Page 6 - March ARB Beacon 8-21-15
P. 6

   Are you aware that the
452nd Air Mobility Wing has
a Social Spouse Group that
is open to all spouses affili-
ated with March Air Reserve
Base? Past activities have in-
cluded going to the movies,
meeting for lunch, getting
creative at Painted Earth, cel-
ebrating Fall at the Live Oak
Pumpkin Patch, and so much
more! Please join them for an
afternoon of fun, usually meet-
ing the fourth Sunday of the
month. For more information,
and to be placed on the contact
list, please contact Analiza Sell


   The Riverside County Transporta-       can use the Ethanac Road off-ramp,        off-ramp, travel east on Highway 74     encouraged. Note that additional clo-
tion Commission (RCTC) will require       travel north on Sherman Road and re-      East, south on Sherman Road and re-     sures are planned at the Interstate 15/
weekend closures of northbound and        connect to northbound I-215 at High-      connect to southbound I-215 at Etha-    State Route 91 Interchange during the
southbound Interstate 215 between         way 74 East.                              nac Road.                               same weekend, so please plan accord-
Ethanac Road and Highway 74 East                                                                                            ingly and call 511 or visit to
in Perris for the Interstate 215 Central     Lane closure from 7 am to 2 pm on         Lane closure from 6:30 am to 1 pm    check travel conditions.
Project. The closures are needed for      Saturday, August 22. No detour will       on Sunday, August 23. Motorists can
crews to conduct emergency roadway        be required, as the second lane will re-  use the second lane for travel.            * To receive this information
repair.                                   main open to motorists.                                                           in Spanish, please call the project
                                                                                       Changeable message signs have        helpline, 855-442-1546.
   Northbound I-215 between Etha-            Southbound I-215 between High-         been placed on the roadway to alert
nac Road and Highway 74 East:             way 74 East and Ethanac Road:             motorists. Detour signs also will be       * Para recibir esta información en
                                                                                    placed to guide motorists through the   español, por favor llame a la línea de
   Full closure from 10 pm on Friday,        Full closure from 11 pm on Satur-      detour route.                           asistencia al
August 21 to 7 am on Saturday, August     day, August 22 to 6:30 am on Sunday,
22. During the full closure, motorists    August 23. During the full closure,          Please allow extra travel time and      855-442-1546.
                                          motorists can use the Highway 74 East     expect delays. Ridesharing is strongly
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