Page 22 - LRCC FOCUS December 2021
P. 22
MICHELLE MASSEY: 2021 ATHENA LEADERSHIP RECIPIENT .................................
Dewpoint receives Downtown Lansing Inc. award.
going to be on STEM for grades
K-12 and try to put in place
sustainable programming
and get partnerships in the
community that provide a
pathway for children to see
what they can achieve in STEM-
related fields.”
In addition, she is responsible
for TechSmith’s customer and
technical support teams to
maximize the impact of the
customer support experience
for customers. The move to Team Dewpoint getting ready to run in
TechSmith is also exciting Ele’s Race, a fundraiser for Ele’s Place.
because the company recently
broke ground on a new
corporate headquarters near
the MSU campus and will be get ahead or because serving on a board will look good
the first tenant in a new technology park, which is sure on the resume.
to spur additional technology growth in the region.
“Believe in the mission of that organization, then jump
Massey’s commitment to the region is extensive. in with both feet,” said Massey. “Because one day you
She has sat on boards for Ele’s Place, the Sparrow are going to look up and feel engaged and passionate.
Foundation and Michigan State University Museum. So many other things will come from that just because
She is currently on boards for the Lansing Art Gallery you did something that you loved.”
and Education Center, LRCC and Wharton Center.
Michelle believes people will succeed in doing what
Michelle’s advice to up-and-coming women seeking to they love, even though they won’t love every aspect of
make their mark in the community is to do something the job. She encourages others to latch on to what they
because you believe in it not because you are trying to do love about their work and own it. l