Page 5 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, May 7 2021
P. 5

4  May 2021  Desert Lightning News  Desert Lightning News                  May 2021                                                                     5                                        
 Chaplain’s thoughts ...  mEDIcS   (from Page 1)  355th Wing flies toward future objectives
 said. “Their handling of testing and contact
 tracing has been phenomenal, and how they
 The last ride  ever forget him. He was born   several surrounding military   The driver, still holding tightly   have enlisted the support of the entire D-M
 in Venezuela but loved his
 communities. They knew our
 to his coin looked at me and
 adopted country passionately.   names and embraced us with   said, “We are taking a non-  team. This is not just a medical fight.”  by Senior Airman    Brendan Gallagher, 563rd Rescue Group   including personnel recovery and initial   rapidly after working with many mis-
 The 355th MDG Airmen have been operating a
 by Chaplain (Lt Col.)    He joined the U.S. Air Force,   tears. I won’t forget the two   standard route to the cem-  JACoB T. STepheNS  chief of weapons and tactics. “Due to the   airfield assessment.  sion partners to meet the needs of our
 DAviD LeoNARD  quickly moving up the ranks   chaplains who stood beside us   etery. I hope you don’t mind.”  drive-thru surveillance testing station, managing   355th Wing Public Affairs   hard work and preparation of our load-  “The idea and execution of moving (the   operators and warfighters,” Bieryla said.
 a COVID-19 call center, providing vaccinations
 and being selected for senior   as we received his body. Their   We pulled out onto the sun   masters and the 571st MSAS,  we were   aircraft) in a more deployable state is a   “This movement with LIFT exemplifies
 355th Wing   master sergeant before being   steadfast presence was calm   draped Terrazzo where stu-  at the base theatre, and deploying to assist the   The needs of the tomorrow’s Air Force   able to safely and effectively load the   great validation of the design and how   how we aren’t content to sit around and
 Yesterday started unevent-  commissioned. Phil had five   amidst the storm.  dents march and travel to and   Federal Emergency Management Agency and   must be met today. The 355th Wing re-  equipment onto the HC-130J.”  it was built,” said Jace McGowan, LIFT   wait on anything. We are getting after
 fully, until I learned that the   kids, four of whom have served   We followed his car in a bus   from class, but that day was   Defense Support to Civil Authorities to treat and   mains on the leading edge of this effort   Loading this equipment onto the HC-  Aircraft flight development engineer and   the Chief of Staff’s call to ‘Accelerate
 25th  Operational Weather   in the active duty military.  down the two-mile corridor   not a day of coming and going.   vaccinate the public against COVID-19.  to ensure its continued ability to wield   130J for the first time was no simple   chief pilot. “We took the aircraft from just   Change or Lose’.”
 Squadron was gathering to   Phil was a foreign language   of Peterson AFB and out the   That day they lined his route.   This left 355th MDG positions vacant, and   lethal, ready combat airpower anywhere,   task, however.  Air Force cargo spe-  over 15 feet to just under eight. We are   The eVTOL aircraft’s use in the upcom-
 commemorate the sacrifice of   professor at the U.S. Air Force   front gate. It was lined with   A silent field of blue with   D-M Airmen from different units stepped up   anytime.  cialists and flight engineers at LIFT   also working to get the time from unload-  ing Bushwhacker exercise is expected
 Capt. Nathan Nylander, the   Academy in Colorado Springs,   hundreds of U.S. and Allied   proud, slow salutes walked   and volunteered to fill these vacant positions   Airmen from the 355th Wing, 621st   Aircraft worked together to figure out   ing it off the aircraft to ready to fly down   to demonstrate capabilities including
 Silver Star recipient for whom   Colorado. He deployed to Af-  military, civilians and Patriot   beside us as they said goodbye   to keep the mission going.    Contingency  Response Wing  and AFW-  configuration the eVTOL would need to   under two hours.”  personnel recovery and resupply.  The
 their squadron is named. I   ghanistan to help train the Af-  Guard riders. A rolling salute   to their beloved professor. His   “Their partnership across the base is huge,”   ERX Agility Prime teamed up to move a   be placed in for safe travel, proving that   As Airmen and industry partners look   355th Wing also looks to test other more
 called over to the unit and   ghan Air Force. His life came   followed his remains. I re-  life and his death would not   Kolczynski said. “We talk about making part-  LIFT Aircraft electronic vertical takeoff   they can be transported using relatively   toward the future of innovation with this   in-depth use cases in the future. This
 requested  to offer a prayer,   to an end in Kabul after a lone   member distinctly the elderly   be forgotten. His lessons will   nerships everywhere we go, but they have   and landing aircraft  using a  military   small military aircraft with minimal   technology,  AFWERX continues push-  will improve dynamic forward adaptive
 not as a chaplain, but because   gunman opened fire, killing   woman with an oxygen tank   continue.  really fostered that relationship here at D-M.”
 Capt. Nylander died trying to   nine Airmen. I suppose I had   standing in the cold, hand over   Ernest Hemmingway said,   aircraft for the first time. The eVTOL   equipment.  ing it into new environments to test its   basing concepts by pushing capabilities
 save the life of my brother-in-  gotten  used to deployments.   heart, giving honor to Phil as   “Every man has two deaths:   One example is the 355th MDG’s Satellite   vehicle was transported from Springfield,   “With it being new, unfamiliar equip-  capabilities.  closer to the fight.
 law, Maj. Philip Ambard. Of-  We are a military family with   he passed by.  when he is buried in the   Pharmacy, where volunteer Airmen from across   Ohio, to Austin, Texas, March 23 – 24.  ment, we had to come with a lot of vari-  “This load exercise came on the heels   “This is the first milestone in develop-
 fering a brief prayer reminded   many deployments to the area   The cadets led his remains   ground and the last time   the base were — and still are — assisting phar-  This effort was a proof of concept for   ants and contingencies,” said Tech. Sgt.   of major flight testing in Springfield, and   mental operations of eVTOL in rescue
 me of my own journey in say-  of responsibility. None of us   through an arch of sabers into   someone says his name.” As   macy technicians with checking in customers   the  Air Force as the 355th  Wing, the   Joseph Wruck, 571st MSAS air trans-  we have more testing coming up in Aus-  and attack, which highlights how the
 ing goodbye to the finest man   ever thought we would have to   the hallowed steel cathedral.   we near the end of our nation’s   and handing them their prescriptions.  621st Contingency  Response Wing and   portation team sergeant. “Alongside the   tin and the Bushwhacker exercise (the   wing continues to actively engage on
 I have ever had the privilege   pay such a high price to defend   His five children, my sister and   longest war, we have a choice   “They truly are badgers. They have taken   other units across the force look to inte-  79th RQS, AFWERX and LIFT, we came   355th Wing’s agile combat employment   the front end of these efforts to continue
 to know.  freedom.  the USAFA Dean of Students   before us. We can assign the   this challenge, met it head on, and have done it   grate the eVTOL technology into upcom-  up with a simple, safe and expedited way   exercise) in May,” said James Bieryla,   building our readiness for tomorrow’s
 Ten years ago, I was entrust-  I have officiated dozens of   spoke eloquently of his life. The   long war to our past as some-  with incredible resiliency and have set the ex-  ing training. AFWERX and industry part-  to load the aircraft with minimal special-  AFWERX Prime division chief.  fight,” Gallagher said. “By doing this,
 ed with leading the procession   funerals as a military chap-  hundreds of mourners and I   thing that happened and is   ample for some of our other facilities on how to   ners are working together to aggressively   ized equipment by using the ramp sys-  Bushwhacker is the 355th Wing’s ongo-  we are furthering the rescue and attack
 of family, friends, and Airmen   lain, but I have never seen   shared that moment. We felt a   forgotten, or we can live with   handle multiple challenges at one time,” Hogg   develop this to support the Department   tem. The load took roughly 40 minutes,   ing series  of agile  combat employment   capabilities as we look toward the future,
 to Maj. Philip Ambard’s final   anything as profound as what   connection to his life and to his   purpose honoring those who   said. “I am going to take back some of what they   of Defense as it pursues further agile   but we can get that down to 15 minutes   exercises. The next iteration is scheduled   because these are the next generation of
 resting place. I handed a coin   took place during the days   sacrifice as only military fami-  went before us. Memorials   combat employment capabilities.  in the future.”  this summer and will be the first time   flying platforms.”
 to the driver saying, “You are   that followed Phil’s death.   lies can in the face of our fallen.  serve not to close the final   have done and see how I can incorporate that
 taking my brother-in-law on   His body came into Peterson   When I led my family out to   chapter of a life, but instead to   across the entire Air Force Medical Service.”  “We are working with industry and   The further integration and testing of   AFWERX eVTOL vehicles are integrated   The future is now, and the Air Force
 his last ride. I don’t want you   Air Force Base, Colorado, on   the hearse, I remember think-  remind us not to let someone   The Desert Medics are continuously adapt-  Air Force partners to continue develop-  this technology will ensure its employ-  into dynamic military exercise scenarios.  is adapting and innovating the way it
 to forget this.” No one who   a Wednesday. Our family was   ing only of the graveside, but   worth remembering face a   ing, improving and finding new ways to keep   ing this next-generation technology to   ability in austere environments. In the   “Our goal within Prime is to find   operates to ensure its ability to deter
 knew Maj. Philip Ambard will   met by the senior leadership of   I was not ready for the drive.   second death.  Davis-Monthan Airmen medically fit to fight   eventually be able to do anything that   future, operators expect this aircraft will   emerging technology with dual capa-  and defeat any near-peer adversary that
 in spite of COVID-19.  a traditional aircraft can do,” said Maj.   be able to support a variety of missions,   bilities and transition to deploy them   may arise.

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