Page 26 - LRCC February 2023 Focus
P. 26

MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                    FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  FEBRUARY 2023

        include hospital gowns, blades,      hospital system to offer the Lifestyle   the Michigan Flyer fleet, which
        office tables, and chairs.           Medicine Residency Curriculum.        currently provides nine daily
                                                                                   roundtrips between East Lansing,
        MSU Federal Credit Union will        The Capital Area Transportation       Brighton, Ann Arbor, and Detroit
        help make a difference for families   Authority values customer input      Metro Airport. The other two new
        and children through a $500,000      and wants to make it easier           buses are being deployed in the
        donation to the Child and Family     for its riders to be heard. The       Indian Trails charter service, which
        Charities’ (CFC) Be the Light capital   Listening Bus, a new program that   transports groups of all kinds from
        campaign. The donation, made         gives passengers a voice while        anywhere in Michigan, Ohio, and
        through the credit union’s Desk      commuting, launched Jan. 30,          Indiana to whatever destinations
        Drawer Fund, is allocated over the   2023 aboard select CATA buses         they choose in the continental U.S.
        next five years to boost behavioral   staffed by CATA representatives.     or Canada.
        health, child abuse prevention, and   Riders have the opportunity to
        children’s welfare services.         conveniently share constructive       E.W. Sparrow Hospital and
                                             feedback about their experiences      Sparrow Specialty Hospital are
        To mark its 15-year anniversary,     with CATA services as they travel to   easing their inpatient visitor policy
        EDGE recently donated $20,000 to     their destinations. For a detailed list   and lessening restrictions on seeing
        Child and Family Charities’ Be the   of departure times and locations      patients. Visitors during regular
        Light campaign. The campaign will    and for more information about        visiting hours (8 a.m. to 8 p.m.)
        create a comprehensive services      Listening Bus, visit        are no longer required to check
        campus and expand Child and          listeningbus.                         in at the registration desk in the
        Family Charities (CFC) programs                                            hospital lobby. Only two visitors will
        to reach more families, children     Sparrow and its four UAW              continue to be allowed in a patient
        and teens locally and throughout     bargaining units have approved        room at any given time. Visitors
        Michigan. Throughout the years,      new contracts that extend to Nov.     must be 12 or older on all units,
        EDGE has worked hand-in-hand         30, 2025, and include a clause for    and those ages 12 to 17 must be
        with CFC on strategic marketing,     an additional one-year extension.     accompanied by an adult. Covid-
        public relations, and branding.      The contracts impact about 2,200      positive patients are now allowed
        The partnership between the two      caregivers, including those in        unlimited visitors a day, but with a
        organizations has spanned the past   Support Operations; Food and          maximum of one at a time. l
        decade.                              Nutrition Services; Facilities;
                                             technicians who work directly with
                                             patients in Respiratory Therapy,       Don't Miss These 2023
                                             Radiology, Physical Therapy, and
                                             Pharmacy; and many caregivers          Signature Events!
                                             who support Sparrow Specialty
                                             Hospital. The previous contracts
                                             expired on Nov. 30, 2022.               March 2
                                                                                      former U.S.
                                                                                      Rep. Mike
        Lifestyle medicine is based on six                                            Rogers
        pillars that affect health. These are
        nutrition, physical activity, stress                                         May 10
        management, restorative sleep,                                                Lansing     Rogers
        social connection, and avoiding                                               Regional
        risky substances such as tobacco,                                             Chamber
        drugs, or excessive use of alcohol.                                           of Commerce Annual Dinner
        While the concept of lifestyle       Indian Trails, Inc., has just added      at the Kellogg Hotel &
        medicine isn’t new, up-and-coming    five new Prevost 56-passenger            Conference Center
        doctors are just starting to learn   motorcoaches to its fleet for the
        how much lifestyle medicine can      comfort and safety of passengers        August 15
        impact chronic diseases in their     at a cost of nearly $3 million or        Lansing Open at Eagle Eye
        patients during their residency      $600,000 per bus. Three of the           Golf Course
        education. McLaren is the largest    new coaches are designated for

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