Page 24 - LRCC February 2023 Focus
P. 24

MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                    FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  FEBRUARY 2023

        global authority in hospital                                               Leadership Conference on April 27-
        rankings and consumer advice, has                                          28, 2023, at Grand Traverse Resort
        named McLaren Greater Lansing                                              & Spa. Students who placed in the
        as a 2022-2023 High Performing                                             top three at regionals also received
        hospital for Maternity Care                                                a medal for their performance.
        (Uncomplicated Pregnancy). This
        is the highest award a hospital can                                        PROMOTIONS
        earn for U.S. News’ Best Hospitals
        for Maternity Care.                                                                         Union Bank
                                             Mathews           Thomas                               announced the
        Dart Bank has been awarded a                                                                promotion of
        Top Workplaces 2022 honor by The     the ACCT African American Caucus,                      Janet Torres
        Detroit Free Press Top Workplaces.   and Trustee LaShunda Thomas                            as the bank’s
        The list is based solely on employee   was elected assistant secretary.                     new executive
        feedback gathered through a          During the awards ceremony,                            vice president,
        third-party survey administered      Trustee Robert Proctor received                        chief operations
        by employee engagement               the Central Region M. Dale Ensign                      officer. Torres,
        technology partner Energage, LLC.    Trustee Leadership Award, and         Torres           an experienced
        The confidential survey uniquely     the entire board received the 2022                     professional
        measures 15 culture drivers critical   ACCT Charles Kennedy Central        with a successful career in banking,
        to any organization’s success,       Region Equity Award for their         recruiting and talent management,
        including alignment, execution,      work in championing diversity and     project management, and change
        and connection.                      inclusion at LCC.                     leadership in the Greater Grand
                                                                                   Rapids area, joined the bank in
                                             A big congratulations to Karen and    September of 2021 with over 19
                                             Ben of Lansing, who welcomed          years of diverse experience in the
                                             baby Sofia at 1:43 a.m. on Jan. 1,    financial industry.
                                             the first Sparrow baby of 2023.
                                             The baby girl weighed in at 7
                                             pounds, 5 ounces. The baby was
                                             delivered by Attending Physician
                                             Nicole McGraw, D.O., and Medical
                                             Resident Jacquelyn Davis, M.D.,
                                             with assistance from nurses Payton
                                             Shinabery and Katrina Brook.

        McLaren Greater Lansing nurse
        Isabelle Beck was honored with                                             The Lansing Lugnuts announce
        the DAISY Award for Extraordinary                                          that general manager Tyler
        Nurses. The award is part of the                                           Parsons is departing Mid-Michigan
        DAISY Foundation’s program to                                              to become the new general
        recognize the exceptional care                                             manager of the Triple-A Durham
        nurses provide every day. Beck                                             Bulls, with assistant general
        joined McLaren this year and works                                         manager Zac Clark ascending to
        on the patient floor 7 West. Her co-                                       become the Nuts’ next general
        workers and patients speak highly                                          manager. Clark and Parsons, fellow
        of her and share that she is an                                            natives of Dansville, both graduated
        amazing nurse and co-worker.                                               from Central Michigan University
                                             Twenty-nine students from various     and went on to work together for
        The Association of Community         healthcare programs at the Wilson     the Johnson City Cardinals, where
        College Trustees (ACCT) recently     Talent Center recently placed in      Clark similarly succeeded Parsons
        held its 2022 Leadership Congress    the top eight of their respective     as Cardinals general manager after
        in New York City, with LCC Board of   categories at the HOSA-Future        Parsons joined the Lugnuts as
        Trustees, President Steve Robinson,   Health Professionals regional        GM in 2018. Clark was named the
        Benita Duncan, and Layne             competition held on Dec. 16,          2018 and 2019 Appalachian League
        Ingram in attendance. During         2022. By placing in the top eight,    Executive of the Year before joining
        the Congress, Trustee Angela         they secure a spot to attend          the Lugnuts in 2021.
        Mathews was elected president of     and compete at the HOSA State

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