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2                                    August 21, 2015                                  
 BEACON                                 &RPSDUH75,&$5(2QOLQHDQG0L&DUH
  Volume 80, Number 33
                                        Air Force Surgeon General public affairs
 452 AMW Public Affairs
14560 2nd Street, Bldg. 2640            TRICARE Online and MiCare Secure
March ARB, CA 92518-1852
DPZSDZRUNÀRZ#XVDIPLO              Messaging may seem to offer the same ser-
                                        vices, but there are important differences to
       fax: 951-655-7070                these software tools, designed to enhance
     phone: 951-655-4138                access to care for all military beneficiaries.

         COMMANDER                      “Both programs are endorsed by the
     Col. Russell Muncy
                                        Military Health System, and although they
   Capt. Perry Covington                may seem very similar, in actuality there

              EDITOR                    are a few differences,” said Col. Gwendolyn
       Ms. Linda Welz
                                        Johnson, Chief of Air Force Secure Messag-
    Senior Master Sgt. David Smith      ing, Air Force Medical Operations Agency.
      Master Sgt. Megan Crusher         “While they do have some features in com-
     Staff Sgt. Tiffany Lindemann       mon, it is up to our beneficiaries to decide
   Staff Sgt. Heather Cozad Staley
    Senior Airman Russell McMillan      which tool they desire to use.”
   Senior Airman Joseph Dangidang
   Senior Airman Kevin Mitterholzer        In both TRICARE Online and MiCare,                      Steve Thompson / AF Graphic)MiCare vs TriCare Aug 2015
     Senior Airman Callie McNary        beneficiaries can validate medication lists

    The Beacon is published by          and obtain test results, including labs.
Aerotech News and Review. Aero-
WHFKLVDSULYDWH¿UPLQQRZD\FRQ-    Both systems can facilitate appointments.          “Using secure messaging promotes bet-     information which can prevent providers
nected with the U.S. Air Force, un-     With TRICARE Online, beneficiaries can           ter access to care for patients who need     from repeating routine medical tests that
der exclusive written contract with     schedule available appointments them-           clinical advice or assistance from their     have already been done and documented
the 452nd Air Mobility Wing. This       selves, whereas with MiCare, beneficiaries       healthcare teams. This is one of the rea-    in the Personal Health Record. This fea-
civilian enterprise Air Force news-     can request appointments via secure mes-        sons MiCare is considered a valued service   ture enables off-base medical providers to
paper is an authorized publication      saging. Once the appointment request is         across the military health system. Not only  have more insight into the personal health
for employees and members of            made, clinic staff will schedule an appoint-    does MiCare ease communication between       story of their patients.
U.S. military services, retirees and    ment with the provider as soon as possible.     patients and clinical staff, it also allows
family members. Contents are not        Another great feature with TRICARE On-          patients to access robust patient education     “It may initially seem confusing that
QHFHVVDULO\ WKH RI¿FLDO YLHZV RI  line is that it allows patients to track their  materials regarding their medical condi-     there is both TRICARE Online and Mi-
or endorsed by, the U.S. Govern-        claims and deductibles, and to obtain proof     tions or illnesses,” said Johnson.           Care, but each tool has its potential ben-
ment, the Department of Defense         of medical insurance. This is because TRI-                                                   efits for those patients who desire to use
or the Department of the Air Force.     CARE is for medical insurance coverage,            An additional unique feature of Mi-       them. Even though beneficiaries may use
                                        and addresses issues and tasks related to       Care is the “Health Record” or “Personal     either tool to schedule an appointment or
    The appearance of advertis-         activities that involve healthcare insurance,   Health Record.” This tool can be used to     review their lab results, only MiCare can
ing in this newspaper, including        explained Johnson.                              collect, track and share past and current    be used for secure communication to the
inserts or supplements, does not                                                        information of the beneficiary’s health.      healthcare team,” said Johnson.
constitute endorsement of the              In comparison, MiCare is focused on          For example, when referred to new off-
products or services by the De-         secure messaging communication between          base medical providers for care, the Per-       For more information on TRICARE On-
partment of Defense, the Depart-        patients and their healthcare teams.            sonal Health Record is a source of health    line and MiCare Secure Messaging, con-
ment of the Air Force or Aerotech                                                                                                    tact your local military treatment facility.
News and Review, Inc.
    Everything advertised in this
newspaper shall be made avail-          by Linda Welz
able for purchase, use or patron-       Beacon editor
age without regard to race, color,
religion, sex, national origin, age,       Every year the Beacon staff prepares stories of the                                                                     Courtesy photo/Mathieu Beaulieu
marital status, physical handicap,      paranormal as they relate to March Field for the Octo-
SROLWLFDO DI¿OLDWLRQ RU DQ\ RWKHU  ber issues of the paper. This year there will be five is-   These two “apparitions” were captured in 2013, with an infra-red video
non-merit factor of the purchaser,      sues in October, and we are asking for your help early.    camera, during the early-morning hours, in a dark room that used to
user or patron.                                                                                    serve as a hospital morgue in a building on March Air Reserve Base. Ev-
                                           Please contact us as soon as possible to share your     ery person on the ghost-hunt team is accounted for in the video but none
    Editorial content is edited, pre-   stories or experiences of what might be considered         of them saw anything when they were in the room. When the camera
pared and provided by the staff         strange or unusual or even paranormal activities right     was panning, the images were captured, but disappeared when the pan
of the 452nd Air Mobility Wing          here at March Field. We need to get started on the re-     was reversed.
3XEOLF$IIDLUV RI¿FH DW 0DUFK$LU   search and stories now in order to have them ready for
Reserve Base. All photographs           print in October.
in the Beacon are Air Force pho-
tos unless otherwise stated. For           In years past, we have participated in ghost hunts
advertising, contact Aerotech di-       on base and interviewed many Team March members
rectly at 877-247-9288.                 and former members who claim they have heard, felt
                                        or seen these type occurrences.
Aerotech News and Review
  456 East Ave. K-4, Suite 8               Helping us tell your stories, or just reading the sto-
     Lancaster, CA 93535                ries we tell, makes for a spooktacular October for one                 and all!

                                           Public affairs can be emailed at 452amw.pawork-
                               or contacted at 951-655-4137.
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