Page 20 - LRCC FOCUS December 2021
P. 20

MICHELLE MASSEY: 2021 ATHENA LEADERSHIP RECIPIENT ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

                                                                  The Dewpoint team getting ready to go out and install smoke
                                                                      detectors in Lansing homes for the American Red Cross.

        to network with her peers and find strong, career-      Dewpoint on various sales teams for 15 years. He says
        oriented women in leadership roles to help her develop   from his first day, it became clear that Michelle was the
        both technical and soft skills.                         business development guru for the organization.

        “I have three guiding principles. Bloom where you are   “Her ability for developing personal networks built on
        planted, carry your sunshine inside of you and think    solid relationships, paired with her gift of connecting
        twice but speak once,” said Massey.                     the dots between organizational needs, is unmatched,”
                                                                said Findlater, Dewpoint’s senior vice president. “One of
        After leaving the automotive industry, Michelle         Michelle’s favorite mantras is you should bloom where
        became part of an IT team supporting state and local    you are planted.  Meaning, seize the opportunities in
        government clients. During her tenure in this industry,   your life but always remain grateful for your present
        she was a key team member in expanding the business     situation.  Michelle is the epitome of blooming
        through developing relationships. In addition, Michelle   where she is planted. In turn, she makes us all better
        provided mentoring support for new employees to         professionally and personally.” 
        assist them in developing their careers in IT, including
        countless women in all levels of the organization.      During her tenure at Dewpoint, Michelle assisted
                                                                and led the DewGood program, which provides each
        In 2006, Michelle moved to Dewpoint she was             employee $150/year and four hours of paid time off to
        responsible for business development, marketing and     donate to the charity of their choice.
        charitable contributions. Michelle was instrumental
        in helping Dewpoint successfully transition from a     “It allowed people to invest in things that have meaning
        company that sold products to a service company. She    to them,” said Massey. “On the corporate side, we
        assisted in managing Dewpoint’s overall brand and       were able to support so many local organizations and
        the organization’s corporate image through marketing,   channel our money to where it is doing good and
        public relations and community involvement.             giving back to the Lansing community.”

        Dewpoint’s Joe Findlater had the privilege of working   Working with Joan Bauer, Stella Cash and Diana Tarpoff,
        with Michelle on multiple sales at both EDS and         Michelle became involved in 2020 Girls, a program

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