Page 14 - LRCC February 2023 Focus
P. 14
W Culture of resource allocation
and they lead by
the organization can
see, not just through
When the Lansing example. The rest of
Regional Chamber Care & words, but through
of Commerce (LRCC) actions where the
announced a major company’s priorities
commitment to Belonging are.”
diversity, equity and
inclusion (DEI) in 2021, The mission of
there were several the LRCC DEI
realities that were LEADERSHIP IN THE commitment has
immediately evident: been to actively work
a successful DEI DEI JOURNEY to make diversity,
strategy is not only equity and inclusion
important for every a priority for the
organization, but it business community
is equally critical to by developing tools
build an equitable and and opportunities
inclusive region; the that promote
DEI commitment had diverse and inclusive
to go much deeper business practices in
than lip service or a the Greater Lansing
superficial pledge region. LRCC has
in reaction to high worked to support
profile incidents that mission through
that heightened the several strategies:
call for social and
racial justice; and • Executive
the most important Roundtables
ingredient to long- offering CEOs and
term success required small business
committed leadership owners the
at every level of the opportunity to
organization and confidentially
the region. discuss best
practices, equity
“It would be very easy to have businesses and tools and approaches to strengthening DEI in their
organizations look a lot like the leader or leadership organizations;
team,” said Tim Daman, president & CEO, LRCC. “It takes
a commitment and a strategy to achieve intentional • The Institute of Programs which offers DEI courses
goals. If you don’t have the commitment of the CEO and to teams for professional and organizational
leadership team, you are going to struggle.” development.
“A leader's active role conveys a message throughout the The COVID pandemic created an atmosphere where
company,” said Dr. Tonya Bailey, owner and founder of employees felt a need for a greater sense of belonging
TCB consulting, having spent 30 years in the Diversity, and flexibility. In that sense, LRCC DEI commitment
Equity & Inclusion arena as well as in higher education. met a need that organizations of all sizes understood
“The leaders are the ones who can infuse DEI into the needed to be addressed.
fabric of their organization’s operations causing the
employees and the rest of the organization to follow “Leaders are looking for ways of making sure their
suit.” workplace is inclusive and that there is a sense
of belonging especially considering the shifts in
“Leaders set the tone and the priorities for the how work is taking place,” said Ashlee Willis, CEO,
organization,” said Lisa Webb Sharpe, chief operating Michigan Premier Events, who manages events for the
officer for Lansing-based Peckham. “Leaders determine Chamber including the DEI programs. “We have seen