Page 10 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, May 7 2021
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DESERT LIGHTNING NEWS CLASSIFIEDS                                                                                                                         Desert Lightning News                                             May 2021                                                                    11


   Employment Opportunities         Services

     The best applicant     AT&T Internet. Starting at $40/
        is out there.       month w/12-mo agmt. Includes                                                                When life throws you a financial challenge,
     *****************************  1 TB of data per month. Get                                                         you’ve proven you have what it takes to ace it.
                              More For Your High-Speed
         Place An Ad for                                                                                                Now it’s time to tackle your retirement savings
      Your Business Today!   Internet Thing. Ask us how to                                                              at
                             bundle and SAVE! Geo & svc
         Aerotech News      restrictions apply. Call us today
      or email: classifi eds@     1-888-415-0766.             DIRECTV
                             Watch your favorite live sports,
        Cars & Trucks         news and  entertainment
                            anywhere.  More top premium
       Got a new ride?          channels than DISH.
                                 Restrictions apply.
        Selling a car?        Call IVS - 1-844-805-6126                                                              (A) Go ask your mother.
       ************************                                                                                      (B) Because I said so.
          Call Today           Garage & Yard Sales                                                                   (C) We’ll see.
        to place your ad                                                                                             There are no perfect answers in parenting.
         Aerotech News
         877-247-9288         PCSing? Or just got                                                                                  
       or email: classifi eds@  Too much stuff???       ******************************
                             GARAGE/YARD SALE
        Announcements         Attract More Customers

                               With a Classified Ad!                                                              Finding cures.
          DEADLINE               Call 877-247-9288    Join the Anaheim Regional

      for all classified ads is  Aerotech News & Review                                                         Saving children.
       TUESDAY @ NOON               or email          Medical Team…
     the week of publication.      classifi eds@       we are actively recruiting OR and                        St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
                            ER Registered Nurses
           Services                                                                                            800-822-6344 •
                                  Real Estate
   Two great new offers from AT&T                     Why AHMC Anaheim Regional Medical Center?
    Wireless! Ask how to get the   All real estate advertised in   Whether you are searching for a place to begin your medical career, or a place where you can
   new iPhone 11 or Next Genera-  this publication is subject to   take your career to the next level, AHMC Anaheim Regional Medical Center has a place for you.
   tion Samsung Galaxy S10e ON   the Federal Fair Housing Act   When you join AHMC Anaheim Regional Medical Center, you’ll be joining a team of other
    US with AT&T’s Buy one, Give   of 1968, which makes it illegal   healthcare professionals, all committed to providing the best care and treatment possible.
    One offer. While supplies last!   to advertise any preference,   We pride ourselves on our commitment and dedication to providing the utmost in quality
      CALL 1-877-378-1175     limitation or discrimination   healthcare. Every employee is valuable and contributes to the care of our patients.
                            based on race color, religion, or
    DIRECTV - Switch and Save!   national origin, or an intention   Quick Facts about Anaheim Regional Medical
    $49.99/month. Select All-In-  to make such preference   223 Beds • 900 Employees • 600+ Doctors • We are a cardiac receiving center
    cluded Package. 155 Chan-  limitation or discrimination.  44,00 patients visit the Emergency Department annually
    nels. 1000s of Shows/Movies   Real estate advertisements that   Physicians, nurses, and support staff all meet the high standards required
   On Demand. FREE Genie HD   are in violation of the law shall   for a position on Anaheim Regional Medical Center’s medical staff
   DVR Upgrade. Premium movie   not be accepted for publication.
   channels, FREE for 3 mos! Call   All dwellings advertised in this                                            St. Jude patient Isabelle with her mom,
        1-844-805-6126      publication are available on an   For jobs at AHMC Anaheim Regional Medical Center visit:   Abigayle, SFC, U.S. Army National Guard
                                 equal opportunity
                                                                     A CFC Participant. Provided as a public service.

    AIRCRAFT ELECTRICIANS                                                                                              Ramah Navajo School Board, Inc.

                                                      Explore Careers with the City of Santa Fe          Our mission is to nurture and develop students who will
                                                      From the culture and arts to unique experiences and rich history– there  are   meet the challenges of today’s ever changing society
                                                      countless reasons to love Santa Fe. It takes many hands to keep a city as dynamic   while perpetuating their culture and language
                                                      and vibrant as ours running and thriving. The unique energy and spirit that draws
                                                      people to the City Different all begins with the City of Santa Fe. With more than
      LOGMET LLC has immediate openings in Tucson, AZ  1,400 employees, the City of Santa Fe team members are the heart of Santa Fe.   Open Positions
                                                      They make a real difference with the work they do every day and have a hand in
              Apply today and                         shaping the future of our city. Be a part of the city that we all love.  The Ramah Navajo School Board, Inc.
                                                                  Employment Opportunities
                                                                                                             located in Pine Hill, NM is hiring for
               start tomorrow!                        We are excited to see that you are interested in employment with the City of Santa Fe.  the following positions in the Finance
               Benefits of working here:                 •Construction Inspector    •Field Operator Lead          Department, specifically:
                                                         •Customer Service Representative
                                                                                •Planner Manager
          8 hours shifts Monday – Friday                 •Emergency Management Director    •Police Cadet  Controller • Budget Officer • Accountant
                                                                                •Police Officer Lateral
                                                         •Engineer • Engineer Associate
          (No 12 hour Shifts – allows for                •Engineer - Traffic Engineering    •Waste Operator Lead
           more time with your family)                   •ESD Collections Equipment Operator    •Water Operator Intermediate  Also, we have the following position open
                                                                                •WWM Shift Supervisor
                                                         •Equipment Service Worker
        Monthly Incentive Lunches for all                      The City offers generous employee benefits including:  for grades K-12 at Pine Hill School located
           Employees (Lunch is on us)                Medical, dental, life and legal insurance for employees and dependents  in Pine Hill, NM
                                                     Retirement benefits through New Mexico Public Employees Retirement Association
          Immediate job notifications of             Employee assistance, employee wellness and deferred compensation programs  Navajo Language and Culture Teacher
        direct hire Civil Service openings.          Premium only and flexible spending plans. Generous paid leave and holidays.
     (Chance to become a possible WS-10 or higher)                  Location, Phone and Hours                                       Contact Us
                                                     200 Lincoln Avenue, 2nd Floor  PH: (505) 955-6513 FX: (505) 955-6810
        Email us or apply today:    PO Box 909 • Sante Fe, NM 87504-0909  Monday - Friday • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm  P.O. Box 10, Pine Hill, NM 87357
                                                                                                                                   505-775-3256                                                                   Visit us online at
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