Page 30 - LRCC February 2022 Focus
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MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                    FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  FEBRUARY 2022

        (RMHMM) applied for a Jackson        community as part of its A Simple     will support things such as video
        Community Grant to fund a phone      Gift: Community Tree Program.         connections between Sparrow’s
        and family communications            This year, the foundation extended    various sites, for example allowing
        upgrade project. Jackson National    the invitation to participate in      a physician at Sparrow Hospital in
        Life Insurance Company awarded       the Greater Lansing community.        Lansing to connect with a patient
        RMHMM $29,000 to support their       Each group received a three-foot      at Sparrow Ionia Hospital. It will
        upgrade to an internet-enabled       artificial tree from the foundation   also fund efforts such as a virtual
        telecommunications system. This      and worked together to decorate       stethoscope, permitting a physician
        change will help the House meet      and shop for items to share with      at one site to listen to the heart of a
        higher guest satisfaction goals, as   a charity, family, or individual.    patient at another location.
        families will now be able to make    Nearly 50 groups participated in
        calls to their network of support    the program and donated to local
        systems across the United States,    charities, as well as families or
        Canada and Mexico in addition to     people in need.
        local numbers. The upgrade will
        also reduce IT equipment and
        service costs, saving RMHMM over
        $6,620 annually.

                                                                                   Origami Rehabilitation
                                                                                   celebrated six months of creating
                                                                                   opportunities and transforming
                                             If you passed the Lansing Center on   lives at their new satellite
                                             your way to Silver Bells in the City,   location, Origami West. Origami
                                             you likely saw artwork that LAFCU     West opened in June 2021 and
        Students in the National Technical   is sharing to raise awareness of the   is located at 137 S. Marketplace
        Honor Society at the Wilson Talent   importance of love and equality.      Blvd. in Lansing. Origami West
        Center held a donation drive to      The 10 pieces of art projected        offers the same outpatient
        make the holidays more cheerful      on the Lansing Center’s exterior      services available at their Mason
        for the teen moms and babies         east-facing wall are of healing       location, such as physical therapy,
        residing at Angel House. The         words depicted by area residents      occupational therapy, speech-
        students purchased and collected     for LAFCU’s Love & Equality Art       language pathology, psychiatry,
        several new items, including         Initiative. The words are love,       psychology, drivers’ rehab,
        clothing, toys, diapers and personal   humanity, change, peace, kind,      and more. Origami provides
        care items for the residents and     empathy, unity, one, hope and heal.   comprehensive rehabilitation for
        their infants. The items were                                              children, adolescents, and adults
        delivered to Angel House on Friday,   Sparrow Health System has            with neurological, developmental,
        Dec. 17, 2021, just in time for the   received a $586,000 federal grant    mental health, and orthopedic
        holidays.                            to purchase telehealth equipment,     conditions.
                                             primarily aimed at expanding
        With the holidays in full swing,     patient access and leading-edge       MSUFCU employees raised
        the McLaren Greater Lansing          medicine for areas served by          $52,349 for local organizations
        Foundation teamed up with local      community hospitals in Carson         during the third quarter of 2021.
        businesses, civic organizations and   City, Charlotte, Ionia, and St. Johns.   Employees chose New Hope Pet
        hospital departments to spread       Sparrow had the top application       Rescue in Charlotte, Mich., as
        holiday cheer across the mid-        in Michigan and was among 62          their third-quarter charity partner,
        Michigan community. For 11 years,    healthcare facilities nationwide that   raising $43,152 through internal
        McLaren Greater Lansing (MGL)        received funding by the Federal       fundraising initiatives, including
        departments have come together       Communications Commission in          dress-down days and raffles. They
        to decorate and donate trees and     the second round of its COVID- 19     also raised $9,197 for Capital Area
        gifts to charities and families in the   Telehealth Program. The funding   United Way (CAUW), the Credit

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