Page 21 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt Oct. 2 2015
P. 21

Thunderbolt                                     DIVERSIONS                                                                                                                                                  Oct. 2, 2015

Get your shine on …                                                                                                                                           Warrior Combine Challenge

                                                                                                                                                                          Run, dash, jump combined with weight events

                                                                                                                                                                    For details on 56th Force Support Squadron programs, visit



                                                                                                                                     Staff Sgt. Staci Miller                           Members - 80¢ per oz.
                                                                                                                                                                                    NonMembers - 90¢ per oz.
D/XNH$LU)RUFH%DVH¿UHWUXFNRQWKHÀLJKWOLQH$LUPHQIURPWKH¿UHGHSDUWPHQWSHU-                                                                                                           Choose from beef chicken or pork,
IRUPGDLO\ZDVKHVRIDOO¿UHYHKLFOHVWRNHHSWKHPORRNLQJVKDUSDQGWRHQVXUHWKHLU                                                                                              a variety of fresh vegetables, sauces, and seasonings.
equipment is in top working order.
                                                                                                                                                              LUKE AIR FORCE BASE   623-856-6446
                   LUKE WEATHER
             FRI SAT SUN MON

             96 95 94 91
             69 71 71 69

                                The Luke weather forecast is provided by the
                            56th Operations Support Squadron Weather Flight.

      CHAPEL                                    Chapel activities                                                                                                  CORMIER VS GUSTAFSSON
      CORNER                                                                                                                                                                    2FW‡6WDUWLQJDWSP
                                                Religious education
   The Luke Chapel team is committed to                                                                                                                       )UHHFKLSV	VDOVD‡)UHHVRIWGULQNVIRUGHVLJQDWHGGULYHUV‡%HYHUDJHDQGIRRGVSHFLDOV
ensuring spiritual care for the entire family.  ‡ Catholic religious education is
&KDSHORIÀFHVDUHLQWKH/XNH&RPPXQLW\           10:30 a.m. to noon in Bldg. 1150                                                                                                FREE ADMISSION! IRUFOXEPHPEHUVIRUQRQPHPEHUV
Chapel at 139th Avenue and Shooting Star
Street. All services are Sunday unless noted.   ‡ Protestant religious education is                                                                           LUKE AIR FORCE BASE                                                      623-856-6446
For more information, call 623-856-6211.           8:30 to 9:30 a.m. in Bldg. 485                                                                                                                             

   COM-Chapel on the Mall                       Weddings                                                                                                                           0\$LU)RUFH/LIHFRP‡$)&OXE)UHQ]\
   LCC-Luke Community Chapel
                                                ‡ Weddings are conducted in COM and must
Worship schedule                                   be scheduled months in advance

Catholic Mass                                   Singles ministry

‡ Saturday is at 5 p.m. at LCC                  ‡Wallyball is 5 p.m. Thursdays in the gym
‡ Sunday is at 8:30 a.m. at LCC                 ‡ Bible study is 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Oasis
‡ Sunday is at 5:30 p.m. at the COM
                                                   in Bldg. 636
Protestant worship                              ‡ Singles meet for dinner at 6 p.m.

‡ Contemporary/Gospel service is                   Fridays and Saturdays at the Oasis
   10 a.m. at LCC
                                                Youth events
‡ Traditional service is 11:30 a.m. at LCC
                                                ‡ Catholic youth group is 6:30 p.m.
Other faith groups                                 Tuesdays at LCC

For information, call 623-856-6211.             Club Beyond/Young Life Military

                                                For information, call Alicia Siefert at 623-


                                                ‡ Monday night bible study and fellowship.
                                                   For more information, call Capt. Lauren
                                                   Chaffee at 623-856-3011.
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