Page 31 - LRCC March 2022 Focus
happened when a woman ran winning safety programs continue with 100 of the best banks and
into the hospital yelling that her to keep the bar high in the industry. credit unions to choose from.
husband was having a stroke at GoBankingRates is a publication
a nearby home. Bussell and Kane Chaz Carrillo that focuses on personal finance,
ran to the house with a wheelchair joined the and is “inspiring and empowering
and found the patient on the floor, David Chapman [their] audience to live richer…”
lifted him into the wheelchair, and Agency at the through their vast amount of
brought him to the emergency end of 2019, content.
department. and in just two
short years has BOARD OF DIRECTORS &
of the fastest UPDATES
The Christman Company has agents to reach
announced the promotion of Carillo profit-sharing
leaders at the construction status in company history. His
management and real estate rapid success can be attributed to
development firm’s corporate his unwavering professionalism,
headquarters in Lansing, Michigan. expertise and commitment to his
The promotions and new titles clients. With the frequent changes
include Sean Jagels, vice president, in Michigan auto reform (PIP)
project planning; John O’Toole, law over the past couple years,
senior vice president, healthcare Chaz always ensures he’s up-to-
services; Anthony Pecchio, date so he can counsel his clients Perry Kellogg
senior vice president; Chad Ross, accordingly.
vice president, finance; Amy The shareholders
(Baumer) Scoby, senior vice Michael Lilly has of Fraser
president, marketing and business been selected Trebilcock, one
development; and Don Staley, as executive of Michigan's
senior vice president and corporate director of long-established
safety director. Jagels, who joined information full-service law
Christman in 2014, is Leadership technology firms, have re-
in Energy and Environmental services (ITS) elected Michael
Design Accredited Professional at Ingham H. Perry as
Building Design and Construction Intermediate Gallagher president of
(LEED AP BD+C) certified. O’Toole, School District the firm. This
who joined Christman in 2002, Lilly (ISD). In this is Perry's fifth consecutive year
is a Leadership in Energy and role, he will oversee all information as president. Shareholder Mark
Environmental Design Accredited technology components not only E. Kellogg was re-elected to the
Professional (LEED AP) and for Ingham ISD, but the local board of directors, where he will
earned a Bachelor of Science districts the ITS department serves serve as vice president & treasurer.
in construction management, as well. Lilly will replace Daryl Tilley, Shareholder Brian T. Gallagher was
industrial technology from Eastern who will be retiring at the end of elected to the board of directors,
Michigan University. Pecchio, who February after 14 years of service. where he will serve as secretary.
joined the firm in 1997, serves Lilly has been with Ingham ISD
Christman and the Christman for over 20 years, most recently Eaton RESA invites members of
Capital Development Company. serving as director of information School Boards of Education in Eaton
Ross, who joined Christman in 2014, technology services. County to come together three
is a licensed CPA in Michigan and times per year for the Eaton County
Certified Construction Industry MSU Federal Credit Union Area School Board Association.
Financial Professional (CCIFP). (MSUFCU) has been named on On Jan. 25, Athena Antonis,
Scoby, who joined Christman in GoBankingRates’ 100 Best Banks assistant director of government
2012, develops relationships and and Credit Unions of 2022 List. relations from the Michigan
strategic partnerships to ensure GoBankingRates analyzed a variety Association of Superintendents
client satisfaction, cultivate markets of financial institutions based on and Administrators (MASA)
and enhance the company’s nine factors including number provided a legislative update and
visibility in the marketplace. Staley, of branch locations, fees, APYs, participated in a discussion with
who joined Christman in 1996, products and services offered, board members. Antonis was also
confirms the company’s award- and others, to provide consumers joined by Matthew Schueller who