
Oct. 2, 2015 56TH OPERATIONS GROUP Thunderbolt
56th Training Squadron 21st Fighter Squadron Gamblers 62nd Fighter Squadron Spikes
Mission: Train the world’s Mission: Train lethal war- Mission: Train the world’s best FS is the first
greatest F-35 and F-16 pilots riors for the defense of F-35 pilots. multi-partner
by providing peerless instruc- Taiwan Vision: Develop professional F-35 squadron
tion, virtual training and train- Demographics: Nine U.S. ÀJKWHUSLORWVDQGOHDGHUVIRUWKH in the world
ing systems management. Air Force instructor pilots, U.S. Air Force and our partners. and is respon-
Demographics: There are 14 four Taiwan air force IPs, Demographics: Currently sible for conducting F-35 part-
RIÀFHUVHLJKWFLYLOLDQVDQG 12 civilians and 75 contract- there are nine U.S. Air Force of- ner training for the United
contract employees. ed maintenance professionals ÀFHUVWKUHH1RUZHJLDQRIÀFHUV States and seven partner
Leadership Leadership and four enlisted personnel. nations at Luke. The 62nd
Commander: Lt. Col. Michael Dunn Commander: Lt. Col. Javier Antuña will eventually consist of 14
Director of operations: Lt. Col. Rhett Hierl- Director of operations: Maj. Ron Sloma Leadership U.S., seven Norwegian and
meier and Maj. Matthew Brockhaus Fun facts: The unit has flown the P-47 Commander: Lt. Col. Gregory five Italian F-35s.
Responsibilities: Provides 97 percent of Thunderbolt, F-86 Sabre, F-100 Super Sabre, Frana Fun facts: The squadron
the Air Force’s F-16 and soon F-35 pilots and F-4 Phantom II, OA-10 Thunderbolt II and Director of operations: Lt. Col. motto is: “Spike Aces… 357 and
DOPRVWRQHKDOIRIDOOWKH$LU)RUFH·VÀJKWHU the F-16 Fighting Falcon. Since 1996, it is a Matthew Vedder &RXQWLQJµ 6LQFH -DQ RI
SLORWVHDFK\HDU,WFRQGXFWVWKHZRUOG·VÀQHVW squadron composed of Taiwan and U.S. Air Norwegian senior national the 62d FS has destroyed 357
instruction in aircraft systems, air-to-air, air- Force personnel, training the Taiwan air force representative: Lt. Col. Martin enemy aircraft either in the air
to-ground, suppression of enemy air defenses pilots in advanced F-16 tactics. Tesli RURQWKHJURXQG6SLNH
fundamentals, special missions, and high Responsibilities: The 62nd
performance aircraft physiology. Additionally,
the TRS manages all lesson content, course- 56th Operations Support Squadron
ware, aircrew training devices, graduation
evaluation program, and the 56th Fighter Mission: Deliver outstanding opera- 2SHUDWLRQVRIÀFHU/W&RO0DWW*DHWNH equipment, and rated
:LQJ·VSURJUDPPHGÁ\LQJWUDLQLQJIRUHLJKW tional support to Luke Air Force Superintendent: Senior Master Sgt. manning management.
F-16 training syllabi consisting of more than Base and the surrounding airspace Lori Hayworth Executes an annual
24,400 hours and 18,000 aircraft sorties per while developing combat-ready Responsibilities: Provide airfield Á\LQJKRXUSURJUDPRI
year across two geographically separated Airmen. PDQDJHPHQW DLU WUDIÀF FRQWURO UDWHG more than 24,260 hours
training units. Demographics:7KHUHDUHRIÀFHUV WUDLQLQJ DQG Á\LQJ WUDLQLQJ V\OODEXV and 18,100 sorties.
Fun fact: Our contract employees have 180 enlisted, 28 civilians and support, weapons, tactics, and intel- Fun facts: The squadron war cry, “Get
survived more than 4,500 hours of aerial two contractors. ligence expertise, weather forecasting LQ WKH ÀJKWµ VHUYHV DV D FDOO WR DUPV
combat and have been awarded 12 Distin- VHUYLFHV ÁLJKW UHFRUGV PDQDJHPHQW and a challenge to others to match the
guished Flying Crosses, 97 Air Medals and Leadership RSHUDWLRQV VFKHGXOLQJ DLUFUHZ ÁLJKW squadron’s excellence.
one Purple Heart. Commander: Lt. Col. Jason Hokaj
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