Page 10 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt Oct. 2 2015
P. 10

Oct. 2, 2015                                        NEWS                                                                                         Thunderbolt

Chaplain’s thoughts ...                                                                                      How was your summer?

   What’s on your bucket list?                   So what’s on your bucket list? Are                                                 “I went to the             “I got to hang out
   Two weeks ago I went on a chapel           there some things you’d like to do,                                                   beach, hung                in Ocean City,
sponsored event to the Grand Canyon           places to go, events to see, adventures                                               out with friends           Maryland, with
with Airmen from several bases. It was        to have that would make your tour                                                     and chilled.”              my girlfriend.”
an inspiring event, and I particularly        at Luke complete? Maybe you would
enjoyed making a trek into the canyon.        OLNH WR ÀQG D VSRXVH VWDUW D IDPLO\      SOUND OFF!  Airman                              Airman 1st Class
I chose to turn around at the 1.5 mile        make rank, or run a marathon; there’s                          JOSIE CORNELLA                      YAROSLAV BOLOTOV
mark — a decision I did not regret as I       no limit to the things you can do in                           56th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron  56th Communications Squadron
discovered that it really is easier to go     your life.
down than up the canyon.                                                                                     “I purchased a                                    “I travelled a
   2QWKHÀQDOQLJKWRIWKHHYHQWVHYHUDO      We tend to think of epic events to                          motorcycle, and                                   lot. I went to
Airmen thought it would be neat to            put on our bucket lists; things like                           I can’t wait to                                   Sedona and did
watch the sun rise over the canyon. Ini-      skydiving, bungee jumping or climb-                            ¿QLVKP\ULGHU                                   some explor-
tially I declined, preferring to sleep in on  ing Mount Everest. But perhaps we                              safety course.”                                   ing, hiking and
a down day; however, at 4 a.m. as I was       should look at some items that, while                                                                            camping.”
trying to sleep on a not-so-comfortable       not epic, can make a huge difference
cot, I had a change of heart and decided      in our lives. Things like expressing                           Airman 1st Class                    Staff Sgt.
to get up to see the sun rise.                DSSUHFLDWLRQRUUHVROYLQJDFRQÁLFWRU                       PETER GOERSCHEL                     MARIA ABELLO
   So I’m thinking “Hey this can be a         developing some spiritual disciplines                          56th Logistics Readiness Squadron   56th LRS
bucket list item for me.” I can forever       such as prayer or fasting. Perhaps your
say that I have seen the sunrise at the       list should include growth in virtues
Grand Canyon. No, I can forever say           such as prudence or fortitude.
that I sensed the glory of creation and
the power of the Divine as I waited in si-       I invite you to focus on the matters
lence on the verge of the great abyss that    of the heart and soul that could make
is the Grand Canyon … OK, perhaps a           an eternal difference for your life and
bit dramatic but I promise you this story     wellbeing.
will get better as times goes by.

                                                 Courtesy of Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Larry Fowler
                                                                       56th Fighter Wing Chapel

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                  Superintendent Jonathan E. Logan, Pastor
                        Missionary Christine Logan, First Lady

Phone: 623-486-9007                           Service Times:    7:30 am                          Learn How Easy It Is To Get Started
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