Page 22 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt Oct. 2 2015
P. 22

Oct. 2, 2015                            NEWS                                                                                                                                   Thunderbolt
                                                                                                                                                             Fire Prevention Week
Successful relationships simple, kind of …
                                                                                                                                                              “Hear the BEEP where you SLEEP
                        by                         ronment searching for opportunities to say               the facts and feelings of their world. Suc-
       JIM YANG-HELLEWELL                          thank you rather than searching for mis-                 cessful couples then use these love maps            Luke Fire Services invites the
                                                   takes. They reach out to one another and                 to enhance communication, understanding          Luke Air Force Base community:
 56th Medical Operations Squadron Family Advocacy  make bids for attention and, in turn, they               and, yes, admiration for the other. Suc-         Saturday
                                                   respond more to the other person’s bids.                 cessful couples are not business partners,
   Although October is Domestic Violence           Successful couples respond to 96 percent of              debating opponents or roommates. Rather,            ‡DP)LUHWUXFNSDUDGH
Awareness Month, rather than dwell on the          their partner’s bids for attention, whereas              successful couples are love map makers.             ‡DPWRSP2SHQ+RXVH
negatives of relationships, perhaps more           couples headed for divorce only respond 30
attention should be focused on the compo-          percent of the time, and most couples only                  Successful couples, share the meaning               at Fire Station No.1
nents of successful relationships. Successful      notice 50 percent of the positive things their           of their lives. They have a kind of shared          *DPHVIRRGSKRWRVÀUHWUXFNV
relationships have certain elements in com-        partner is doing.                                        spirituality, a shared way at looking and        Monday through Oct. 9
PRQWKDWKDYHEHHQREVHUYHGDQGYHULÀHG                                                                    feeling the world on a deep level. These            ‡DPWRSP6KRZ	7HOO
in actual research. Some of these elements            Successful couples have disagreements                 couples share an inner life that is rich in
are obvious and simple, yet we often do not        and still argue, but they are better at re-              symbols and rituals. They share life’s goals           at commissary and exchange
practice them.                                     FRYHULQJIURPWKRVHDUJXPHQWV7KH\ÀQG                 and admire and respect each other’s place        Wednesday
                                                   ways to diffuse an argument, change direc-               in the world, and more importantly their
   John Gottman, Ph.D., renowned re-               tion, divert and avoid the spinning wheel or             place within the family.                            ‡DP6SDUN\WKH)LUH'RJDQG
searcher, author, speaker and therapist            ORQJWHUPJULGORFN,QVKRUWWKH\ÀQGZD\V                                                                    ÀUHÀJKWHUVYLVLWWKH&'&
has been studying couples for years and has        to come back together after an argument.                    Finally, if these relationship practices are
determined there are certain universal and                                                                  viewed as creating a rich interior life to a        To learn more about fire safety
common practices that successful relation-            Successful couples also accept their                  relationship, the outer structure, or wall       around the home, call Luke Fire
ships employ.                                      SDUWQHUV LQÁXHQFH ,Q RWKHU ZRUGV WKH\            supporting it all, is commitment – commit-       (PHUJHQF\ 6HUYLFHV ÀUH SUHYHQWLRQ
                                                   share power and allow themselves, their                  ment to the growth, health, intimacy and         RIÀFHDW
   Gottman has observed that successful            opinions and understandings to be moved                  longevity of the relationship. For one person
couples are simply … friends. They basi-           and changed by the other person. There is                in a relationship to secretly believe he or she
cally “like” each other. This seems overly         no “my way or the highway” in a successful               can “do better” is to allow a worm to burrow
obvious, but the truth is when couples get         relationship. Successful relationships be-               into the wall and undermine the structural
to a point of ongoing irritation and even          come “our way,” worked out over time with                integrity of the relationship.
contempt, they are in trouble. Successful          respect and genuine openness to the other.
couples have strategies for keeping the                                                                        As was stated, many of these practices
friendship alive.                                     Very importantly, successful couples                  are known to us already and are simple.
                                                   enhance their “love maps,” that is, they                 Some couples are naturally more inclined to
   Successful couples are kind and consid-         take the time and attention to explore the               employ them. They are the fortunate ones.
erate to one another. Successful couples           landscape in their partner’s heart and head.             But, for the rest of us, these practices can
spend time with one another, talk and              They explore those landscapes caringly.                  be learned and strengthened with use over
have a sense of humor. They communicate            They come to know the other’s worries,                   time provided we are motivated and com-
respect in numerous small ways. They show          hopes and goals in life, their history, and              mitted to the relationship.
interest in one another and scan their envi-

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