Page 15 - LRCC February 2023 Focus
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a tremendous number of members wanting                           disabilities and other barriers to employment
        education and resources such as facilitators to                  each year. Their mission is to provide a
        come into their workspace to help align their                    wide range of opportunities to maximize
        DEI structure.” Ashlee Willis has played a key                   human potential for persons striving for
        role in helping to incorporate the foundation                    independence and self-sufficiency. In 2022,
        for diversity, equity, equity and inclusion at the               LRCC and LEAP named Peckham the first
        Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce.                            recipient of the annual Diversity Star Award.

        The LRCC DEI commitment gained                                   The individuals Peckham serves (team
        momentum as organizations already deeply           Daman         members) are a diverse group from many
        engaged in the DEI journey immediately                           partnering agencies and the greater
        stepped forward and embraced the program.                        community. They offer more than 30
        MSU Federal Credit Union and AT&T Michigan                       different rehabilitation and human services
        signed on as major co-sponsors of the effort.                    programs from art creation, career planning,
        Several other organizations joined as partners.                  pre-employment screening, facility-based
                                                                         training, youth programs, and organizational
        The LRCC soon made the commitment to                             employment to residential services. Minorities
        go through the DEI development process                           represent 48% of their workforce, with
        themselves as a team. At the same time they                      52% of their team members being women,
        launched their internal DEI development,                         and some lines of business having a 60%
        several external programs were launches             Bailey       female population. Nearly 55% of their
        including Executive Roundtables, a number                        team members are non-English speakers
        of different programs and professional                           in their Manufacturing division. More than
        development opportunities, delivered                             half of Peckham’s C-Suite is comprised of
        numerous communications through Focus                            individuals with disabilities. Webb Sharpe
        magazine and the LRCC social media platforms,                    says persons with disabilities bring richness
        refocused efforts around ATHENA Lansing and                      to an organization in many ways, especially
        the professional growth and development of                       in encouraging more creative approaches
        women leaders, launched a DEI committee and                      to problem solving. Many times, changes
        recently celebrated its fourth year in partnering                made to accommodate team members with
        with the MLK Commission of Mid-Michigan             Willis       disabilities end up benefitting the entire
        and the Lansing Economic Club during Black                       workforce, something the COVID pandemic
        History Month in February.                                       served to illustrate.

        “We had to do multiple things at the same                       “Practices such as providing mental health
        time. First, putting our staff through extensive                 support and benefits, or sharing and
        DEI training and then a DEI Roundtable and                       promoting mental wellness activities can
        DEI Education series for our members,” said                      serve employers and employees well,” said
        Steve Japinga, LRCC senior vice president,                       Webb Sharpe. “Throughout the pandemic,
        public affairs. “We made sure that not only                      employers also learned about the mental
        were we educated internally but also were          Japinga       health challenges that so many of their
        able to provide education and training for                       employees were experiencing. Often times,
        both business owners and their employees.”                       having a quiet room or more reflective
                                                                         space where people can collect, or re-center
        Profiles in DEI Leadership                                       themselves can allow people who may suffer
                                                                         with anxiety or those who have autism and
        Organizations of all shapes and sizes                            are experiencing sensory overload to take a
        throughout the region and from a diverse                         brief break, and then come back and be much
        number of industry sectors are shining                           more productive.”
        examples of what a whole-hearted
        commitment to DEI should look like. The                          Webb Sharpe says that organizations seeking
        success stories are numerous, all coming with    Webb Sharpe     to build a more inclusive culture first need to
        different challenges and serving as models for                   understand who they employ and what type
        other embarking on the DEI journey.                     of people they want to attract to the organization.

        Peckham is a large nonprofit vocational rehabilitation   “Listen to employees as they describe what they believe
        organization that provides jobs and training            fosters a positive work environment, one where they
        opportunities to more than 5,000 individuals with       feel they belong and can bring their authentic selves to

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