Page 1 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, May 7 2021
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Vol. 14, No. 5                 Serving Southern Arizona’s military community, including Davis-Monthan Air Force Base              May 2021
                       Look for expanded coverage in the digital edition of Desert Lightning News and on

               INSIDE                          Air Force Surgeon General visits Desert Medics

                                                   by Senior Airman                                                                 optimized their processes in the
                                                   NiChoLAS RoSS                                                                    face of COVID-19. One of the
             StorIES                                                                                                                programs that impressed Hogg
                                                    355th Wing Public Affairs                                                       was the Continuous Medical
             America’s ‘Airpower Reservoir’     Lieutenant Gen. Dorothy A.                                                         Readiness program, or CMR,
              celebrates 75 years, 2
                                               Hogg, Surgeon General of the                                                         capability that they have imple-
             MWD teams participate in Des-    Air Force and Space Force, and                                                       mented.
              ert Dog competition, 3           Chief Master Sgt. Dawn Kolc-                                                           “The CMR capability is a one
                                               zynski, Medical Enlisted Force                                                       stop shop for all active duty in
             68th RQS provides insight to     and Enlisted Corps Chief, Office                                                     keeping up their individual
              AFSPECWAR recruiters, 3          of the Surgeon General, visited                                                      medical readiness require-
                                               the 355th Medical Group Desert                                                       ments,” Hogg said. “They are
             Chaplain’s thoughts, 4           Medics and its COVID-19 cell at                                                      conducting more face-to-face
                                               Davis-Monthan Air Force Base                                                         periodic health assessments as
             355th Wing flies toward future, 5
                                               March 31.                                                                            opposed to computerized physi-
             Rescue Airmen participate in       “What brought us out to                                      Senior Airman Nicholas Ross   cal health assessments, which
              readiness exercise, 6/7          Davis-Monthan today was  to   Lt. Gen. Dorothy Hogg, Surgeon General of the Air Force and   I think is incredibly important.
                                               see the great things that our   Space Force, and Chief Master Sgt. Dawn Kolczynski, Medical   It saves not only the Airmen
             Testing new tech on A-10, 8      medics are doing and to make   Enlisted Force and Enlisted Corps Chief, Office of the Surgeon   time, but the units’ time, and
                                               sure that they are taking care   General, receive a mission brief from an Airman assigned to   it gets all Airmen fully mission
             355th MDG implements new         of one another,” Hogg said. “I’m   the 355th Medical Group Satellite Pharmacy at Davis-Monthan   capable in a short amount of
              military health system, 9        always worried about my own   Air Force Base March 31. Hogg and Kolczynski visited D-M to   time.”
                                               medics’ resiliency and needed to   check on wellbeing of its medical technicians and to congratu-  CMR has been crucial in
                                               get eyes on them to make sure   late them on staying resilient during COVID-19.      keeping Airmen mission ready
                                               that they are doing okay.”                                                           despite the challenges that
                                                 Hogg and Kolczynski partici-  deliver trusted care to all they   perspective if there is anything   COVID-19 has presented.
                                               pated in a group walking tour   serve at D-M.           we can do to help them,” said   “Another thing I think they
                                               of the clinic, visiting each of   “It’s a  good opportunity for   Kolczynski.        have done incredibly well is
             Continue to get Davis-Monthan     the different clinics and hear-  us to say thank you for all of   Airmen from  each section   their COVID response,” Hogg
             Air Force Base latest news and    ing first-hand from the Airmen   the hard work that they have   briefly discussed their duties,
            information from these sources:    that work in each section, who   done and to find out from their   as well as how each section has   See mEDIcS, Page 4
                   and social media
                   Desert Lightning News       COVID-19 vaccine available to all DoD eligible
                Date of publication
                  First Friday                             by Airman                 is in the process of opening more days of mass   location and the day you would like to receive
                    of the month                     WiLLiAM TuRNBuLL                vaccine administration.              the vaccine. It also does not take away from
               Submission deadline                      355th Wing Public Affairs     “Normally we’ve been administering   just calling to schedule an appointment.”
                                                                                                                            To schedule a COVID-19 vaccination ap-
            15th day of the month                The 355th Medical Group advanced to   300-400 vaccines per day,” Mandabach said.   pointment, call the 355th MDG appointment
                                                                                     “We’re slowly ramping up our active days for
           prior to date of publication        Phase 2 of the COVID-19 vaccine distribution   administering vaccines and if the demand is   line at (520) 228-2778 and select option one
                Veterans                       at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base April 23.  still there then we’ll keep going.”  three times.
                                                                                                                            The Department of Defense remains com-
                                                                                      In addition to the increased availability, the
                                                 Moving to Phase 2 opens the opportunity to
                                               administer the vaccine to a broader populace.  355th MDG has implement a new system to   mitted to protecting our Airmen, Guardians,
                   Tell us Your Story            “Anyone age-appropriate can receive the   schedule vaccinations at:  https://informatics-  civilian employees and families by expanding
             Active-duty, Reserve, Retirees    vaccine now,” said Capt. Jonathan Man-            availability of the voluntary COVID-19 vac-
           All military branches are included  dabach, 355th MDG Immunization Clinic   “The Defense Health Agency has developed   cine to all DoD eligible.
            Email name, phone number and a     medical director. “For Pfizer that’s 16 and   an electronic sign-up app that you do not need   For more information on the COVID-19
           brief description of your service to  above and for Moderna that’s 18 and above.”  to be on a government computer to access,”   vaccine distribution at Davis-Monthan:
                                                 Now that Phase 2 is active, the 355th MDG   Mandabach said. “It allows you to pick your

                                                                                                                                          See DOOLITTLE, Page 7

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