Page 30 - LRCC March 2022 Focus
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coach Don Schulze, returning unmatched. The awards include
hitting coach Javier Godard and Business Operations – Amanda
a trio of newcomers in assistant Carr, Client Care – DuWayna
hitting coach Craig Conklin, head Downey, Client Support – Deborah
athletic trainer Jacob Routhier and DeLong, Clinical Excellence – Anna
sport performance coach Kevin Keough, and Employee of the Year
Guild. The Lugnuts will open 2022 – Tammy Hannah.
unofficially on Wednesday, April 6,
playing the Michigan State Spartans DISTINCTIONS
in the Crosstown Showdown, before Clark Christnagel
opening the High-A Central season Dickinson Wright PLLC is pleased
at Jackson Field against the Lake environmental to announce that it has received
County Captains on Friday, April 8. scientist, a score of 100 on the Human
working as a Rights Campaign Foundation’s
EXIT Great Lakes Realty is part of the due 2022 Corporate Equality Index, the
pleased to announce that Jasper diligence team. nation’s foremost benchmarking
Stertzbach and Bobbie Ledesma Christnagel survey and report measuring
have joined its growing team holds a corporate policies and practices
of dedicated real estate sales bachelor’s related to LGBTQ+ workplace
professionals. EXIT Great Lakes degree in equality. Dickinson Wright’s efforts
Realty, located at 115 W. Lawrence Bowen biology from in satisfying all of the CEI’s criteria
Ave., in Charlotte, Michigan, is Alma College. also earn the Firm the designation
a proud member of EXIT Realty Alexsis Bowen joins as an as one of the Best Places to Work
Upper Midwest's rapidly expanding environmental scientist, working for LGBTQ+ Equality.
network of independently owned as a part of the due diligence team.
and operated brokerages across Bowen holds a bachelor’s degree Sparrow Carson Hospital is proud
the region. in geoscience from Tennessee Tech to recognize Karmen Bussell,
University. RN, and Patrick Kane, RN, as its
Kyle A. Clark joins Triterra Caregivers of the Quarter. Bussell
as the director of industrial AWARDS and Kane were nominated for their
hygiene, working out of the quick efforts in life-saving patient
Grand Rapids office. Clark Origami Rehabilitation would like care by helping a patient having
holds a bachelor's degree in to congratulate this year’s Annual a stroke receive urgent care in
biology with a concentration in Peer Nominated Award recipients. the Sparrow Carson Emergency
environmental health and safety The creativity, leadership, Department. The team provided
from Central Michigan University. innovation, and care these the patient with excellent care
Kathleen Christnagel joins as an individuals bring to their roles are without any delays. The incident
We’re here to help you with all three. And beyond.
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