Page 9 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt Oct. 2 2015
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Thunderbolt             56TH MEDICAL GROUP                                                                                                                                       Oct. 2, 2015                                             9                                                                                                                        

56th Aerospace Medicine Squadron                                    56th Medical                                                                        56th Medical Support Squadron

Mission: 6XSSRUW WK )LJKWHU :LQJ Á\LQJ WUDLQLQJ             Operations                                                                         Mission: We exist to provide
and deployment mission through                                                                                                                          seamlessly integrated sup-
superior aeromedical, opto-                                           Squadron                                                                          port through excellent
metric, occupational, envi-                                                                                                                             patient care.
ronmental and preventive                                           Mission: Ensures medi-
medicine programs.                                                 cal readiness of the human                                                           Demographics: There
                                                                   weapon’s system for the Air                                                          are 180 active-duty, ci-
Demographics: There                                                Force’s largest                                                                      vilian and contract mem-
are 59 military active-                                            ÀJKWHU ZLQJ ZKLOH VHDPOHVVO\ SURYLGLQJ SDWLHQW                                 bers.
duty personnel, six civil-                                         centered care with Airmen and families to
ians and four contractors.                                         keep them healthy for life and ready to support                                      Leadership
                                                                   the mission.                                                                         Commander: Lt. Col. Lauren
Leadership                                                         Demographics: There are 224 active-duty and                                          Byrd
                                                                   civilian members.                                                                    Superintendent: Senior Master Sgt. Shawn Thompson
Commander: Lt. Col. Rob-
ert Craig-Gray                                                     Leadership                                                                           Responsibilities: 0'66 HQVXUHV UHDG\ ÀJKWLQJ
                                                                   Commander: Col. Stephen Boden                                                        IRUFHV E\ SURYLGLQJ DGPLQLVWUDWLYH ÀQDQFLDO GDWD
Squadron superintendent:                                           Superintendent: Senior Master Sgt. Rochelle                                          analysis, management, and therapeutic services
Master Sgt. Jeremy Roberts                                         Hemingway                                                                            essential to health promotion, and healthcare of
                                                                   Responsibilities: The Medical Operations Squad-                                      5,600 active-duty, Reserve military, and civilian
Responsibilities: Flight and Operational Medicine                  ron provides comprehensive medical care to 5,500                                     HPSOR\HHV DQG  HOLJLEOH EHQHÀFLDULHV 7KH
Clinic is responsible for the health and welfare of those on       XQLIRUPHG SHUVRQQHO DQG  EHQHÀFLDULHV E\                                 squadron prepares wing personnel for expeditionary
Á\DQGFRQWUROVWDWXVDVZHOODVWKHLUGHSHQGHQWV$GGLWLRQ-       promoting health, maintaining wellness and mini-                                     operations to support global missions by supporting
DOO\)20&SURYLGHVPHGLFDORYHUVLJKWIRU353FHUWLÀFD-            mizing the impact of illness. The Family Health,                                     234,000 annual patient encounters in an integrated
WLRQDQGLVUHVSRQVLEOHIRUÁLJKWOLQHHPHUJHQF\UHVSRQVH         Medical Services, Surgical Services and Mental                                       $100 million managed-care environment.
                                                                   +HDOWK ÁLJKWV VXSSRUW PRUH WKDQ  DPEX-
Public Health prevents disease, disability, morbidity and          latory visits and 500 patient surgeries annually.                                    Fun facts: MDSS is a multidisciplinary team of
death through effective use of population-based PH pro-            Fun facts: MDOS is the best-looking squadron                                         specialty codes making it the most diverse squadron
grams. Conducts epidemiological surveillance and analysis          in the wing.                                                                         in the wing.
of communicable, environmental, occupational morbidity
and mortality to establish and prioritize strategies for pre-                              56th Dental Squadron
vention and intervention. Public Health also ensures that
PHPEHUVDVVLJQHGWRWKHZLQJDUHUHDG\DQGÀWWRGHSOR\          Mission: Provide innovative and seamless dental care to ensure mission-ready
Bioenvironmental Engineering uses a comprehensive                  Demographics: There are 45 military and civilian members.
approach to anticipate, recognize, evaluate, and control           Leadership
chemical, physical, radiological, and biological hazards to        Commander: Col. Russell Boester
people in the air, water or ground from cradle to grave.           Superintendent: Senior Master Sgt. Kari Boyles
                                                                   Responsibilities: The Dental Squadron provides annual examinations,
Optometry Clinic is comprised of dedicated and compas-             prophylaxis, routine and specialty care to our tri-service active-duty popula-
sionate professionals who specialize in providing high qual-       tion. We strive to ensure all active-duty members are dental deployment ready.
ity, primary eye care and urgent need services supporting          Fun facts: In early America, blacksmiths often also served as dentists. How
wartime readiness and sustaining combat capability in              DERXWDWRRWKÀOOLQJWRJRZLWK\RXUQHZKRUVHVKRHV"
support of the aerospace medicine mission. Our team
provides state-of-the-art eye health care that specializes in
comprehensive vision care and clinical optometry services.

Health Promotions manages the wing’s health and well-
ness through community health education programs,
well as one-on-one counseling by subject-matter experts.

Fun facts: The 56th AMDS has two consecutive AETC
Team Aerospace of the Year awards.

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