Page 9 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, May 7 2021
P. 9

8  May 2021  Desert Lightning News  Desert Lightning News                  May 2021                                                                     9                
 Testing new tech on A-10  355th MDG implements new military health system

 by Senior Airman    are also testing the pivot suction cup bracket   by Senior Airman         Marion Kimani, Military Health   have the highest levels of cyber security,
 CheYeNNe A. poWeRS  and Samsung Active 2 Case.  Pivot’s bracket   BLAke GoNzALeS              System GENESIS trainer,    providing enhanced and secure technology
 and case will allow the pilot to mount the tablet                                             gives instruction to Airman 1st   to manage and safeguard protected health
 355th Wing Public Affairs   355th Wing Public Affairs                                         Class Jenna Slaughter, 355th
 in a location that will decrease workload and                                                                            information.
 Operational test personnel from the Air Na-  increase situational awareness.”  In order for the 355th Medical Group to   Mental Health technician, at   “The system is built to serve patients
 tional Guard Air Force Reserve Command Test   For now, the PnP3+ is a temporary answer to   accomplish its mission, it needs the best tools   Davis-Monthan Air Force Base   with increased security and functionality,”
 Center, a tenant unit on Davis-Monthan Air   the requirement to display HD targeting pod   and systems available to ensure patients get   April 7. MHS GENESIS is a   Sauls said.
 Force Base, conducted a ground test on a new   video inside the A-10’s cockpit.  the care and services they need. The 355th   modernized electronic health   Although it is a new system and new
 visual display system for the A-10C Thunderbolt   “Units will get these LITENING pods and   Medical Group is implementing a larger   record system being imple-  technology, the 355th MDG is preparing for
 II April 14.  tablets as they prepare to deploy and then   system that will greatly enhance its ability   mented across the Depart-  the transition well in advance.
 The LITENING Digital Port Plug-n-Play III+   would have them during their deployment,”   to provide healthy combat forces and trusted   ment of Defense that enables   “The desert medics have been through
                                                                                               a more streamlined care expe-
 allows the pilot to see a high-definition picture of   Case said. “This is a short-term solution while   healthcare to the Desert Lightning Team.  rience for patients.   multiple training sessions, practice events,
 multiple targeting pod sensors simultaneously   waiting for the A-10’s new High Resolution   That change is Military Health System   Senior Airman Blake Gonzales  and weekly meetings in the effort to phase
 on a tablet inside the A-10.  Display System.”  GENESIS, a new electronic health record                                  out the old systems and implement MHS
 “The A-10 has used the LITENING targeting   Total force partnerships like these allow   system that went live April 24, which   systems, Composite Health Care System   cancel appointments, request prescription   GENESIS,” Sauls said. “We have also in-
 pod for about 20 years, using a standard defini-  AATC and Davis-Monthan to accomplish vari-  Photos by Senior Airman     combines the two legacy systems currently   and the Armed Forces Health Longitudinal   refills, view clinic and certain laboratory/  stalled new equipment to support MHS
 tion video feed that shows one sensor at a time,”   ous mission sets with ease. The interoperability   cheyenne A. Powers  used by the U.S. Air Force. This modern-  Technology Application, which have been   test results, and have access to a health   GENESIS including bar code scanners,
 said Lt. Col. Jason Case, AATC A-10 pilot. “We   of guard, reserve and active-duty forces enables   Operational test personnel   ized system is being implemented across   around since the 1980s. MHS GENESIS   library. The new patient portal provides   work-stations, and e-signature pads.”
 were ground testing an HD video wireless data   the Air Force to remain unmatched in its re-  from the Air National Guard   the Department  of Defense and enables   will provide a single record of care through-  this capability, eliminating the need to   As the new system is implemented,
 stream from the targeting pod to the tablet in   sponse to warfighter requirements, and allows   Air Force Reserve Com-  a more streamlined care experience for   out a military member’s service, as well as   hand-carry paper records from base-to-base,   limited appointment availability, longer
 the cockpit.”  new, innovative support to the aircraft the total   mand Test Center conduct   patients. It also provides the 355th MDG’s   establish an adaptable system that can   while giving Airmen access to their records   prescription fill times, and longer wait times
 The AATC is the only Air Reserve Component   force employs.  a ground check following   Desert Medics with a reliable database to   evolve as the healthcare industry changes.  from anywhere in the world.  are expected.
 Operational Test Organization that tests new   “We really appreciate the support of both the   the first field test of the   access patient information whenever and   “Medical staff will benefit from MHS   “It’s going to follow them anywhere they   “We do not anticipate these delays to last
 capabilities for Air Force aircraft. Though they   355th Wing and 924th Fighter Group,” Case   LITENING Digital Port Plug-  wherever care is provided.  GENESIS by utilizing one system as op-  go, including deployments,” said Todd Sauls,   long,” Howard said. “While this is unfortu-
 do not fall under the 355th Wing’s command,   said. “Without the help of these organizations,   n-Play 3+ on the A-10 Thun-  “The process to implement MHS GEN-  posed to two,” Howard said. “It also allows   Defense Health Administration MHS GEN-  nate, it is necessary to ensure our staff has
 they often play a crucial role in implement-  AATC would not be able to perform our mission.”  derbolt II at Davis-Monthan   ESIS has been on-going since 2019,” said   for the connection of medical and dental   ESIS project integration analyst. “When   the time to learn this new system so we can
 ing modernization efforts on both the reserve   The ever-changing global climate of conflict   Air Force Base April 14.   Capt. Michael Howard, 355th MDG execu-  information across all areas of responsibil-  you look at our system we use now called   continue providing the safe, reliable care
 component and active-duty aircraft on Davis-  requires the Air Force to adapt and deploy   The PnP3+ is a visual dis-  tive officer. “The process of switching to a   ity.  This includes garrison, operational, and   AFHLTA, it’s kind of limited. The new sys-  you’ve come to expect from us.”
 Monthan and Air Force wide.  ready, lethal forces anywhere in the world at a   play system that allows   new electronic health record system across   en route care.”  tem will be viewable in theater and avail-  Innovative systems like MHS GENESIS
 “This new technology would allow the pilot to   moment’s notice. The 355th Wing remains on   the pilot to see a high-def-  the DoD has required a lot of manpower,   MHS GENESIS is a historic transforma-  able from the beginning of their career all   are just one of the ways the 355th MDG, the
 not only see the video in higher definition but   the leading edge of this charge by providing its   inition picture of multiple   time, training and resources that will culmi-  tion that allows Airmen to access their cur-  the way to retirement.”    U.S. Air Force, and the DoD are keeping our
 would also allow them to watch up to three dif-  units an environment to continue their efforts   targeting pod sensors on a   nate in a much better patient experience.”  rent medical and dental health records 24/7.   While being readily accessible, these   airmen fit-to-fight and ready to execute the
 ferent sensors at the same time,” Case said. “We   in improving a more lethal force.  tablet inside the A-10.   MHS GENESIS is replacing two legacy   Patients will also be able to schedule and   new MHS GENESIS features will also   diverse missions of the 355th Wing.

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