Page 21 - 2023 April FOCUS Magazine
P. 21
Mobile Stage for Rent
LRCC Joins U.S. Chamber
to Oppose FTC Ban on
Noncompete Agreements
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) proposed a rule
24' x 16' stage area Backdrop included
Delivery available Lighting and to ban noncompete agreements for all employees and
Weather resistant roof audio packages independent contractors, with no exceptions except in
Non-slip stage surface Banner design available cases between a buyer and seller of a business. The LRCC
has join the U.S. Chamber along with several business
and chambers of commerce from across the nation
opposing the FTC’s proposed rule to impose a nationwide
For more info, contact ban on almost all noncompete clauses. The FTC lacks the
Tel. 517.482.3333 constitutional or statutory authority to issue such a rule and,
in attempting to do so, the agency is improperly usurping
the role of Congress. Read the letter on this issue under
‘Current Issues’ at
WE’RE PROFESSIONALS — and it shows in everything we do. priorities.
This aligns with the LRCC policy priority focus area of
taxation and regulations.
LRCC Signs on to Permitting
Reform Effort
YOUR JOB. The LRCC has joined the U.S. Chamber supporting a
permitting reform call on Congress to Permit America
Done right. to Build by enacting meaningful, durable legislation to
modernize America’s permitting processes before the end
of the summer.
From graphic design/pre-press quickly and efficiently. But America cannot accomplish
and printing, to bindery and Why it matters: Public and private sector infrastructure
mailing — your project is projects will improve our economy and the lives of millions
in-house and under control. of Americans. Investing in highways, bridges, transit
systems, and ports will move people and goods more
tel 517.372.0268 any of this if the outdated, inefficient, and unpredictable
permitting process is not improved. Read the letter on this
fax 517.372.4922 issue under ‘Current Issues’ at
912 W. Saint Joseph | Lansing, MI 48915
This aligns with the LRCC policy priority focus area of
taxation and regulations. l
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