Page 23 - LRCC February 2023 Focus
P. 23                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

        industry and their clients. Agents                                         DISTINCTIONS
        earning this award have tangible
        evidence that the products they sell                                                        Theresa Casey,
        will meet the client’s needs.                                                               co-owner of
                                                                                                    ProRoma, has
        Publicom Inc., a full-service                                                               been nominated
        marketing communications firm,                                                              as the 2023
        won six national awards in the 39th                                                         Board Chair of
        Annual Healthcare Advertising                                                               the Experience
        Awards competition for excellence                                                           Marketing
        in healthcare marketing and                                                                 Association.
        advertising: Gold Award: Annual                                            Casey            Having served
        Report, “Strategic Plan” for Aging   Sparrow’s manager of behavioral                        on the board
        with Dignity; Gold Award: Special    health has been recognized with       for the last four years, she is
        Video (Over 2 minutes), “Orientation   E.W. Sparrow Hospital’s first-      thrilled to step into this role
        Station Overview Video” for          ever DAISY Leader Award for her       and serve the organization. She
        HL7 International; Gold Award:       continued compassion and passion      hopes to help build into the value
        Vaccination Promotion, “What If?”    for people struggling with mental     that the association provides
        for Smile America Partners; Silver   illness. Beth Creamer, who works      to its members, as well as grow
        Award: Email Creative, “Disappearing   at the Behavioral Health unit at the   awareness and the membership
        Cavities” for Smile America          E.W. Sparrow St. Lawrence Campus,     base. The Experience Marketing
        Partners; Silver Award: Professional   has been a mental health nurse for   Association is a national group of
        Recruitment Program, “Red Letter     decades and goes above and beyond     business owners and professionals
        Day” for Smile America Partners;     to ensure patients receive leading-   who provide experience marketing
        and Merit Award: Professional        edge care. She works diligently to    services.
        Recruitment Program, “Income         keep patients and caregivers safe
        Stream” for Smile America Partners.   while providing compassionate care.  U.S. News & World Report, the

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