Page 18 - LRCC February 2023 Focus
P. 18

The Culture of Care & Belonging: LEADERSHIP IN THE DEI JOURNEY

        Building a Culture of Care:                             Dr. Bailey says organizations that successfully create a
        The Importance of Trust                                 culture where employees experience a sense of belonging
                                                                have an atmosphere where employees can show up as
        The foundation of a strong culture is trust, which      their authentic selves. That means feeling free to show
        requires a long-term commitment. Dr. Bailey says        up in their cultural, ethnic and gender identity. When an
        leaders foster greater trust when                                           employee has to hide who they
        they are willing to listen and seek                                         are, the company will not get
        feedback from team members                                                  the best employees have to offer.
        and other stakeholders, including                                           Organizations need to develop
        customers. She also points to the     We had to do multiple                 strategies and support systems
        importance of encouraging more                                              where there is a culture of care
        coaching, providing resources         things at the same time.              for everyone. Involving employees
        for employees to be successful                                              in decision making and strategic
        and staying true to their word —      First, putting our staff              planning for the organization are
        putting words into action. Greater                                          essential. Dr. Bailey also stresses the
        trust builds more engagement.         through extensive DEI                 importance of benefits packages
                                                                                    that include emotional wellness
        “When trust is established,          training and then a DEI                and mental health initiatives,
        individuals bring their best                                                training and development and
        selves to work,” said Dr. Bailey.      Roundtable and DEI                   support for educational needs.
        “Employees tend to be more
        creative, collaborative, and excel   Education series for our               “Whenever an individual feels they
        in leadership, when they have                                               are valued they show up greatly,”
        a greater sense of individual        members. We made sure                  said Dr. Bailey. “They show up in
        well-being, cultural support and                                            innovation, creativity and ingenuity.
        work in an environment where           that not only were we                They will go above and beyond for
        belonging are established.”                                                 an organization that respects and
                                              educated internally but               honors them.”
        One of the ways TechSmith
        encourages trust in its culture      also were able to provide              Ashlee Willis says organizations can
        is through two “work from                                                   enhance that sense of belonging
        anywhere months” in January                                                 by recognizing how team members
        and July where team members        education and training for               talents are contributing to progress,
        literally can work from wherever                                            celebrating milestones and making
        they choose, in accordance with     both business owners and                sure that inclusive leadership exists
        company guidelines. Massey says                                             at all levels of the organization. She
        the program is designed to give            their employees.                 also stresses the importance of
        employees increased flexibility.                                            team member support.
        The company also encourages
        experiments, where team members suggest new ideas      “Organizations can provide a welcoming and safe
        that are implemented on a temporary basis. If it works,   environment for employees by creating employee
        the idea is implemented permanently.                    resource groups (ERG). This allows organizations to
                                                                create a stronger connection with other team members.
        “People know you are going to live up to your word,”    It creates an environment where people feel confident
        said Massey. “That’s how to you keep innovation. That’s   and secure because they have the support from team
        how you keep people from different background and       members with similar interest and backgrounds to foster
        cultures engaged.”                                      collaboration,” said Willis.
        Building a Culture of Care: Enabling a                  Creating a sense of belonging is also good for business.
        Sense of Belonging                                      Organizations with a substantial DEI commitment average
                                                                a 20 percent increase in their overall revenue. 33 percent of
        Roughly 40 percent of Americans feel physically and     employees tend to stay when there is a sense of belonging
        emotionally isolated in the workplace, according the    environment. Millennials report they want to be part of an
        Belonging Barometer Study from the Center for Talent    organization with a strong DEI commitment.
        Innovation. The study goes on to report that employees
        who have a sense of belonging and inclusion in the      The DEI Leadership Journey Continues
        workplace are 3.5 times more likely to contribute to
        their full potential.                                   LRCC has numerous programs that provide education,

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