Page 28 - LRCC February 2022 Focus
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MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                    FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  FEBRUARY 2022

        CARF International Surveyor. CARF    BOARD OF DIRECTORS &                  are Frederick Darin, OD, retired
        International is an independent,     EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE                   optometrist who served 36 years;
        nonprofit accreditor of health and   UPDATES                               Charles Grundstrom, a retired
        human services that promotes                                               educator and school administrator
        the quality, value, and optimal                                            who served 22 years; and Sharon
        outcomes of services through a                                             Kubica, a retired educator who
        consultative accreditation process                                         served 11 years. These three have
        and continuous improvement                                                 collectively contributed nearly 70
        services that enhance the lives of                                         years of voluntary service to the
        persons served.                                                            local hospital.


        Several students from the
        Wilson Talent Center’s Health
        Foundations course recently                                               Tucker            Bean
        competed in HOSA Future Health
        Professionals regional competition                                                         Maner
        and have advanced to the state                                                             Costerisan, a top
        leadership conference. The regional                                                        regional business
        competitions were held virtually in                                                        consulting
        December, and the state leadership                                                         and public
        conference will take place at the                                                          accounting firm
        Grand Traverse Resort from Feb.                                                            based in Lansing,
        24-25. The following students                                                              announced
        placed in the top 10 in the regional                                      Rathbun          various
        competition, which advances                                                                promotions and
        them to the state leadership                                               welcomed several new faces. Bill
        conference: Elizabeth Washington                                           Tucker, CPA and audit partner,
        (Waverly), dental terminology;                                             was named to the firm’s board of
        Alyssa Browning (Holt), medical                                            directors. Bill brings more than 20
        terminology; Nariyah Conway                                                years of experience specializing
        (Holt), medical terminology;                                               in government and nonprofit
        Lauren Keener (Haslett), medical                                           auditing and consulting to Maner
        terminology; Jessey Adams                                                  Costerisan. Courtney Bean, CPA,
        (Williamston), nutrition; Abby                                             was promoted to senior manager
        McCartney (Holt), physical therapy;                                        in the firm’s audit department.
        Ava Campbell (Fowlerville), sports                                         A graduate of Central Michigan
        medicine; Mackenzie Dalton                                                 University with bachelor’s degree
        (Stockbridge), sports medicine;                                            in business administration/
        Addison Minott (Mason), sports                                             accounting and Master of Business
        medicine; Bailey Bartrum                                                   Administration in value-driven
        (Stockbridge), prepared speaking;                                          organization, Courtney began
        Sydney Hagelberger (Dansville),                                            her career with Maner in 2012.
        research poster; and the team of                                           She supports the firm’s cannabis,
        Janayla Edwards (East Lansing),                                            nonprofit, and affordable housing
        Rofaida Musa (Lansing Sexton),       Three outgoing Sparrow Eaton          clients. Amber Rathbun, CPA, was
        Emelia Johnson (East Lansing)        Hospital board members were           promoted to senior manager in tax.
        and Kristine Li (Mason), biomedical   honored for their years of service   Amber joined Maner in 2014 and
        debate.                              at a recent celebration dinner.       supports the firm’s nonprofit team.
                                             The departing board members           She graduated from Michigan

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