Page 3 - March ARB Beacon 8-21-15
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wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb                           August 21, 2015                                  3

From BRIEFS page 1                          items (for FREE) that they would like      three guests. Visit             online at Good luck!
                                            to donate to help someone at March         to register for and obtain your free ad-
tact Ms Paula Greenhaw,        in need. The site is NOT for selling or    missions. Additional tickets are avail-               OUTDOOR REC TRIPS, Maj. Nixomar Santia-         advertising. All items offered must be     able for purchase from the Tickets &                 AUGUST - SEPTEMBER
go,             completely FREE. To join, visit            Tours office.                                        March Outdoor Recreation plans the
                                                                                               following trips for the remainder of the
     HELP DECORATE THE                      Please share the site with your family        Discount Movie Tickets                        fiscal year:
      BACK STREET CAFÉ                      and friends so we can help some of our        Available for only $10 each and val-             August 29 – Bungee jump of the
   You are invited to be part of the        own.                                       id for Regal Cinemas, United Artists             Bridge to Nowhere in Azusa for $32
Back Street Café’s transformation. The                                                 Theatres and Edwards Cinemas.                    per person
Hap Arnold Club is looking for Team            REGISTER FOR YELLOW                        Hotel Discounts                                  September 5 – Three-hour couples
March-specific items/memorabilia to                    RIBBON EVENTS                       Receive 10% off any Best Western              sunset sail in San Diego for $35 each
decorate the walls of the new Back                                                     and 15% off any Choice Hotel                        September 19 – Skydive in Perris for
Street Café. Bring items to Bldg. 434,         The September 25-27 Yellow Rib-            Visit the Tickets & Tours page at             $50 per person
the administrative office, by Sept. 15,      bon event is open for registration for and download the Dis-                  September 26 – Three-hour Alpine
2015. Any unused items will be re-          eligible members. For more formation,      count Ticket Price List for a full list of dis-  horseback tour in Big Bear for $42 per
turned. Call 951-655-2801 for more          contact 1st Lt. Shelley Lawrence, your     counts tickets prices, hotel discounts and       person
information.                                452nd Air Mobility Wing Yellow Rib-        special promotions. Call Tickets & Tours            Call them at 951-655-2816 for fur-
                                            bon representative, for details at 951-    at 951-655-4123 for more information.            ther details or to sign up.

       ANNUAL KID’S RUN                     655-4615.                                     FREE OUTDOOR MOVIES                                      OUTDOOR REC
           AND ADULT 5K                                                                         ONLY TWO LEFT!                               EQUIPMENT RENTALS
                                                  HOUSEKEEPER JOBS                                                                         Outdoor Recreation has a variety of
   The 452nd Force Support Squadron            The March Inn has non-appropriat-          Outdoor Recreation is pleased to              equipment for rent such as camping
Fitness Center’s Annual Kids & Adult        ed funds job vacancy announcements         announce their summer movie series.              gear, water sports equipment, bicycles,
5K Run, in conjunction with the 1st         listed at for house-       All movies are free and start at dusk            and trailers to carry it all! Special or-
Sgt’s Council, is scheduled for Sept.       keepers. Applications being accepted       on the “A” and “B” UTA’s. Bring your             ders for Callaway, Odyssey, Cleveland,
12, 2015 at 7 a.m. across from the air      on website.                                own chairs, blankets, snacks, etc., and          Never Compromise, Nike, Bag Boy,
traffic control tower. Check-in time is                                                 join us on the lawn behind the Outdoor           Sun Mountain and Staff golf equip-
                                                                                       Recreation/Tickets and Tours - Bldg.             ment are also available. Download
5:30 a.m. This one event includes a                HAP ARNOLD CLUB                     434. Be sure to take all of your belong-         the full equipment rental price list at
kids’ and adults’ 5K run, and a 1st Sgt’s      The Back Street Café is temporarily     ings and properly dispose of your trash, call 951-655-2816 or
unit formation run. Kid’s age groups        operating in the Grande Ballroom at the    before you leave. Movies are open to             come on by for more information.
are: 5-6, 7-8, and 9-13. Medals and         Hap Arnold Club and serving breakfast      anyone with base access. For more in-
T-shirts will be awarded along with a       and lunch. Most of your Back Street        formation, call Outdoor Recreation at                 RIDE A BIKE ON UTAS
unit trophy. Sign up at americaskids-       favorites are available, such as break-    951-655-2816.                                       Outdoor Recreation, in conjunction                                    fast burritos, french toast, fried chick-                                                   with the Fitness and Sports Center, of-
                                                                                          Aug. 22: Insurgent (PG-13) - Bea-             fers FREE bike rentals to UTA members
    66ERS BASEBALL AND                      en, March Burger, salmon sandwich          trice Prior must confront her inner de-          from now through September. Male and
      HOMETOWN HEROES                       and more! Download the full menu           mons and continue her fight against               female beach cruisers, including hel-
   The Inland Empire 66ers (minor           with pricing at Hours        a powerful alliance which threatens              mets and locks will be located in front
league baseball) are looking for mili-      of operation are Monday through Fri-       to tear her society apart with the help          of the Fitness Center and issued by
tary Hometown Heroes to recognize           day: 6:30-10 a.m. for breakfast and 11     from others on her side. Stars: Shailene         Force Support Squadron fitness person-
during their August and September           a.m. – 1:30 p.m. for lunch.                Woodley, Ansel Elgort, Theo James                nel. Due to a limited supply, only 10
home games. Included with your rec-                                                                                                     bikes will be made available each UTA
ognition is a free game ticket for you         UTA operating hours are 5:30-9 a.m.        Sep. 12: McFarland USA (PG-                   weekend. Mountain bikes are available
and three guests, seats next to the         for breakfast (Sat & Sun); 11-1 p.m.       13) - A cross country coach in a small           by special request only through Outdoor
home team dugout, free parking, and         for lunch (Sat & Sun), and 4-8 p.m. for    California town transforms a team of             Recreation. For more information, call
hot dogs, chips and soft drinks for you     dinner (Fri & Sat).                        athletes into championship contend-              ODR at 951-655-2816 or the Fitness
and your three guests. The ballpark                                                    ers. Stars: Kevin Costner, Maria Bello,          Center at 951- 655-2292.
is located at 280 South E Street, San        MARCH TICKETS & TOURS                     Ramiro Rodriguez
Bernardino, Calif. 92401. If interested        Water Park Specials                                                                         FITNESS CENTER NEWS
in signing up for a game, please email         Aquatica: $36 adult; $31 child                 MARCH AERO CLUB                              The March Fitness Center has re-
Megan Crusher at megan.crusher.1@              Six Flags Hurricane Harbor: $31            GIVES FLYING LESSONS                          ceived the Wellbeats Virtual Group Fit- with your name, rank, con-                                                      The March Aero Club offers flight              ness Kiosk. This kiosk allows members
tact number and the date you’d like to      adult/child                                training (flying, private license, ground         to participate in virtual fitness classes.
attend. Available dates are Aug. 24 &          Raging Waters: $37 adult/child          school, instrument training) at very                Daily Fitness Schedule is:
26, and Sep. 1. All games are at 7:05          Knott’s Soak City: $29 adult; $24       reasonable rates including a pay-as-                August 22 – Pick up volleyball, 4:30 p.m.
p.m. with a 6:30 p.m. show time. Uni-                                                  you-go plan with zero down. Visit Han-              Mondays: 6 a.m. — Virtual Fusion
form is ABUs and it does not require        child                                      gar 355 on base or call 951-655-3875             Yoga; 10:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. — In-
any public speaking. You may also              Splash Kingdom: $22 adult; $14          for more information.                            tro TRX; 11 a.m. —Virtual Spin
change clothes after the recognition.                                                                                                      Tuesdays: 11 a.m. — Virtual
First come, first served.                    child (ages 3-10)                           BONANZA BINGO AT CLUB                           Strength “Fit for Duty;” 12:30 p.m. and
                                               Helpful links to water park summer         The Hap Arnold Club invites you               5 p.m. — Circuit Training
                                                                                                                                           Wednesdays: 6 a.m. — Virtual Fu-
                                            schedules available at       to play Bingo for prizes. Visit the ca-          sion Yoga; 11 a.m. — Zumba; 12:15
                                               Amusement Park Specials                 shier’s cage or a bartender at the club          p.m. — Virtual Fusion Yoga; 12:30
                                               Castle Park: $16 per person includes    or call 951-655-4920 for details. Win-
                                                                                       ning numbers for the week of Aug 17                                     See BRIEFS page 5
                                            unlimited rides, water park access,        through 23 are: B-7, I-23, N-41, G-47,
                                                                                       O-65. (Winning numbers are displayed
 VIRTUAL AIRMAN’S ATTIC                     miniature golf and the new Sky Rider.      weekly on the information screen in the
   Did you know March ARB has a                Disney 3-Day Park Hopper military       lobby next to the Grande Ballroom and
virtual Airman’s Attic? Log on to Face-
book and search “March ARB Air-             special: $130 per person (adult/child)
man’s Attic” to like it. The site is where     SeaWorld “Waves of Honor” special:
all Team March members can post
things they are in need of and/or offer     Extended through November 11, 2015.
                                            Program provides a one-time, limited,
                                            free admission to SeaWorld San Diego
                                            per veteran service member and up to
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