Page 33 - LRCC March 2022 Focus
P. 33


                                             COMPANY NEWS                          National Bank. Constructed in 1991,
                                                                                   the 3,932-square-foot building
                                                                                   features offices, and a three-lane
                                                                                   drive through. The building is
                                                                                   situated on 5.41 acres.

                                             Throughout the year, PFCU
                                             employees volunteer to participate
                                             in jeans days to raise funds for
                                             charities. The monies collected are
                                             donated each quarter to a charity
                                             chosen by PFCU staff. The most        Attari           Lawrence
                                             recent recipient is the Jacob’s       Lansing Community College (LCC)
                                             Ladder Foundation of Portland.        held its Coalition for College and
                                             PFCU employees have proudly           Career Readiness (C3R) Summit on
                                             donated $7,228 to Jacob’s Ladder,     Jan. 27. The C3R Summit focused on
                                             which exists to provide practical     the Michigan Reconnect Program,
                                             help to families in the community     which provides tuition assistance
                                             who are impacted by miscarriage,      for Michigan residents over the
                                             stillbirth or infant loss. Pat & Carolyn   age of 25 to return to school.
                                             Heckman founded Jacob’s Ladder        Speakers included the Michigan
                                             Foundation in their son Jacob’s       Department of Labor and Economic
                                             memory. Their hope is that Jacob’s    Opportunity’s Ava Attari and LCC
                                             passing will provide an opportunity   student Mariah Lawrence, who is
            A Leadership                     to serve the community of Portland    attending LCC through the Michigan
             Book with a                     by helping families heal from         Reconnect Program. Panelists at the
                                                                                   Summit included LCC’s Academic
                                             the death of their children by
         TWIS T                              establishing and maintaining a        Success Coach Erin Matesich and
                                                                                   Interim Associate Dean of Student
                                             communal place of burial. Jacob’s
                                                                                   Affairs Mike McGinnis. Also joining
                                             Ladder Foundation provides a burial
                                             place, at no cost, in Portland City   the panel were CEO of Capital Area
                                             Cemetery for families who suffer      Michigan Works! Carrie Rosingana
                                             miscarriage, stillbirth and infant loss.   and Michigan Reconnect Navigator
                                                                                   at the Michigan Department of
                                             Martin Commercial Properties,         Labor and Economic Opportunity
                                             a leading privately-owned real        Allen Chung.
                                             estate services and development
                                             company, facilitated the sale of a    The Greater Lansing Convention
                                             freestanding, single-story building   and Visitors Bureau is proud to
                                             at 2260 Jolly Oak Road in Okemos,     announce its 2022 board officers:
                                             Michigan. Located in a desirable      Cindy Bowen, CHA, CTA, chair
                                             mixed-used corridor, the property     - Crowne Plaza Lansing West;
                                             will be the new home for BBK Fine     Marcus Kirkpatrick, vice-chair -
                                             Jewelry, transforming the former      Delta Charter Township Parks &
                                             PNC Bank branch location into a       Recreation; Kellie Dean, secretary/
                                             purveyor of diamonds and custom-      treasurer - Dean Transportation/
         Author: Ross Woodstock              designed jewelry. The property        Dean Trailways; Eric Sudol, CTA,
              Executive Coach and            was sold by PNC Bank to BBK Fine      past-chair - East Lansing Marriott
             Leadership Consultant           Jewelry who requested rezoning        at University Place; Kenric Hall,
                Available on Amazon          from professional office to retail. The   CTA - Radisson Hotel Lansing at
                                             request is pending with Meridian      the Capitol; Dorothy E. Maxwell,
                                             Township. Funding for the building    MPA, CTA - Max Weingar Group;
                                             sale was provided by Capital          Tyler Parsons - Lansing Lugnuts;

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