Page 6 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, May 7 2021
P. 6

6      Desert Lightning News                                                                                                        Photo Feature                                                                                                                           May 2021                      7
                                                                                 Rescue Ai
                                                                                 Rescue Ai
                                                                                 Rescue Ai

                                                                                          — Participate in readiness exercise —

                                                                                         by Senior Airman           Squadron, 14th Air Support Operations   The terminal employment phase of   that has to train to a very high standard.
                                                                                         NicholAS RoSS              Squadron and Seal Team Seven.       combat search and rescue is the portion   We have to take advantage of these op-
                                                                                                                      “It’s good to have all the rescue units to-  of the operation where Airmen are flying   portunities to work together, train to-
                                                                                         355th Wing Public Affairs
                                                                                                                    gether in order to perform similar exercis-  into potentially contested environments   gether, and learn from each other because
                                                                                   BoiSE,  idaho — The 563rd Res-   es on the Orchard range,” Albanese said.   to rescue a survivor. During the exercise,   they are uncommon.”
                                                                                 cue Group conducted Operation Spud   “It allows us to synchronize, standardize   the rescue squadrons simulated numerous   “My biggest takeaway from this exer-
                                                                                 Smoke 2021 in Boise, Idaho, March   and compare our tactics, techniques and   scenarios in which survivors, with varying   cise is how beneficial it can be to work
                                                                                 14-28.                             procedures between the units.”      degrees of injury, were in need of rescue.  and train in a new location,” Burke said.
                                                                                   “Operation Spud Smoke 2021 is a    The 143,000-acre Orchard Combat    “The TE phase involves a lot of shoot-  “When you work at the same training
                                                                                 terminal employment phase exercise for   Training Center has multiple different   ing, a lot of tactics, a lot of communica-  range continuously, it can be hard to
     A U.S. Air Force pararescueman from the 48th Rescue Squadron prepares to drop   the 563rd RQG,” said Capt. Kimberly   ranges and 89,500 acres of maneuver area.  tion, and working with teams on the   recognize areas that need improvement.”
     from an HH-60G Pave Hawk during exercise Spud Smoke 2021 at the Orchard Com-  Albanese, 55th Rescue Squadron pilot.  “The Orchard  range has  advanced   ground and in the air,” said Tech. Sgt.   Exercises like Spud Smoke 2021 help
     bat Training Center in Boise, Idaho, March 16. Spud Smoke 2021 exercised combat   The two-week-long exercise brought   stationary and moving targets that allow   Austin Burke, 55th RQS special mission   rescue Airmen maintain mission readi-
     search and rescue capabilities in a simulated austere and contested environment.  personnel from numerous units includ-  us to see how well our crews are doing,”   aviator. “These exercises are critical to   ness, ensure that others may live and
                                                                                 ing the 55th RQS, 48th RQS, 79th RQS,   Albanese said. “Nothing like that is avail-  maintain rescue readiness across our   uphold the high standards their mission
                                                                                 66th RQS, 512th RQS, 34th Weapons   able at home station.”             community. We are a small community   requires.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              A U.S. Air Force pararescueman and survivor are hoisted up into an HH-60 Pave
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Hawk at the Orchard Combat Training Center in Boise, Idaho, March 16. Pararescue-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              men are sent to find and rescue service members who are downed or trapped in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              combat situations.

     A U.S. Air Force pararescueman from the 48th Rescue Squadron prepares to hoist
     up a survivor during exercise Spud Smoke 2021 at the Orchard Combat Training
     Center in Boise, Idaho, March 16. The terminal employment phase exercise incorpo-
     rated combat search and rescue capabilities in a simulated austere and contested

     Staff Sgt. Mitchell Miller, 55th Rescue Squadron special mission aviator, fires a
     .50-caliber machine gun at a target in the Orchard Combat Training Center in Boise,                                                                                                                       Photos by Senior Airman Nicholas Ross   A U.S. Air Force survival evasion resistance and escape specialist from the 563rd
     Idaho, March 19. The 55th RQS participated in a two-week combat search and res-  A U.S. Air Force HH-60G Pave Hawk assigned to the 55th Rescue Squadron prepares for landing at the Orchard Combat Training Center in Boise, Idaho, March 16. The primary mis-  Rescue Group pops green smoke to mark his location during exercise Spud Smoke
     cue terminal employment exercise.                                         sion of the Pave Hawk is to conduct day or night personnel recovery operations into hostile environments to recover isolated personnel.                        2021 at the Orchard Combat Training Center in Boise, Idaho, March 16.
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