Page 25 - LRCC February 2023 Focus
P. 25


                                                               Clare Gomez                          1974, Dahms
                                                               will create and                      worked as a
                                                               administer                           co-op student
                                                               employee                             in bookkeeping
                                                               training and                         leading to a full-
                                                               education in the                     time position
                                                               newly created                        with the bank
                                                               position of                          headquartered
                                                               organizational                       in Lake Odessa
                                             Gomez                                 Dahms
                                                               manager for
                                             LAFCU. Gomez’s position was
                                             created to ensure that LAFCU          COMPANY NEWS
                                             staff have the necessary resources
                                             and consistent training needed to     Sparrow Forensic Pathology
                                             provide excellent service to LAFCU’s   Services has released its 2021
                                             74,000 members.                       annual report on deaths in the
                                                                                   five counties (Eaton, Ingham,
                                             PEOPLE NEWS                           Ionia, Isabella, and Shiawassee) in
                                                                                   which Sparrow served as Medical
                                                               Pat Munshaw         Examiner at that time. The report
                                                               is an 82-year-      provides detail on the manner of
                                                               old retired         deaths, such as drugs, suicide, and
                                                               registered nurse    homicide, along with historical data
                                                               who stepped out     for comparison. The report, and
                                                               of retirement to    other Forensic Pathology findings,
                                                               help administer     can be found at
                                                               Covid-19            omereports. When you get to the
                                                               vaccinations.       page, click on “Office of the Medical
            A Leadership                     Munshaw           Munshaw             Examiner — 2021 Annual Report.”
             Book with a                     two times a week through both
         TWIS T                              the Ingham County Health
                                             Department and Sparrow Hospital.
                                             She administered nearly 1,000
                                             Covid-19 vaccinations and recruited
                                             other volunteers to help at the
                                             vaccine sites. In addition to her
                                             help throughout the pandemic
                                             and within her career at Lansing
                                             General Hospital, Munshaw has
                                             volunteered in a variety of other
                                             ways. Some examples include
                                             her work with the Rotary Club of      On Dec. 13, 2022, members of
                                             Lansing Foundation, Boarshead         the Lansing Regional Sister
                                             and Williamston theatres, Greater     Cities Commission (LRSCC) and
                                             Lansing Arts Council, Capital         employees of McLaren Greater
                                             Region Community Foundation,          Lansing joined together to fill a
                                             Capital Area United Way, and          40-foot container with medical
                                             the Capital Area Transportation       equipment and supplies that were
                                             Authority, along with the Burcham     sent to Ghana, West Africa. The
         Author: Ross Woodstock              Hills Retirement Center.              40-foot container was filled with
              Executive Coach and                                                  hospital beds, stretchers, IV poles,
             Leadership Consultant           Union Bank has announced the          and over 150 boxes of emergency
                Available on Amazon          retirement of Suzanne Dahms,          medical supplies such as bandages,
                                             executive vice president and chief    tapes, digital thermometers,
                                             operations officer, after 48 years    tourniquets, bed pans, and
                                             of service. Beginning her career in   syringes. Additional donations

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