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Vol. 80, No. 33                   March Air Reserve Base, California                                                               Friday, August 21, 2015



   Notice to those on base or
within hearing distance that the
March Field Blue Eagle Total
Force Honor Guard will be ex-
ecuting a one-time firing party
as part of their Mock Funeral
Graduation today between 10-
10:30 a.m. Seven honor guard
members will simultaneously
fire three “blank” rounds.

      SINGER/EMCEE                                                                                                                                          U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Joseph Dangidang
   Auditions for national an-     Participants at the starting line for the 2nd annual 5K Fun Color Run on Aug. 8, at March Air Reserve Base, toss their colors into
them singers and master/mis-      the air before beginning the run. Not only does the annual event shed light on the Healthy Base Initiative, but it also is a means to
tress of ceremonies for the       accept donations for junior enlisted to attend the upcoming military ball.
Nov 21, 2015 Military Ball
will be Sept 12, 9-11 a.m.,       by Senior Airman Joseph Dangidang                Communications Squadron. “People are            so we are thrilled about that.”
inside Sally’s Alley on base.     452 AMW public affairs                           becoming increasingly aware of these type          An added benefit of the fun run was fit-
Stop by and strut your stuff for                                                   events and seem to be glad to be able to par-
an opportunity to be an inte-        The 452nd Air Mobility Wing’s Rising          ticipate at one here without having to pay so   ness and raising donations for junior enlisted
gral part of the annual event.    Six held its 2nd annual 5K Fun Color Run         much to be involved.”                           to attend the upcoming military ball.
All are welcomed!                 on Aug. 8 (The A Unit Training Assembly)
                                  at March Air Reserve Base’s old track. The          Maj. Gen. John C. Flournoy, Jr., com-           “Fit to Fight is a key indicator of our abil-
      MARCH EQUAL                 annual event, a unique, paint and morale run     mander, Headquarters 4th Air Force, March       ity to do the mission,” Jones said. “This is
OPPORTUNITY SEEKS                 to promote health and happiness, was free        ARB, and his staff, participated to show their  great for PT, to raise awareness for the ball,
                                  and open to all Team March members and           support for March junior enlisted Airman,       and it’s great for unit morale.”
       COUNSELORS                 their families.                                  who directly benefit from any donations re-
   The March EO office is                                                           ceived during the event.                           In case you thought you missed it, there
looking for ARTs/civilians in-       The run began as a fun way to promote the                                                     is one more opportunity to participate. The
terested in training to serve as  Healthy Base Initiative (HBI), a demonstra-         “I’m having a great time (and) we are …      5K Fun Color Run (part II) is scheduled for
Collateral Equal Opportunity      tion project for Operation Live Well, (mili-     combining that Fit to Fight with raising funds  tomorrow morning, Saturday, Aug. 22. Reg-
counselors. This is an addition-, aimed at increasing      for our Airmen, which is great,” Flournoy       istration begins at 7 a.m. at the old track. Ad-
al duty appointment. The Col-     the health and wellness of the total force, in-  said after the run. “I would do it again right  mission is free, however, if you can donate
lateral EO counselors serve as    cluding civilians and family members. Since      now, having everyone out here together for      $10 - $15, it would be greatly appreciated to
a bridge between civilian em-     HBI’s inception in 2013, March Field is the      the camaraderie. It’s a lot of fun!”            help fund military ball tickets for deserving,
ployees and management for        only Air Force Reserve base, of the 13 pilot                                                     junior Airmen.
informal complaints concern-      sites selected, to participate in the program.      Participants, who were as diverse as the
ing discrimination. Applicants                                                     colors that showered each runner, smiled and       So, wear athletic attire (white is highly
should be at ease with oral and      The interest and participation for the        laughed throughout the 5K course.               recommended), running shoes, sunscreen,
written communication to all      March 5K Fun Color Run has grown tre-                                                            and sunglasses. Bring water and a change
pay grades, and have the abil-    mendously since last year.                          “It was a great event supported by the       of clothes to participate. One color packet
ity to remain neutral while per-                                                   whole base,” said Lt. Col. Scott Jones, com-    will be provided to every runner for the mass
forming his or her duties. The       “Everyone had a lot of fun with it last       mander, 452 CES. “I’m proud to say the          color throw at the start of the run.
additional duty will not exceed   year,” said Staff Sgt. Anahi Ledezma, 452nd      comm squadron was instrumental in setting
20 percent of the counselor’s                                                      up the run, and it was a well-supported event      For more information, contact Ledezma
primary job duties. Applicants                                                                                                     at
range from GS-05 to GS-12 or
equivalent. Primary supervisor
concurrence required. Train-
ing is required, date/time to be
determined. If interested, con-

             See BRIEFS page 3
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