Page 19 - LRCC February 2023 Focus
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tools and resources on diversity, equity, inclusion and allow those members to implement strategies taught
belonging. The LRCC plans to continue its Business in our programs plus be able to connect owners and
Roundtables - connecting private and public sector their employees with DEI professionals who can provide
leaders throughout the region; Leadership Lansing additional support.”
- which is designed to develop and equip the next
generation of diverse community leaders in the region; If you are a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion facilitator
and continue DEI Executive roundtables - a 12-month and would like to be a potential speaker for LRCC
program to prepare leaders to implement social change DEI programs, please reach out to Ashlee Willis
within their organizations, enhance their role as inclusive
leaders, and provide substantial business growth and
success tools. LRCC has a DEI committee that meets For more information on DEI Executive Roundtable, visit:
throughout the year to provide guidance on making
diversity, equity, and inclusion integral in the Chamber’s
organizational structure, policies, resources, and program Daman says the LRCC DEI journey and been both
delivery. The Chamber’s DEI Committee consists of wonderful and eye-opening. During professional
individuals that are passionate as well as professionals development sessions, team members have had a
within the DEI space. lot of laughs, serious conversations and a few tears
along the way.
Among the new DEI tools LRCC plans to provide
members in the coming year are an online tool kit “It allowed us as a team to build a tight bond and build
as well as a DEI Resource guide and access to trained more trust,” said Daman. “We learned early on that we
professionals in the DEI space who can provide weren’t going to walk out of one session and feel you
training expertise. understand everything there is about DEI. You have
to see how it builds over time. It has to be a long-term
“We understand that not every business owner is able to commitment. We are all very proud of the work we’ve
come to an in-person education program,” said Japinga. done. We also understand we have a long way to go to
“We want to be able to provide an online tool kit to continue to have a broader impact.” l
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