Page 4 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt Oct. 2 2015
P. 4
Oct. 2, 2015 COMMENTARY Thunderbolt
A premier alliance: 425th Fighter Squadron Put the “I” in Airman
by Lt. Col. folks you will meet. They take advantage of learning by Master Sgt.
JON FORINO from their U.S. Air Force counterparts in the 56th CHARLES
FW as undoubtedly we have learned from them. It is LOFTUS
56th Operations Group humbling to see them do what they do week after week.
In short, they truly are world class. The Thunderbolt 56th Equipment
Aug. 9, 2015, marked the team and our local community are fortunate to host
50th Anniversary of Singa- this partnership. Maintenance Squadron
pore’s Independence. The 425th
Fighter Squadron is an op- The pride we take in executing our mission to It is often spoken
erational squadron comprised “Provide high-end training for RSAF personnel while that each one of
of elite U.S. Air Force and benchmarking against the best in the world” is second us is important to
Lt. Col. Jon Forino Republic of Singapore air force to none. For that I’d like to thank each and every our mission. It may
one of you here at Luke and beyond. We cannot do seem cliché when
personnel designated by an agreement between the our mission without you, and we thank you for your you hear it, but think about the impact of that statement.
U.S. and Republic of Singapore as PEACE CARVIN continued support and professionalism.
II. December of 2013 marked the 20 year anniversary I am one of many master sergeants on this base, and the
of this partnership in excellence right here at Luke The RSAF is very proud of the accomplishments same can be said for any rank. So how is it that so much value
Air Force Base. of their men and women serving so far from home, is placed on each of us? Why am I such an important piece of
As commander, it is a privilege to lead a unique which the RSAF chief of Air Force told me during my the mission that happens daily?
squadron of world class air force professionals. It is recent visit to the Republic of Singapore’s Ministry
the partnership, people, and pride of the 425th FS that of Defense. The PEACE CARVIN II Partnership has , DP DQ $PHULFDQ $LUPDQ LV WKH ÀUVW SKUDVH RI RXU FUHHG
make this unit stand out here at Luke and everywhere grown immensely over the past 20 years due to the WKDWXQLÀHVXVLQRXULQGLYLGXDOVSHFLDOWLHV,DPUHVSRQVLEOH
they operate. friendship and trust that has developed between our to each Airman to show up ready to perform and execute my
two nations, which are a direct result of the teamwork GXWLHVZLWKLQWHJULW\VHOÁHVVQHVVDQGH[FHOOHQFH,DOVRFDUU\
The partnership is one forged on trust and friendship and daily interaction among RSAF and U.S. Air Force the same expectation for others. If one of us is not able to ex-
professionals, both military and civilian, here at Luke. HFXWHWKHQZHPXVWEHDEOHWRDGDSWÁH[DQGHQVXUHWKDWWKH
and years of experience working together. It extends We should be proud of what we have accomplished to- mission is being met.
gether as a team, for it is that joint effort that ensures
from operations, across maintenance, throughout the the 425th FS remains “Feared Throughout the Land.” I am important to our team because I am effective. I am doing
my part in being a responsible, accountable and credible Air-
56th Fighter Wing and into our local community. Senior Airman James Hensley man. If I am not, then my fellow Airmen must pick up where
I left off detracting from what they need to do, which creates a
:HDUHDQRSHUDWLRQDOÀJKWHUVTXDGURQIURP6LQJD- The 425th Fighter Squadron Republic of Singapore potential for a weakness in the execution of our mission. Putting
$LU)RUFHWDLOÀDVKDW/XNH$LU)RUFH%DVH the “I” in Airman means that I must be disciplined.
pore, wearing Air Education & Training Command/56th
I once heard a chief say this about discipline.
FW patches. We train for and go on multiple large-force “There is self-discipline and imposed discipline and hav-
ing more self-discipline means that the potential for imposed
employment exercises every year to include Red Flag discipline is less likely. As an Airman, being self-disciplined
ensures that we are ready to show up and execute our duties
Nellis and Alaska, Combat Archer, and Maple Flag in ZLWKLQWHJULW\VHOÁHVVQHVVDQGH[FHOOHQFHµ
Putting the “I” in Airman holds us accountable to each other
Canada. Every two years the RSAF hosts an extremely in the way we perform on or off duty. Having that discipline
ensures that each and every day, we are ready. It is not a cli-
robust exercise right here at Luke, which yields tre- ché when our individual importance is spoken of, because the
team depends on us. Putting the “I” in Airman means that as
mendous training for RSAF and many other Singapore individuals we are making smart responsible decisions that
enable us to come back to work fully capable to execute.
armed forces units from more than 9,000 miles away.
Additionally, our bond with our partners in the
Pacific extends well beyond Luke. Singapore has
a squadron of F-15SGs at Mountain Home AFB in
Idaho, a squadron of Apache helicopters right down the
road in Tucson, and a detachment of CH-47 Chinook
helicopters in Grand Prairie, Texas. They truly are a
world-class organization.
The people are simply amazing. They are dedicated
and a diverse culture working closely together yielding
prodigious success, yet are some of the most modest
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