Page 16 - LRCC February 2023 Focus
P. 16
The Culture of Care & Belonging: LEADERSHIP IN THE DEI JOURNEY
work and therefore perform at their highest Like it has been for many organizations, the
possible levels,” said Webb Sharpe. killing of George Floyd by a white police
officer in 2020 was a pivotal moment in the
Despite the challenges presented by the COVID DEI journey for Highfields. After 60 years of
pandemic, TechSmith continued to grow its providing opportunities for children, youth
role as a global leader in screen recording, video and families, Highfields CEO Brian Philson
editing and screen capture software. TechSmith and his team knew they had to take a stand,
hired 100 people during the pandemic which one that was meaningful and impactful.
caused its own set of challenges in building
a cohesive team as people were physically Massey “I wanted more than a statement that we
separated for 2 and ½ years. threw on the website and social media and
called it good,” said Philson. “We need to take
“We almost had to go back and start over the whole journey beyond that.”
at ground zero,” said Michelle Massey,
Techsmith’s vice president, community and Highfields brought in consultants who led
customer operations. the team of 30 leaders on a transformation
leadership journey that met every other week
TechSmith focused on building engagement for 16 weeks, four hours at a time. Leaders
by pulling numerous resources from the were asked to complete self-assessments as
community. Massey tapped into business and it relates to individual biases. The next phase
non-profit organizations to bring in speakers Philson was the creation of the Highfields DEI Council
for Lunch & Learns. She also took team which was established with the assistance
members on technology-oriented tours around the of the diversity leadership team at MSU Federal
Michigan State University Campus where TechSmith Credit Union. All Highfields staff went through a six-
recently opened its new corporate headquarters. The session training experience on their DEI commitment,
company has also revamped their job descriptions to language and philosophies.
be more inclusive, removing gender nuances and other
biases so that people feel welcomed to apply. For the most part, Highfields team members embraced
the extensive DEI training. There were pockets of
TechSmith has also tapped into its video expertise to resistance, some due to the impact on already busy
create innovative ways to make stronger connections schedules. Philson set out to identify the barriers that
and communications between management and were causing some reluctance.
team members throughout the organization. Leaders
in the organization regularly communicate important “In every case there is an individual story, barrier or
messages via video and team members can choose historical event or activity in their life that impacted
to watch the message when it is convenient. Team their moving forward,” said Philson. “We just had to
members can submit questions anonymously and/or meet them where they were.”
attend a follow-up meeting where team members can
ask questions and delve more deeply into the topic. The next phase of the Highfields DEI journey will be to
take a deep dive into policies and procedures and HR
“It holds the leadership’s feet to the fire,” said Massey. “It practices and how to grow the role of the newly formed
makes them more transparent and gives that feeling of DEI Council.
Peckham, TechSmith and Highfields reflect the DEI
TechSmith also has its eye on promoting DEI in the journey that has been undertaken by organizations
workforce of the future, particularly by promoting throughout the region. They are at different stages
the growth of STEM education for girls. Technology and have encountered different challenges along the
remains a white male dominated industry, something way. Their leaders understand the commitment it
TechSmith and Massey are committed to helping takes and the foundational characteristics of what true
change. commitment to DEI looks like, including creating more
connections, building trust and creating a sense of
“We are bringing groups together that are underserved belonging.
and underrepresented, from a race and gender
perspective and all different nationalities,” said Massey.
“We are not just looking at the best pool of workers Building a Culture of Care: Creating
that is out there today but we are looking at creating More Connections with Employees
that diverse pool that are going to be the workers of
tomorrow.” Genuine relationships within a company can help