Page 27 - LRCC February 2022 Focus
accessible and easily understandable
to the general public and other
interested parties who do not have
a background in public finance.
This award represents a significant
achievement for LCC. To be eligible
for the PAFR Award, LCC needed to
submit its comprehensive annual
financial report to GFOA’s Certificate
of Achievement for Excellence
in Financial Reporting Program
and receive the certificate for the
current fiscal year. Each eligible
Marketing Awards competition. report is reviewed by judges who Camargo
The winning entry is an eblast that evaluate the report based on the with families, and making that
encourages an internal audience following categories: reader appeal, connection when in-person visiting
to get vaccinated against the understandability, distribution hasn’t been allowed or is limited.
coronavirus. It was judged on methods, creativity and other We have witnessed so much
creativity, marketing execution, elements. grace and calmness from Lauren;
message impact, technology her professionalism has shown
application and innovative content. McLaren Greater Lansing nurse through. Our ICU couldn’t do it
Entries were received from nearly Lauren Camargo was honored with without her. Thanks, Lauren, for
1,000 health care and medical the DAISY Award for Extraordinary being you and for being a part of
institutions across the country. Nurses. The award is part of the our team.”
DAISY Foundation’s program
The Government Finance to recognize the exceptional DISTINCTIONS
Officers Association (GFOA) care nurses provide daily. The
recently announced that Lansing nomination, submitted by Lauren’s Origami
Community College (LCC) received co-workers, read as follows: “Lauren Rehabilitation
the GFOA’s Award for Outstanding Camargo has endured this past would like to
Achievement in Popular Annual 14 months with compassion and recognize and
Financial Reporting (PAFR award). grace. Her clinical knowledge and congratulate
A PAFR extracts information expertise in supporting patients their President
from an organization’s annual during critical illness and end of & CEO, Tammy
comprehensive financial report life is second to none. Lauren has Hannah, for
to produce a summarized, shorter been creative in utilizing video her 15 years
version designed to be readily meets, consistently communicating Hannah of service as a
WE LIVE & Our decades of experience
fuel the daily know-how
BREATHE and gut instinct that help
us guide our clients towards
THIS the best fit for their business
and bottom line.
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Your best choice for
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