Page 32 - LRCC March 2022 Focus
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has recently stepped into the role the ever-changing areas of audit manager, State of Michigan –
of director of government relations federal estate taxes and Medicaid Internal Audit Services Division.
for MASA. eligibility. Gabrielle is a member
of the State Bar of Michigan, State A host of community leaders
The McLaren Bar of Georgia, American Bar have also joined the board of
Greater Lansing Association, and Ingham County the Sparrow Foundation. New
Foundation Bar Association. members are Deborah Allen,
welcomed president-elect, Sparrow Women’s
Ruthanne January was School Board Board of Managers; Monique Field-
Sudderth as Recognition Month. During Foster, attorney, Warner Norcross &
the newest January, Mason Public Schools Judd, LLP; Melissa Herbert, former
member to recognized those individuals who VP, Support Services, Neogen Corp;
the foundation approach their volunteer work Wayne Lynn, director, Electric
board of trustees like it is a full-time job and with Transmission & Distribution,
and established extraordinary dedication to public Lansing Board of Water and
the 2022 board leadership for schools. They are citizens whose Light; and Michael McLeod, M.D.,
what promises to be a busy year decisions affect our children and surgeon, MSU Surgery, and Sparrow
of bringing the highest quality of build our community. Those serving Hospital Medical Chief of Staff-
health care to the region. Sudderth Mason Public Schools and their Elect.
is the senior vice president of years of service are: Kurt Creamer
public affairs and communication – 9 years; Liz Evans – 5 years; Eaton RESA joined 537 local and 56
for the Michigan Health & Hospital Christopher Mumby – 5 years; intermediate school districts across
Association, where she has worked Michael Kelly – 3 years; Patrick Michigan to celebrate January as
for more than 13 years leading O’Connor – 3 years; Steve Duane – School Board Recognition Month.
communications, coverage 2 years and Matt Hall – 1 year. The men and women serving on
expansion, vaccination work the Eaton RESA Board of Education
and health care workforce Noted business, higher education, are: Max Baxter, president from
development efforts. and medical leaders have been Charlotte; Debbie Roberts, vice
appointed to the Boards of president from Eaton Rapids; Jack
Directors of various boards that Temsey, secretary from Potterville;
govern Sparrow Health System Mark Rushford, treasurer from
and its subsidiaries. Kelly Preston, Maple Valley and Denise DuFort,
president of Capital Steel and trustee from Grand Ledge.
Wire, has joined the board that
governs the entire health system. PEOPLE NEWS
Joining the Sparrow Hospital
Board are: Jeanette Wrona Origami
Klemczak, MSN, BSN, RN, FAAN, Rehabilitation
healthcare workforce consultant, would like to
Murshak Lawrence
Lansing Community College; congratulate
Loomis, Ewert, Parsley, Davis LaKeeya Tucker, D.O., Sparrow occupational
& Gotting, P.C. is pleased to Hospital Medical Chief of Staff and therapist Anna
announce that Mikhail Murshak physician, Alliance OB/GYN. Wael Keough on
and Gabrielle Lawrence have Salman, M.D., an internal medicine her recent
been elected as shareholders of physician with Owosso Medical certifications;
the Lansing-based firm. Mikhail Associates, has joined the board of Keough Dementia
specializes in general intellectual Sparrow Care Network. Care Certified
property counseling including Specialist and Interactive
patent and trademark strategy A trio of leaders have become Metronome Certified. Anna
and acquisition. Mikhail is a members of the Sparrow Women’s currently serves on the advisory
registered patent attorney with Board of Managers. The new board for the Brain Injury
the USPTO, a member of the members are Vicki Belloli, Association of Michigan's Lansing
State Bar of Michigan, and the volunteer and past president chapter and was recently
Ingham County Bar Association. of the Sparrow Hospital Guild; recognized with an award for
Gabrielle specializes in probate, Cheryl Benjamin, certified clinical excellence by her Origami
estate planning, and trust and travel ambassador, retired state peers. Anna's commitment to
probate administration, family law, of Michigan Human Resources; positive client outcomes shines
and has helped clients navigate Daphne Hobson, CPA, retired through in all she does.