Page 26 - LRCC February 2022 Focus
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NEW HIRES he received his Juris Doctor and account executive; Becca Pensyl
became a licensed attorney. He joins the Lugnuts as director of
Harbor has recently led the HR teams at finance, entering Minor League
Strategic McLaren Lapeer Region, McLaren Baseball after previously serving
Public Affairs Health Management Group, and as accounting manager for the
is pleased to McLaren Northern Michigan. Lansing School District and internal
announce the auditor at Central Michigan
addition of Emily University (CMU); Sarah Metsky
Jeffrey Pfeifer Vandehoef has is the Nuts’ new director of food
as manager joined Tandem and beverage; Nick Lalama
of public Studios as an joins the Lansing front office as
affairs. Jeffrey intern for spring ticket operations manager at
previously 2022. Vandehoef, Jackson Field ; Marcos Martinez,
worked in the Michigan House a graphic design a Michigan State Spartan, is the
of Representatives and brings major in her Nuts’ new group sales account
experience in the grassroots and final semester executive, entering Minor League
public relations fields. He is a Vanderhoef at Lansing Baseball after working at the
University of Michigan graduate Community Julian Samora Research Institute
and is currently pursuing his College, will provide graphic design, at Michigan State University; and
master's degree there. Harbor administrative, and business the Lugnuts add a second CMU
Strategic is located at 910 W. development support. Welcome to Chippewa in Jacob Darnell, who
Ottawa Street in Lansing. the team, Emily! joins the sales department as an
account executive. Jacob grew up
Alex Craig Foster Swift Collins & Smith just outside Mount Pleasant and
EXIT Realty continues to see steady, significant is currently pursuing his graduate
Home Partners growth with two experienced degree at CMU in the sport
is happy to attorney hires in January, after administration program.
announce the adding four attorneys in the
addition of Alex fourth quarter of 2021. Attorneys AWARDS
Craig as a real Benjamin C. Dilley and Daniel S.
estate agent. Zick are joining the firm’s litigation Daryl Tilley,
Craig, a data and practice group. Dilley will practice executive
Craig systems driven from Foster Swift’s Grand Rapids director of
Lansing real office, focusing his practice on information
estate agent, loves to help people civil litigation, and commercial, technology
find their next home and sell their employment and energy law. services at
current one, while serving the Zick will be based in the firm’s Ingham
community as a part-time soldier in Lansing office. His practice focuses Intermediate
the Michigan Army National Guard. primarily on general civil litigation, School District,
and commercial, municipal, and has been
McLaren insurance defense litigation. Tilley awarded the
Greater Lansing 2021 Chief Information Officer
is pleased to Less than three months away from (CIO) Award for the Large &
announce the the return of baseball to Jackson Enterprise Division from Info-
addition of Field , the Lansing Lugnuts, the Tech Research Group. Since 2016,
Derek Peters High-A affiliate of the Oakland the Info-Tech CIO Awards have
as the new Athletics, are proud to announce recognized outstanding CIOs for
vice president three staff promotions and five delivering exceptional value to their
of human new additions to the Lugnuts’ organizations. This achievement
resources. Derek staff: April Landon, entering her demonstrates success in achieving
grew up locally 19th year with the Lugnuts, was stakeholder satisfaction, the most
in Mason, Michigan. His career promoted to Lugnuts assistant vital variable for any information
in human resources began with food and beverage director; Terry technology leader.
a labor union out of the Detroit Alapert, who joined the Nuts in
area, where he helped with labor 2018, was elevated to director of Publicom Inc., a full-service
relations. Peters joined the human creative services; Nick Bertoia, marketing communications
resources team at McLaren Greater entering his second season on firm, has earned a gold award in
Lansing. While working at McLaren, staff, was promoted to corporate the national Healthcare Digital